New Chapter for The Tower Affair
The Tower Affair
Rose of the West57 Reviews | 57 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )
A wizard has been murdered. A special investigator is hired to find and apprehend the guilty party.
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About Rose of the West
Rose of the West
Member Since 2008 | 60 Stories | Favorited by 40 | 707 Reviews Written | 1,261 Review Responses
Reviews for The Tower Affair
*Sigh* A happy ending. Those two truly deserved one.You are an amazing author, Rose.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
You're very kind. Thank you for all the lovely reviews!
You described Katherine's inner proceedings during the battle well. From her detached fighting to the grief that made going on nearly impossible.I'm just glad I can go read the last chapter right now :-)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, but as you can see, I'm not above a well-placed one now and then. (evil grin)I'm not very good at writing action scenes. I'm glad this one came off well. Thanks, again!
Ah, a glimpse into Katherine's past. She truly has come a long way. Small wonder she doesn't carry more scars on her soul - or she just covers them up brilliantly.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
As Katherine said, who wants to be known as the investigator with the tragic past? She never got this close to anyone before, so she kept it all hidden. Thanks for the review!
Bonaparte and Josephine? *chuckles*Loved the last scene. Very erotic ... and tender.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thanks, again! I enjoyed writing that chapter.
Snape was the apprentice of Nicholas Flamel? Good thinking. That not only explains his skill with potions, but his wealth in this story.Why is Lucius talking him into marriage? Suspicious ...
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Once it came to mind, Snape working for Flamel seemed obvious to me. Not to mention it solved a lot of problems for me, LOL.Thanks, again!
Oh, lots of fire - no wonder Snape only thought of precautions after the deed was done.Who's deluding herself here?I really like this story, Rose. I can just imagine Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway here.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
He _was_ a bit surprised by her. ;)I don't know if she's deluding herself, or is saying what she wants to be true...Thanks for the review. I had a hard time deciding between Steve McQueen and Pierce Brosnan, so I ended up somewhere around Cary Grant, I think, LOL!
I really wondered - was Snape paid that well as headmaster he could afford betting 10 thousand Galleons against Lucíus? Liked the game of chess. Much tension in the air :-)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
The whole point of this story is that Snape, from some source, has a bottomless supply of funds. The source will be revealed.I always thought the chess game was the best scene in either of the two movies. ;)Thanks for the review!
Kathrine makes good use of this brain of hers and raises interesting questions.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you, again!
It was tricky to keep things believable, because of course we all know the answers to the questions she's asking and we now know that someone should have been asking them.
I tried very hard to keep to the sorts of questions that were all over the internet between the publications of HBP and DH. Fortunately, the HP Lexicon still has a page on the subject of wondering who Snape is really loyal to at that point.
Ha! I'd guess your inspiration was the Thomas Crown affair.The beginning has me hooked. Thank god I can read on :-)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you! You're so sweet to read my stuff and review. And yes, points to your house!
I've only been in fan fic for a couple of years, but I've discovered pre HBP stories here and there and the Death Eaters always sound so urbane. Their homes are either the sets of a regency romance or a golden-era Hollywood movie. They have dinner parties and go "jet setting". We now know all of that to be AU, but some of those stories are elegant and fun. When I was reminded of this movie I realized I could come up with something that was near-canon AU that had the same flavor.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of it.
OH WOW!!! I have been reading this story since early this AM, and I must tell you I LOVE IT! It is soooooooo good! I must confess I cried when Severus wasn't at the shack, but knew right away that the snitch had saved him...The ending was perfect, and I am going now to re-read the first chapter of the sequel....THANK YOU I LOVE THIS STORY...WELL DONE
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you for your kind review. Chapter 2 should post within the next few days.
I love it. Quite a tearful moment there at the end. I keep reading stories that give Severus a good ending after the Shrieking Shack. I think it must be something a lot of us need. This is excellent.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you so very much for your kind reviews today. I feel like I got to relive the fun of writing it. If you're interested, My Favorite Wand Waver has the same OC and is just beginning.I agree about wanting a happy ending for Severus. After all he did for Dumbledore and the "good guys" in canon, was he supposed to go to JKR's afterlife and do nothing but watch the love of his life spend eternity with the love of her life? Not if I can help it. ;)
OH MY GOD!!! Well, this was a cliffie. VERY exciting. Sad sad sad about Tonks. That last book broke my heart more times than I can count.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
I don't particularly care for cliffhangers, but occasionally they just seem necessary. I'm glad you didn't have to wait for the last chapter.I always feel bad about Tonks, but I couldn't see saving her for the purposes of this story. Even when going AU, I prefer to only make one or two major changes.Thanks, again!
Ohh I just hate this part of Severus' life. So stretched in so many directions. It's very interesting and odd to have this original character put into the story. It's funny that he's getting pressure from BOTH sides to become closer to her. This is a very good story and I can't stop reading it.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thanks, again! I'm glad you've enjoyed it.
wow! I like this witch. She's strong and smart and she's is a worthy opponent for Snape. LOL. Excellent.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you! Without contriving her too much, I wanted to create someone who knows where he lives, so to speak.
Very good. I'm off to read the next chapter.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you, again. I hope you continue to enjoy it.
good story. I'm laughing at your beta's name because I've just been listening to All Creatures Great and Small and I know all about the Trickie Woo in that story.Anyway, this is different so I like it.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you! It seemed a bit odd to me, too, but it seems to work. I'm glad you like it.
Finally Katherine gets an explanation about everything that had happened, which a lot she figured out, but she deserved the rest of the truth. Loved everything about them being reunited - the setting, their clothes, the sharing of feelings, the proposal...I felt like one of the locals watching. They can truly walk off into the sunset with a happy ending! I concur with one of the other reviewers, thank goodness for AU since this is the type of ending I would have liked for our hero (or anti-hero as Rowling referred to him). Thank you again for writing and sharing!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you for your kind and well-thought reviews! My beta reader loves the slightly OOC Snape who reads like Cary Grant, so I was aiming for a golden-era Hollywood ending here.Severus Snape truly got the short end of the broomstick in canon so I like to see him with an ending that gives him a chance to pursue happiness.
Thank God for Alternate Universe. I love happy endings. Will there be a epilogue?
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
No epilogue, but rather a whole sequel! "My Favorite Wand Waver" will probably start posting in the next week.Now that I've finished it and won't ruin any surprises, I'll admit that my SS/OC stories all have happy endings.Thank you for all the great reviews. It's nice to understand how others see what I'm saying.
Nice moves. You were very true to the premise of when you started out and yet made it your own. Good job! I look forward to another adventure from your pen. Thanks for sharing, JoAnne
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you! It was one of those odd ideas that come to mind late at night and seemed to have some possibilities. I think the next story will start to post in the next week.
*applause* Wonderful! It's an absolutely perfect ending. I love the way you explain everything around charming dialog, a lovely setting, and crisp actions.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you so much! It seemed like a good way to end a story with a Hollywood sort of premise. I'm glad it works.
Exciting battle! Looking forward to discovering where Snape went to.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
He's got to be somewhere, doesn't he? Never fear, the last chapter is in queue. Thank you for reviewing!
Sad chapter, of course this is a sad part of Deathly Hallows as well.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you for your review! Yes, it is a sad chapter, between everyone we know is dead and all the questions we still have. I think the last chapter is a bit more cheerful.
She certainly has Severus's interest. After the war, perhaps Severus's dead 'body' can be buried and they move off into the sunset together...
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you for reviewing! Yes, I think Severus has started having those sorts of thoughts although Katherine is unable to think that far ahead, yet.
Loved their dance and what happens after, especially the idea of Snape in just a towel. Seems like something happened to Katherine that she sounded bitter when asked about protection (after the fact, isn't that how it usually happens, heheh). Looking forward to more! Oh BTW just wanted to mention that Voldemort's birthday was New Year's Eve so I thought he might be at the party.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
Thank you for the review! Nice catch on Katherine's bitterness. There's more to come on that subject.I had forgotten that Tom Riddle was born on the last day of the year. It was always in the back of my mind (although it never made it to the story) that the Tedious One would have been at the party at the beginning but would have left pretty soon after that. It should have been a birthday party, though...DOH! Nice catch on that, too. :) The next bit will post pretty soon, I hope.
It's a pity that it is unlikely a real relationship will develop. I'm starting to like this woman.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Tower Affair)
They're both a bit prickly. It's hard to get under the surface when people are like that.I had a choice when writing this of going like the older movie or the newer one. Would Snape be like Steve McQueen, who assumed Faye Dunaway would drop the dime on him and so he left her? Or would he be like Pierce Brosnan, who likewise assumed Rene Russo would drop the dime, but worked it into his plan? I did neither, actually... but I did have a precident for both a happy and a sad ending. Thank you for the review. I like this OC, too.