New Chapter for Not Quite Birthday Cake
Not Quite Birthday Cake
astopperindeath8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
George and Fred pull their first prank--on their ickle brother, Ron.
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About astopperindeath
Member Since 2009 | 29 Stories | Favorited by 80 | 132 Reviews Written | 919 Review Responses
Twentysomething lover of Harry Potter fic. I have served as a beta (btw, i am P.I. accredited) for many authors, and welcome the opportunity to do more. I also serve as co-moderator of the LJ community ptterpr0nprmpts along with the fantabulous tonksinger.
I've been around the fandom for a long time... probably since 2003. I've spent most of it lurking, but published some stories under an old pseudonym. Upon entering the fandom, I immediately became a fan of the Snape/Granger pairing. I prefer Hermione to be a bit older, but have been known to deviate from that preference. Other ships that I prefer include Draco/Ginny, Draco/Harry, Snape/Lupin, and Snape/McGonagall. I am open to most ships and recommendations, as ultimately it is this universe that I love.
Reviews for Not Quite Birthday Cake
LMAO!!! Totally gross and disgusting! And an absolutely perfect response to the prompt! :D
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
bahahahah awesome. however did you find this so randomly! random reviews make authors' days!
Response from linlawless (Reviewer)
It was rec'ed on Fab Fic Friday! :D (And that rec was well deserved, I might add!)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
bahahahah awesome. however did you find this so randomly! random reviews make authors' days!
Response from linlawless (Reviewer)
It was rec'ed on Fab Fic Friday! :D (And that rec was well deserved, I might add!)
Ewww. Those twins really have issues with Poo. Anyway, good job!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
yup! definitely the opposite of "u no poo," i must say... :-P. thanks for the review!
LOL, Poor Ron. Maybe that's why he's such a git sometimes!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
i agree! :) thanks for the review, hon :)
I wonder if Ron even deserves to be pitied? Naaa! Viva Fred and George!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
ahahahahaa, nice. thanks for the review!
*giggles* I loved this!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
yay! glad you weren't to traumitized :-P
You KNEW what was gonna happen! What a riot!
Author's Response: i tried to warn people :-P thanks for the review!
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
hahaha, is that a good "ew" or a why-did-you-make-me-read-that "ew" :-P thanks for the review nonetheless! :)
Response from HermioneWeasley1972 (Reviewer)
How about some of both? LOL
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
that's fair :P
Hah! I thought you'd at least try not to traumatize me!That's just.... ewwwwww.Poor Ron. (Oh no, and you made me say that!)
Response from astopperindeath (Author of Not Quite Birthday Cake)
oh come on, didn't you pull horrible pranks on your siblings or cousins? i made my brother eat a worm once :-P