New Chapter for The Wizarding Lottery
The Wizarding Lottery
ancientgirl22 Reviews | 22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
One Shot - Severus is tired of his life at Hogwarts. One day his luck changes.
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About ancientgirl
Member Since 2005 | 28 Stories | Favorited by 403 | 269 Reviews Written | 1,741 Review Responses
Just another SS/HG shipper wanting to make the world a Snapey place.
Reviews for The Wizarding Lottery
that is so funny and sweet! how nice that she made certain he won the lottery! He can feel good about giving her everything in the world, and she will always know (and never tell) that it was her doing that allows him to be the big, strong, generous man.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
LOL, I wish someone would help ME win the lottery.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
LOL, I wish someone would help ME win the lottery.
i especially loved him grabbing hermione on the way out! fun and funny. thanks
I remember reading this.
Great one shot!
Severus is doing what my Hubby would love to do. He goes to his job and ask the boss every time "Am I fired, yet?" The one tells him sure as long as you return by 11:30p.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I had fun reading this one.
Your poor hubby! I'm guessing though if he gets fired its to his benefit.
Response from pickles (Reviewer)
The Mrs. has to get a job.. lol
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Gah! Not good for the Mrs.
God, that was funny as hell. I can totally picture all the Professor's reaction to Snape's comments, especially Minerva's *lol*Thanks for yet another great story.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Thank you for reading this. I see you have been going through my stories and I really do appreciate you taking the time to do so.
I enjoyed writing each and every one of them. This one especially.
Thanks for the good laugh! Love your stuff; your stories were the ones that led me to this site. [I'm eternally in your debt for that, by the way.] Anyway, I love happy endings and dearly love take-this-job-and-shove-it rants. Sometimes I even practice my own *wink*. Thanks again!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Hi! I'm so glad I was able to bring you over here. This is such a wonderful site for good stories. I'm also grateful that you took the time to read this and leave me such a lovely review.
I had fun writing this. It's fun putting Lucius and Severus in such out of the norm circumstances and seeing how they get through them.
Very cute. I think this is the first time that I have seen someone tell Dumbledore what they think of his lemon drops.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I figure Severus had just about had it with lemon drops.
OH, how cute! I liked this. "There is one thing I am taking with me..." muahahha.... good job!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
LOL, yeah, I could just see him turn around and carry her out there like some cave-man or something.
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
'Bout damn time Severus gets his just desserts. I laughed and loved! Thanks for posting.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I've been thinking I should do something to make people laugh instead of cry. It's nice to know I made you laugh. I'm very happy that you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
Very cute! Good to see Severus get lucky!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I'm glad you liked it. I figured it was time to write something purely doofy and fun.
that was fun!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I had a good time writing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to read it.
that was great. thank you. will you do a part 2 where he finds out... hopefully not i prefer bliss..
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I hadn't planned a part two. I like it the way it is. In my head they went off and took in all that the world had to offer and Severus was none the wiser to what she did. Thanks for reading this. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
*giggle* I loved it!!! An excellent little, how about a follow up??? That could be interesting.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
LOL, I'm glad you liked it enough for a follow up. I'll have to see if I can come up with something interesting.
Thanks for reading.
Teehee! Very cute. Very funny. Thanks for the story!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had fun imagining Severus giving Albus a birdie.
Oh that was really cute
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
Glad you posted it--I was curious to read it once you mentioned it to me in IM. *g*
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Yeah, I had it in pieces when I spoke to you. I hope you liked it.
That was just marvelous. I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for Saturday now. I'll let you know how we fare next week. This made me laugh from start to finish as my day was going pretty much like Sev's was, until . . . Brilliantly written as always and thank you.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Yay! I'll keep my fingers crossed LOL.
I'm glad this gave you a laugh. I wanted to do something cute and funny, since I've been making people tear up as of late.
Response from MagicAlly (Reviewer)
Sorry but no luck on the lottery this week, still can't afford anyone to kidnap Alan Rickman for us just yet. Never mind there is always next week.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
Oh darn! Oh well, there's always next time.
O.M.G.!!! I was literally laughing out loud at this one. When Snape flipped Albus the bird, I nearly fell off my chair. Thank you for a wonderful laugh.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
LOL, humor is one of my favorite things to write. I love hearing others enjoy my humorous stories. I'm glad it made you laugh.
wow... your stories are really LOL! all of them
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I'm glad you like them. I try to add a little bit of everything to my stories. But I love writing the funny ones.
Response from rachaelmona (Reviewer)
kool.... i like reading them FYI
Ha! I knew if I kept hitting the 'random story' button I would eventually get something worth reading! Very cute story. I'm glad Severus finally got his reward.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I'm very glad you found this worth reading. I loved writing this. I figured, Severus needed a break.
The Alexander Dane rant was BRILLIANT! I'm glad you explained it at the end... I was reading and thinking, "Hey! Wait a minute!" haha.Great story.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Wizarding Lottery)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've always thought I'd do much like Severus if I won the lottery too. LOL