Chapter 2
Chapter 3 of 11
nastygrlAfter the war, Hermione needs help, and Ron cleverly enlists Severus' help.
ReviewedA/N: Big, big thanks to my betas, Wildcatcdc and Sc010f. This story was written for the HermioneBigBang on LJ
“Harry, have a moment?” Ron asked, making his way to the podium where Harry was gathering his presentation materials. Ron noticed Professor Snape doing the same a few feet away.
The morning’s lecture on counter-intelligence had been thrilling, as well as familiar. Ron had heard it several times now; Harry and Professor Snape gave the same presentation to each new set of recruits to the Auror Department. Ron took great pride in knowing the inventions that came from WSD were making a difference in the way Aurors and Unspeakables were able to perform their jobs.
“Wotcher, Ron,” Harry said, distracted. “I didn’t know you were here. Bit old hat, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, a bit.” Ron grinned. “But I still get a kick out of it.” Ron looked down for a moment, gathering up a bit of courage. He felt Harry’s eyes on him.
“How is Pansy doing?” Ron asked. He could tell from Harry’s expression that he’d taken his friend by surprise. While the woman had been in Slytherin and had been Draco’s friend throughout school, neither took much notice of her since the end of the war. When she had signed up for Auror cadet training, they had been shocked, but pleasantly so. From the corner of his eye, Ron saw Professor Snape pause in his work. Ron smiled briefly.
“Is she making it through her classes all right?” Ron continued.
“So far, so good,” Harry answered him, his voice full of caution. Ron understood Harry’s tone, it wasnt like him to inquire after cadets enrolled in the training. In fact, Ron made it a point not to get chummy with the cadets after ‘the fiasco’ a couple of years ago. Being a war hero combined with being the COO of the company supplying them with body shields made Ron an excellent ‘catch’ and a couple of the female cadets wanted to personally ‘thank him’ for his invaluable help. Ever since, Ron had steered clear of Auror cadets.
And now, he was asking after one in particular. Harry was curious, as was Severus, although the taciturn man wouldn’t show it.
“What is going on, Ron?” Harry asked, the question burning his brain.
Ron shrugged. “Just curious, I suppose. I’ve been thinking of asking her to the annual shindig.” The ‘shindig’ was the Victory Gala held every year in May, to celebrate Voldemort’s defeat.
“WHAT?” Harry shouted.
Severus eyed the two men critically. He was sure Mr. Weasley was speaking to him as much as he was to his friend. He was unsure of why, however. He gave up the pretense of packing away his material and stood leaning against the table, his arms crossed. While Mr. Weasley did not spare a glance to his former professor, Severus knew the man was aware of his interest. He was interested in what was said next.
“And what the hell does Hermione have to say about it, huh?” Harry asked belligerently.
Ron understood Harry’s indignation, for Hermione was his sister in all ways but blood. Ron held up a hand. He would not be baited into an argument with his best friend. He needed Harry’s help.
“Harry, do you really think I would just step out on Hermione? No, don’t answer that,” Ron said firmly, knowing his friend was going to deny the accusation. “Harry, I love Hermione. There is nothing on this earth I wouldn’t do for her. But I need to do what is best for me too, mate. I’m over this war! I’m moving on with my life, and I’m trying like hell to help Hermione do the same, but she can’t. She needs help, Harry, and I’m not the one who can help her.”
From the look on his face, Harry was confused and angry, as well he should be, as would Ron, if their positions were reversed.
“You know it’s been a while since ‘Mione and I could be called a couple, Harry. As much as we love each other, if we were supposed to be married, we’d have done it by now, don’t you think?”
“So, you have any ideas who can help Hermione?” Harry asked, concern etched in the question.
Ron jerked his head in Professor Snape’s direction. Harry’s eyes grew round as he looked between him and their former teacher. While was Ron no longer was intimidated by the man, having crossed his path often enough at seminars and conventions, he still had a healthy respect for the powerful wizard.
“May I speak plainly, sir?” Ron asked, waited while Severus studied him for several long moments. Finally, he nodded slowly.
“Sir, both you and Harry have talked with Hermione. She is obsessed with this book she is writing. She has dogged you both for months. I realize you refuse to answer certain questions; this conversation is not about that. Well, it is, but not directly. Since Hermione was eleven, she immersed herself in our world; she has studied and memorized, theorized and researched, you know how she is. But for all her learning, she has not learned how to make a life in this world of ours.
“She attended school with us, fought with us during the war, and helped put our world back together, moving from one project to the next. She accepted a menial job at the Ministry, menial for her intelligence, leastways. And now she has her book. But is she living? No, she has no friends, save us. Her house came furnished by the Ministry, and she has put no effort into making it a home. She doesn’t attend Quidditch games or lectures. She doesn’t go to the theater. She shops for necessity, not for want. She is merely existing, going through the paces, but not interacting.” Ron spoke quietly, his sadness permeating his words.
“And why does Ms. Granger’s life concern me, Mr. Weasley?” Severus asked, a hint of menace in his voice.
“With all due respect, Professor Snape, the questions she desperately needs answers to are the ones you can provide. With your help, she can learn how to make a life for herself now that school and the war is over. Last night I told her that if she asks you the right questions, you would have her answers.”
Professor Snape shook his head. “I cannot give her the answers for her book, Mr. Weasley. I will not talk about that time. I’ve put it behind me, and there it shall stay.”
‘I quite agree, Professor. Those aren’t the answers to which I was referring; but of course, Hermione is still a bit stubborn. But would you help her, if she came to you? Like she has helped all of us, time and time again?” Ron couldn’t quite keep the pleading from his voice.
Harry spoke up. “Ron, what exactly is it that you want Severus to do?” Ron saw the slow look that his friend and former teacher shared.
“Would you ask her to attend the Victory Gala with you, sir? Tell her you’ve been thinking of her questions, and you would be willing to talk with her?” Ron shuffled his feet back and forth. He was no longer looking at either man. He truly felt awful for Hermione and what he was setting in motion, but he reminded himself that this must be done.
“I’ve told you, Mr. Weasley…” Severus began, but stopped when Ron looked up at him. There was pain on the man’s face, pain that he, himself, recognized. He understood that Weasley was letting go of something he held precious, and Severus was not indifferent to his pain, though he was loath to admit it. If Mr. Weasley was being truthful, and Severus was not quite sure of the man’s intentions, as yet, then perhaps he and Hermione had something in common, something they could perhaps talk about.
Harry jumped into the conversation. “Severus, would you help Hermione? She hasn’t found her place in our world. I think you, of all people, understand that.”
Severus observed Ron looking at Harry, grateful that Harry understood. Ron and Harry and Hermione, they were the Holy Trinity, of sorts. Equal, but separate, and when together, they became a force unlike any other in the history of the Wizarding world. Ron gave his best friend an encouraging smile, and together, they turned their attention to the one man who could save their sister. Severus Snape.
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Latest 25 Reviews for A Victorious Draw
169 Reviews | 8.09/10 Average
Famtastic! I love SS/HG stories where Ron is NOT the bad guy!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :)
Quite satisfying. Thank you for not telling me about their children. I always find that part rather anticlimactic in these stories. I really enjoyed Ron's side of the story very much. He's usually betrayed as less intelligent than is in cannon. He's not what Hermione needs though. I always felt that way. They would have held each other back. Thank you for helping George. Of those major characters she actually allowed to survive, I always felt he was the most injured in the war. Of course she killed Severus off before he could have one single solitary moment of peace or happiness. His was the most tragic and unfair life in the story. At least she spurred on a plethora of delightful writers who saw the need to redress his wrongs. It's 2013 and I'm still wallowing in it. Thank God for so many stories and people like you.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for your review! I was heartbroken over the death of Fred and Snape, although I saw the writing on the wall with Severus. Knowing several sets of identical twins, I am aware of the special bonds between twins, and it made sense to me that Fred and George's bond should be magical, as well, since they were wizards. I, too, thank God for all the writers who believe Severus should have been allowed redemption, peace and love after the war.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for your review! I was heartbroken over the death of Fred and Snape, although I saw the writing on the wall with Severus. Knowing several sets of identical twins, I am aware of the special bonds between twins, and it made sense to me that Fred and George's bond should be magical, as well, since they were wizards. I, too, thank God for all the writers who believe Severus should have been allowed redemption, peace and love after the war.
Damn, girl! Let's not waste any time being coy, now! He'll find knickers on the bathroom floor before he knows it. It's quite exciting. I hope he likes cats. To hell with courting. Was he a virgin? I'm asking based on what he said to himself in the previous chapter when they kissed the first time.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I never thought about Severus being a virgin, but I think not. I just don't think he ever formed an instant connection with anyone, given that he's a Slytherin.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I never thought about Severus being a virgin, but I think not. I just don't think he ever formed an instant connection with anyone, given that he's a Slytherin.
I couldn't find the artwork. : )
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I don't know if the links work or if the website is still up. I'm sorry - the artwork was gorgeous!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I don't know if the links work or if the website is still up. I'm sorry - the artwork was gorgeous!
Did she really think she was going to the Gala with Ron? I thought he'd made it pretty clear that he didn't want to be a couple, only friends. She is in a funk. It was more than a hint as far as I could understand the conversation. Now with Severus, the idea that he could be interested in Hermione has been put into his head by Ron. That could have heightened his sensitivity to the thought. I don't think Hermione heard the hint in their discussion, even though it was there, if she didn't hear him actually breaking up with her. She heard the book part, though. Well, I'm very glad Severus was the person she was with when she realized she wasn't Ron's girlfriend anymore. That ball can't come fast enough now. Of course Ron is right. These two belong together.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Ron knows his strategy! He's a brilliant chess master, and he knows each player and what moves each makes and how to manipulate those players.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Ron knows his strategy! He's a brilliant chess master, and he knows each player and what moves each makes and how to manipulate those players.
Once again, good job Ron!!!! Severus Snape, you are so awesomely brilliant and perceptive! You think about it and you'll know what to do. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for reading and your review!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for reading and your review!
Good job, Ron!!! That was smooth. I'm impressed! Poor Hermione. She'll thank him later. Now starts the Rocky Music as Hermione starts a new path. Too bad I can't think of a song I actually like to see her off on this new adventure. Obviously, I must not get out enough. Sigh... How about the music in the Lord of the Rings when the flames burst from mountain top to mountain top signaling the call for Rohan. Hermione's epiphanies can be each flame. ...I'm assuming she will have a few now. It just isn't the right song for the actual sentiment. I gotta see more movies. I definitely need to get out more as much as Hermione does, but I don't have the cheerleaders she does. I'm 52 and have no close friends, even though I'm 'perky'. I'm not like other people though, I guess. I just don't have the energy to socialize after I'm done at work mothering moms and dads all day. You'd think I'd have scads of friends. I brace myself, burn as bright as I can all day, then burn out and crawl into my bed. Chronic pain is an uncomfortable companion. Who wants to hang out with someone who hurts like hell all the time.
I'm a crusader like Hermione too. I think people at work think I'm not wrapped right sometimes. She's for the elves rights, and I'm for women's rights. These young women have no idea how far we have come and it wasn't easy. If we don't keep fighting it will go backwards. It already is. I've fallen from grace at work for my strong stand on not selling Hooter Hiders. "The Establishment" can't be all, "You're a bad mom if you don't breastfeed, and by the way; could you please cover those things up! You're making us all uncomfortable." "Fuck them all! Tell me what you want to do, Mom! I've got your back! BTW, you can get a gods damned Hooter Hider at a lot of other places, if that's what you want. Here's the website and here's the website for The Badass Breastfeeder if you don't. (Yes. It is awesomely a real website!
) You don't want to breastfeed? That's your right!" All apparently, not the appropriate corporate stance. I'm too much of a 60's and 70's style, bra burning, rabble-rouser. I need re-education, I guess. Come on Hermione! Land Snape for the both of us. I'm not going to get any action.
They certainly didn't waste any time. Why should they. They've known each other for years. I suppose one dance fulfills one's obligations to those at the Gala. There will be talk. Hehe! So he made tea just so that he could ask her why she had been afraid at the Gala? A waltz, 5 minutes of conversation is plenty of foreplay when one has been fantasizing for a week, I suppose. On to the more important part! Shall we?
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thanks for your review! Always need to keep the story moving forward, lol
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thanks for your review! Always need to keep the story moving forward, lol
Dreams can be so lovely. I have very vivid dreams and sometimes take a nap so I can dream. I hope Hermione remembers the part with Severus. She's luckier than she knows. ..."melted dark chocolate, thick and rich and deep", indeed!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I hope readers read those dreams as lessons for Hermione. Harry has moved on to find a home, and Ron knows how to live in the wizarding society, while Hermione only learned of wizards from Hogwarts - no one has prepared her for life in the wizarding world after school. Thank you for your reviews!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I hope readers read those dreams as lessons for Hermione. Harry has moved on to find a home, and Ron knows how to live in the wizarding society, while Hermione only learned of wizards from Hogwarts - no one has prepared her for life in the wizarding world after school. Thank you for your reviews!
I really like liking this Ron. He's usually portrayed as such a prat. I think we SS/HG shippers sometimes forget he's a gifted strategist. I always picture him with George. I think that is what he would have really done. Worked with George and try to help him. Family is everything to him. He might have wanted to be an Auror before the war, but after Fred's death I think he would have given that up for George. Harry would be OK now. And, he never would have ended up happy with Hermione, nor she with him. This feels more right than the book. I don't know where you have this going, but I do picture him with Lavander.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for reading and your reviews! I seem to be responding to them backwards, lolI haven't given much thought to where each character ends up, but Ron and Hermione never felt right. Ron is brilliant, but a bit of a lunkhead, and I could never imagine Hermione having the patience for him in the long run. I'd have liked to see him with someone like Pansy Parkinson - someone who has the same background as he - someone with a common background and sense of belonging. And Pansy would challenge him and his abilities.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for reading and your reviews! I seem to be responding to them backwards, lolI haven't given much thought to where each character ends up, but Ron and Hermione never felt right. Ron is brilliant, but a bit of a lunkhead, and I could never imagine Hermione having the patience for him in the long run. I'd have liked to see him with someone like Pansy Parkinson - someone who has the same background as he - someone with a common background and sense of belonging. And Pansy would challenge him and his abilities.
Oooh. What a nice tale.It's always nice to see Nice!Ron and Nice!Harry in this side of the fandom. Lovely. ♥
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! It is much appreciated.There is so much love between the three of them, I needed to be true to that.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! It is much appreciated.There is so much love between the three of them, I needed to be true to that.
I'm not usually a fan of Ron but I like the way you've written him.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thanks! I'm a big fan of Ron, just not with Hermione. :)
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thanks! I'm a big fan of Ron, just not with Hermione. :)
Loved the twist of Ron being the level-headed mastermind. It was a refreshing change from the hot-headed ron that is so commonplace in fics. Thanks!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for your review and comments!I've always liked Ron - just not for Hermione. He's an excellent chess player, which means he sees the "big picture" and plans. I thought he needed to put his skills to good use.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you for your review and comments!I've always liked Ron - just not for Hermione. He's an excellent chess player, which means he sees the "big picture" and plans. I thought he needed to put his skills to good use.
Really wonderful story!! Just long enough to really immerse myself and not so long that I am saying...OMG 25 MORE chapters! Well written thanks!!!!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Oh, thank you!! It was written for the Hermione BigBang Challenge and is archived here: included is some really wonderful artwork!!
Response from deedeebug95 (Reviewer)
I tried to visit the archive and I can not get to it for some reason. I am going to try again,Thanks!!!!
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Oh, thank you!! It was written for the Hermione BigBang Challenge and is archived here: included is some really wonderful artwork!!
Response from deedeebug95 (Reviewer)
I tried to visit the archive and I can not get to it for some reason. I am going to try again,Thanks!!!!
Just a very sweet, lovely, and romantic story. Thank you for sharing. I can now go to sleep with a smile on my face.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I am so glad you enjoyed the story! Thank you so much for offering a review after every chapter, I've a smile from ear to ear. :)I love Severus and Hermione together. I wrote this story for the HermioneBigBang a couple of years ago, and I'm so pleased that it is still being enjoyed. I don't know how you feel about Lucius/Hermione. Personally, I'm not a huge fan, but I wrote a story, No Looking Back. If you're slightly interested, check it out. Thanks again!! Dari
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I am so, so sorry it has taken so long to thank you for leaving all of these lovely comments!!I'm so glad you enjoyed the story - it was a nail- biter for me; I was so worried I wouldn't do the characters justice!I like Ron - he's funny and smart and honest, I just never saw him as a good match for Hermione. :)
How romantic.. I must finish this story tonight. Well, it technically is no longer the night since it is 1:45 am but I must continue before I go to sleep.
Sigh, to be so close, to share a breath and the slightest of kisses.. Ahhh the fireworks begin. Your take on Fred and George was very heart warming.
"Hermione indulged in a bit of self-mortification and threw her blankets over her head. She’d masturbated had gotten off to a fantasy regarding Professor Snape. Severus! " Your opening paragraph made me chuckle, I don't think I have to tell you why.
I am so looking forward to the first time they see each other again.
Sigh, you are a girl after my own heart, Those old spaghetti westerns with non other than my beloved Clint Eastwood, girl I knew I liked you right from the start.
What a lovely dream. I love how Severus comes up behind her and takes her on to the dance floor. The way he tells her that he is always there, Be still my heart.
Awww, and so it begins. I'm doing my Happy Dance!
How very Slytherin of Ron, he manipulated that scene very well. Ahhh Severus, let us see how you let down your guard. On to the next chapter.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
I'd like to think those seven years spent in school with the Slytherin's weren't wasted, lol
Interesting chapter, I enjoyed the matured Ron. I can't wait to see how H/S relationship developes.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Thank you!
Well, this is a new twist. Ron has never been anything other than annoying at best. I am looking forward to finding out how he will put his plan into action. Looks like your Ron has finally grown up, how refreshing.
Response from nastygrl (Author of A Victorious Draw)
Well, the man had to grow up some time! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review, and please accept my apologies for taking so, so long to do it!