New Chapter for Between the Sand and Stone
Between the Sand and Stone
sshg316118 Reviews | 118 Ratings, 0 Likes, 132 Favorites )
When tragedy strikes and circumstances go awry, Hermione is forced to seek the help of a reclusive Severus Snape. Brought together by a promise neither expected to fulfill, they will find that sometimes love deserves a second chance.
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About sshg316
Member Since 2006 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 376 | 199 Reviews Written | 1,365 Review Responses
Just an avid reader who somehow stumbled into HP fanfiction. I read and sometimes, I write.
Reviews for Between the Sand and Stone
Looking forward to reading about the Christmas surprise! Please come back. I hope 2016 is a year that is good to your health and inspiration.
Oooooh!!!!!! I remember this story! I was reading it on owl, but then don't know why the owl flew away, I was missing this story, searched for it, so glad you're posting here.hope you have finished it, and post it regularly. I'm Going to reread it from the start. Such a great story, loved it!
Very lovely story so far! I am glad I stumbled upon it. I hope to read more soon! :)
Strange -- I was just thinking of this story today in compiling a mental list of my All Time Favorite Elusive Unfinished Stories. And here is an update. Thank you so much. It's such a lovely story with a distinctly fresh slant on things.
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you for the lovely comments! I'm so glad you're continuing to read this story. :)
Been a long time since I visited TPP (real life having been very busy and troublesome), but what a way to revisit. Thanks for continuing this story, it's very interesting and has real emotional depth.
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Hi there! I recognize the user name. :) I'm tickled that you came back to see this story. Thank you so much!
At first I wasn't sure what to expect when Hermione ran into the Weasleys, but it didn't take long for them to let their feelings be known. I'm happy to say that Hermione was completely up to the challenge and that she was supremely supported by her friends, Severus Snape and Pansy Parkinson.I can't wait to see Severus' reaction to his gift from Hermione. This Christmas is looking to be much more promising for all of them. Perhaps the budding friendship between Hermione and Pansy and the Professor and Pansy can grow stronger.Once again "Thank you," for updating this marvelous story. You do not disappoint your readers. Hugs, Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
I'm so happy that you're already anticipating how these friendships are going to develop. Hermione is creating a new family for herself, and in the end, I think they'll all be the better for it.Thank you so much for all the lovely reviews!
...he might have been honour-bound to accept her into his home and to take charge of her care, but that did not mean he must accept her into his life... He preferred to remain unscathed when their association came to its inevitable end. I do believe the Professor cares more for his former student, who also happens to be the widow of one of his own Slytherin students, than he has been willing to admit. How long has he felt this way? How long has he been aware that he felt this way about this insufferable know-it-all? Or am I just seeing what I want to see?Pansy's advice on becoming a supportive friend to Hermione may have come as an unwelcomed shock, but his efforts have borne fruit. Hermione has come a long way from being unable to read a single page to being eager to study and discuss what she's read with Severus. The tree decorating was such a warm and funny time. It seemed to smoothe over the few remaining rough edges... until she tried to Apparate to get him a Christmas present. I would have paid good money to be able to see her two fingered salute when he had told her shat since they were friends, she could call him "Severus." “Welcome back, Hermione.” Indeed. Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you! You always manage to pick out my favorite bits. :D
Now personally I'm all for a bit of Molly-bashing - she's volatile and vengeful in canon. I look forward to some Ron-bashing too!
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
*grins* Glad you enjoyed! And yes, that's exactly why I decided this was okay--it's in-character. Thank you! And not too much Ron bashing, but I won't say we'll never see him, either ... ;)Thanks again!
I generally like the Weasleys and, of course, they are not very likeable in this story. However, it was lovely to see Severus and Pansy stand up for Hermione. I really like how the characters are developing in your story. Thanks for posting another chapter! I'm really looking forward to the next!
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you so much for all the lovely reviews! I'm glad you enjoyed the update. :)The scene with Ginny really bugged me for a long time (literally years). You know me--I've never been one to "Weasley bash," but in canon, both Ron and Mrs Weasley have been known to turn on her when she did something they didn't like. Given their history with the Malfoy family, I figured they would have a big problem with her marrying Draco. But now Ginny's gone, and we won't see her again. I make no promises about Ron, though. ;)Thanks again!
A peacock tree-topper. Too funny... and a lovely reminder of Draco. Severus has admitted that they're friends! Hooray! :D
Oh my, Hermione really is in a funk... which is totally to be expected, of course. I like your Severus; he's so much more thoughtful now that the war is over and he doesn't have to put up such a unwelcoming face to the world. He really does have his work cut out for him.
You've portrayed Hermione's grief so well... it's hard to imagine her loving someone else. However, I suppose since this is a SSHG story that eventually she will heal and move on. And pregnant! Does she even know? This makes her situation yet again more desperate! Evil author... ;)
What a foul excuse for a landlord! I almost wish Hermione had hexed him! But she's really in desperate straits now...
I was excited to see that you were updating this story! Rereading it after all this time, I remember how much I loved it--although this prologue is very sad. Even though I don't normally see Draco and Hermione together, you've written their love as very real.
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you so much, my friend. I'm so happy to hear that you're able to enjoy it again after all this time.
I'll admit I had forgotten all about this story, but it is quite nice to see a new chapter. Very good. I look forward to the next one when you are able to get to it. Thanks.
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you so much for checking out this story again after so long a time. And I appreciate your patience. :)
With all the tough love Hermione has just received from Pansy and Severus Snape, I hope she will be able to take better care of herself and the baby. As you say, she needs to grieve the loss of her husband so she can begin to grow stronger. I trust Severus will be eager to help, if he can control his emotions and the loss of his privacy. He will rise to the occasion as he always has, and I hope he will find more than he expects to find.Great chapter!!Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thanks again! And yes, you are right on all counts. :)
After some moments had passed, she sighed and said, “The baby is due in three and a half months.” Well, I guess she did know she was pregnant. I'm so happy that the bedroom Hermione will be using is so cheerful! When I was a teenager my bedroom was painted a light yellow and had a green carpet, and I loved it! It felt like I was always in a sunny place.I think our Severus is beginning to soften just a bit. His reaction to an obviously exhausted pregnant young woman at his kitchen table- the same young woman who ate her supper like she hadn't eaten in weeks- gave us a peek at the kinder man who is kept hidden by a no-nonsense demeanor.In Severus’ experience, friendship with him always ended in someone’s death. This thought is so very sad.His reaction to a cheerful Hermione in the morning, and her response to it, made me laugh out loud. And now I have to get to the next chapter to find out what happened to Hermione! I hope Severus will be able to care for her when they get back to Spinner's End... without being too gruff. Somehow I think his life is about to change big time.Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you! Yes, you nailed it regarding Hermione's room. Because of her depression, I wanted her to have a cheerful space. Plus, I liked the idea of such a room existing at Snape's house. :)Oh, I am loving reading your reviews as you go!
The way you wrote Hermione's reluctance to get on with her packing was perfect in every way. Who among us has not found ourselves becoming distracted with meaningless occupations to avoid having to begin the final steps that would lead to closing the door on a part of our lives that we never wanted to lose. I'm so very glad that she took the time to read Severus' letters to Draco before she left to find Spinners' End. If she hadn't come to realize that the real Professor Snape was more like herself than she'd ever realized I'm afraid she would have talked herself out of going to him. And even though his initial reaction to finding her on his door step was one of extreme reticence, his concern for her when she tripped over her Disillusioned trunk. And thank goodness she did forget about it. I hate to think what may have happened to her has she been able to just Disapparate to who-knows-where? Especially with her being pregnant (which I had totally forgotten about!) I wonder if she even knew that she was carrying Draco's child?How I love this story!!! Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you! You hit on all my favorite parts. :D
Lovely story, looking forward to Christmas.
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you so much!
Hello darling,I have bitten off way more than I can chew in real life, so have sworn myself off reading new fanfic for about a year (only 7 more months to go ... sigh) until I finish some committments. But, I wanted to tell you that I was overjoyed to get the notice that this had updated. I will add it to the list of things that I am anxious to read when all is said and done. I hope there will be several more chapters by that time, but regardless, I will keep reading until the end. I'm giving you a five star rating, just out of excitement! :)
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Aw! Thank you for warm words. I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the story when you return!
I sympathize with Hermione about having to spend hours listening to Christmas music... some of it is lovely, and some of it is funny, but hours of it is too much of a good thing. LOL! Maybe that crotchety woman customer was suffering from too much holiday cheer.Mr McNaughton is everyone's worst nightmare when it comes to landlords. Bless her, Hermione handled the situation about as well as she could considering the circumstances, but I can see how she would end up laughing and crying after the sleazebag left and the Weird Sisters’ “The Twelve Wizarding Days of Christmas” drifted through the parchment-thin walls. And three days isn't a very long time...Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Hah! Yes, having worked retail during the Christmas season, I can attest that it can old VERY quickly. lolThank you!
I can't tell you how happy I was to see that you'd updated this story!!! I read it somewhere -can't remember which archive- and I've waited and prayed and hoped that someday you would be able to pick it up again- and now you have! I'm starting from the first chapter and already it feels like coming home. I'd nearly forgotten how sad this prologue is, and I've got to get onto the next chapters cuz I can't stand not remembering "all the stuff" from years ago. Thank you form the bottom of my heart for giving this another shot!Hugs you lots! Beth
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Beth! *HUGS* I'm tickled pink that you're reading this again and that it still has the same effect all this time later. I hope to have another chapter up in a few weeks (*knocks on wood*). I was so nervous about posting again after so long, so I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read your review! Thank you so much!
Dear Merlin in his crystal cave. *snorfles*
It's nice to see a softer side to Severus. Perhaps Hermione's three jobs have finally caught up to her pregnant state.
Interested to see where this story will go. I'm not a Draco fan, so the fact that i actually felt sorry for the ferrets death is a sign of good writing to me. Please update so we aren't kept waiting too long!
Response from sshg316 (Author of Between the Sand and Stone)
Thank you so much! I'm working on the next chapter, actually. It's very close to being done. Hopefully soon!