New Chapter for Canapes on Thursdays: Round Deux
Canapes on Thursdays: Round Deux
pokeystar13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
A second series of small bites featuring Pansy Parkinson and Harry Potter.
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About pokeystar
Member Since 2007 | 43 Stories | Favorited by 57 | 87 Reviews Written | 370 Review Responses
I am a slytherin in hufflepuff clothing.
I read therefore I am.
I write therefore I amuse myself.
Reviews for Canapes on Thursdays: Round Deux
Can I play hero and Groupie, too (better with Severus or Lucius but I won't mind if it's Harry)
Very nice. I like how he makes her laugh.
Well, I'm sure with a bit of effort and the HUGE talent that he has (*snicker*) he should be able to convinve her not to publish the story...
Heroes and groupies sounds like great fun.
Loving these tempting mis-en-bouche morsels.
Ah, but the fox gets the grapes in the end, doesn't she?
No capes? Every self respecting super hero has a cape.
Harry's in trouble. He's met his match here
Err I'm not sure I understand what Ron in a thong has to do with Hermione's and Draco's (engagement) party?
Anyway, I like it all the same.
Maybe if she tried to just be herself without any of her usual tricks he may be more interested.
Nice turn of events!
It's so sad. I feel for him, them. Because she must be as devatated.
Well, I suppose they found a way to avoid getting bored by the rain... *wink*
Does that mean Harry like it raw? I've never imagined him to be like that.