New Chapter for The Sound of Magic
The Sound of Magic
karelia70 Reviews | 70 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )
Muggle authorities should know better than to mess with the wizarding world's greatest weapon, but then, they have no idea that a priestess of Avalon will never bow to them either.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for The Sound of Magic
Ley lines! Brilliant that! I'm certain that Draco will be thrilled when he learns that Louisa's animagus for is a dragon. It is perfect in its symmetry for the couple.
I can't believe there is only one more chapter. I've loved following your story and can't wait to see what Severus has been up to and to see how Narcissa and Lucius have fared. I'm really interested in what happens with Hermann and Gretl, too.
Well done.
wonderful! i can totally see minerva as the lady of the lake. delightful update. thanks and mucho smoochies
this is an amazing story and it keeps getting more exciting. thanks and smochies
Good thing Hermione enjoyed the actual waking up next to Severus part, because they sure didn't have a chance to linger and enjoy anything else. Just like that they are pulled apart. But I have faith they will be back together in no time.
I like how Severus is with Gretl. I am a sucker for daddies who dote on their little girls, and they feel to me like they have this same sort of relationship.
I was so glad to see the return of Hermann, but not in these circumstances. You must update soon!
Oh yeah, let's see what I can rustle up this time:
"Your house is alive, with the sound of typing. With more chapters for, me to read and love.
I want to hear more, of the sound of typing. So please use this song as a little shove.
My mind starts to wonder about all the wild things that may still lie ahead.
I'm so glad she found out they're only friends, not sharing a bed."
Oh dear, the Malfoys are in trouble now, that they're locked up in jail.
Please hurry you two, on this mission you just cannot fail"
Eat your heart out Rodgers and Hammerstein ;)
Oh my, I knew things were going to become dicey, but I had no idea that it would happen so quickly. It's doubly damnable because Hermione and Severus have just now come to know their joined past and future, that they have been destined by the Goddess to save their world and insure a peaceful future. It was a near miss that they were able to get away from Malfoy Manor before they and the children could be taken into custody. I'm glad that Hermione thought to wear Muggle clothing!
Now Hermione has a perilous journey ahead of her to safely deliver the children to the protection of Avalon and the Lady and to find Hermann and take him to the island, as well. At the same time Severus will have his hands full trying to safely get to the Potters and make sure they are aware of the evil that's afoot, and the he must find a way to free Narcissa and Lucius. Please let their ability to join their minds continue in those places where the normal magic has been disabled.
Hermann's thoughts clearly tell how awful it must be for him to be separated from the people he loves and who love him. I hope Draco will be found soon, too. Louisa will be inconsolable until she knows he is all right.
Thank you for such a great chapter!
:) Poor Hermann! I hope they find him soon and can fix everything!
Oh, those poor children. And everyone, actually. I can't wait for Umbridge's reckoning.
yay! finally! this henious muggle plot would have the umbitch involved, wouldn't it. great chapter thanks and smoochies
Mmm, that was lovely. A perfect ending to my night. And the bit of intrigue and danger makes for a nice spark of excitement. But, mmm, nice ending. :)
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Aw, thanks, Deb! I'm so glad it worked for you!
Yes, I know what I said last time, still..*puts on a brave smile and wishes them well*Umbridge! That figures. Hopefully that sadist in pink will fail at anything she might set her twisted mind on.Where's Hermann?*goes back to contemplating some pretty strange relations*
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Aw! *pats you*I do believe Umbridge is set up to fail finally. Or at least get her comeuppance. ;)Hermann is asleep. He'll be back in the next chapter.Thanks, as always, for your lovely review!
I absolutely loved Hermione's seeing herself with Severus during several past lives. I've always thought that together they would be unstoppable. Their talk in front of the fire was a welcome turn of events.I hope Umbridge gets what's coming to her! Thank you for this lovely update.Beth
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
I've always thought that together they would be unstoppable.Yesssss! That's exactly how I see them once they find each other!I'm sure Umbridge will get what she deserves. :DThank you for another lovely review!
I enjoyed Arabella's - if short - appearance and the powerful farewell ceremony.The journal-like comments/unspoken thoughts (is it the boy with the dark, wavy hair and are they even unspoken?) at the end of each chapter give the story the slightly eerie quality that arises when one character seems to know more than the rest, thereby superbly adding to the mystery and keeping the readers in suspense in general, and poor me worrying about Narcissa in particular.So, have some relaxing days, but please keep posting anyways!
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Eerie? That wasn't quite my intention, but for some reason, I'm happy with that description, so thank you!I wouldn't worry about Narcissa... ;)Thank you for your lovely review, and yes, I'll keep posting, lol!
The prologue is filled with mysteries and magic, just the sort of thing to capture my attention and hold it fast. I am looking forward to the coming chapters.Beth
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
So glad you liked the start, Beth! Thanks for a lovely review!
facinating, absolutely facinating. thanks and merry christmas smoochies
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Thank you!
Is Hermione going to join him? I like your Severus, softened by years away from the school and surrounded by children.
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Thank you, so glad you like it!
A very interesting story. Looking forward to learn more of Herman, I take it it is his comments that ends the chapters, who is he the son of and who is he himself. Also looking forward to learning more of Hermiones story. In short looking forward to updates on this wellwritten story. Merry X-mas to you karelia
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Glad you think so. Yes, there will be more of Hermann, and you're right about the comments at the end being his own thoughts.Thank you for your kind words and wishes. I hope your X-mas was wonderful!
This is quite different, hon. Looking forward to seeing the story unfold.
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Different from my usual? Or different in general? LOLI was amazed myself that I managed to produce something that doesn't feature music.Thanks for reviewing, love!
Response from debjunk (Reviewer)
Well, I guess a little of both!
I am really enjoying this story. The Sound of Music has always been a favorite of mine. Snape and the Captain have a lot in common. The subplot with the Avalon coven and the one with little Hermann and Gretl are interesting also. I'll be looking forward to the next chapters.
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
I'm glad you enjoy it. There was initially to be more similarities with The Sound of Music, but somehow, the Muse decided to move to Avalon. ;)
This is really intuiging. Looking forward to more!
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the beginning!
what a facinating start. i can't wait to learn more about avalon. thanks and christmas and holiday smoochies
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
:) Glad you think so!Hope your Christmas and New Year was fabulous!
Oh, this is really fascinating. I can't wait to see how it plays out.
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Thank you! Glad you liked the start!
Well, if that's what you meant by excuse, I'd say apology totally accepted ;))What an enthralling beginning. Interesting little fellow, that Hermann with the piercing blue eyes. Can't wait to learn more!
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Heh. That's exactly what I meant. :)So glad you like the start!
Oh wonderful! Can't wait to read what's coming up next :) This beginning really drew me in and had me asking lots of questions. Whose child is Hermann? What is behind the principle of inheriting offspring? What will Severus do? And I agree, a story about love is a great tribute to Annie!
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Ah, yes, the mystery of Hermann's parentage... *grins*Thank you for a lovely review!
A very interesting first chapter, you really have me hooked. Who is Herman? Who is his parents? Is the children orphans after war casulties as a whole, or orphans after Death Eaters? I am very much looking forward to read more.
Response from karelia (Author of The Sound of Magic)
Ah, yes, the mystery of Hermann's parents, eh? LOL. The children are all DEs' or former DEs' offspring.Thank you for reviewing!