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Searching For a Book
chivalric37 Reviews | 37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 49 Favorites )
A very tired professor, a sleeping potion, a welcoming chair, and a warm fire: in what else could this result but a very nice dream?
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About chivalric
Member Since 2007 | 65 Stories | Favorited by 776 | 213 Reviews Written | 4,182 Review Responses
Located in Germany. Female, around 40. The first chapters of my published novels/novellas can be found here on the archive.
Other than writing, I am reading, cycling, running, and singing in a choir.
In case I don't react to mails for a considerable lenght of time (I usually get back to people within the week), please contact shellsnapeluver or Dreamy_Dragon. They both know how to get through to me.Or simply mail me at
Reviews for Searching For a Book
Great story!
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Delicious little one-shot. Loved Hermione's little jab at the end, too. :) Thanks for the read!
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
What a sweet little twist right when you think it was a dream after all.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Thanks! I think the sequel is out there somewhere, if you're interested to read the same story from a different POV.
Wonderful Story Chival. I could see her doing this to him. Great work.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Thanks, dear! I didn't expect such a huge discussion to come from the story; I could see her do it too ,-)
I couldn't help myself. I had to read this after having read "Sleeping Beauty." Now I'm really excited to read the third part! I hope you post it quickly! And, btw, very nice descriptors! I actually felt my skin warming as I read the description of the heat from the fireplace warm him in the chair! Well done, madame! :)
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
I've got a thing for describing the rooms and the warmth of the fire, and my Snape is always sensitive to the cold ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing, dear!
Hey? Where has my review gone? I suppose I have missed again pressing the submit-button... *feels old*
Anyway, a naughty, sweet little piece, I enjoyed myself very much.
Author's Response: *snigger* I feel like that every time I forget to attach the attachment to a mail... Thanks for reading and reviewing, dear!
Wonderful, I can't wait to read "Sleeping Beauty"
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
The counterpart is in queue and should be up in a few days. Thanks a lot for reviewing!
What a lovely wet dream she makes! Can't wait to read the companion piece.Poor Severus, embarrassed like that and all...but still, it was surely just a dream after all, wasn't it? Wasn't it?Beautifully done!
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Of course it was just a dream. At least, he thinks so :-)The counterpart is in queue. Thanks for reviewing!
oh yessss! that was delightful and hot. thanks so much
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing!
Wicked Hermione! Lovely.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
:-) I like it when she's wicked. Though here, she just peeked through an open door and saw sth she wasn't intended to see: her sleeping, half-naked professor. At least, that's what he believes *g*Thanks for reviewing!
Ooooooh, this is a tantalizing ending. I'm looking forward to the sequel.That was an absolutely delicious wanking scene. Bravo!
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
First the counterpart, which is in queue, then the sequel, which is with my beta Dreamy, dear ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
What a dream! Looking forward to the counterpoint.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
It's in queue. Thanks for reviewing!
Does that mean she really did it? Naughty girl. I long to read the next one.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
To him, it's just a dream. If it really was... well, the counterpart is in the queue ;-)Thanks for reviewing, dear!
Ah, another story from you. That always makes my day. Can't wait for the sequel. Tee hee.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
*beams* It's one of my older stories I sort of never managed to post until now. Glas you liked it. The counterpart is in queue. Thanks a lot for reviewing!
Well-written, and quite atmospheric, but as others have said, kind of disturbing. My mind was definitely screaming rape as I read this, assuming it would end the way it did. I do think if it has been written the other way around, with Severus penetrating Hermione when she is too fatigued to know what is occurring and having a wet dream, everyone would be extremely disturbed. Still, you are a good author, and I hope to read from you in the future. :)
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Oh, no, definitely no rape. Acutally, I never said anywhere that this wasn't a dream. It's entirely from his POV; the only thing that is for certain is that he's had a very nice dream and that she was, at least partly, in his rooms. And even if she'd taken advantage of him, it's dub-con at most. He loved every second of it; a rape victim wouldn't have. And I'd say that if it were the other way round, too. Anyway, the counterpart is in queue. And I can promise more stories, too. Thanks a lot for reviewing!
Yet I wonder if Snape will follow Hermione's advise after all. The ending gives value to the whole story.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Just a bit of PWP here, dear ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Firstly, I love the way you write. I think you are one of the best for communicating the inner world.Secondly, I found this story disturbing and it took a while for me to figure out why. In your premise, your character is so tired as to not to even realize what was happening as someone took intimate liberties with the character's body. In this story the character is male but if the character were female, I think we might agree that having someone come in when she is too tired to resist and take intimate liberties with her is not such a good thing. It is like rape. I don't know that it is really all that different because the character is male. We sometimes hold a double standard that a male doesn't have to be protected from a sexual predator because they always want sex anyway, but is that true? Why should others have access to his body without his consent? I guess it is the concept of not consenting that is so concerning - not that the character would say "no" but that the character did not say "yes," did not get a chance to actively agree to doing this thing with this partner, and his body was used anyway.The way you end this story seems very true to the situation. How mortifying must it be to find something you thought was a vivid dream was someone using your body when you were to tired to realize. If I put myself in Severus' place, I would find it intolerably shameful.I do understand this is supposed to be some kind of lived-out fantasy where the mystery lover bestows affection and sex without any strings and you aren't responsible because you were too tired to realize. I get it. But I also get that if that is NOT your particular fantasy and you like to choose who you have sex with and give positive consent to the act, then this scenario is your nightmare.Of course, your next story could reveal that it really was a dream and Hermione is just jerking his chain in the classroom to throw him off balance.I know I have shared a minority view in this review. Thank you for hearing me out.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Hi, there, and thanks so much for your detailed review. Of course I hear you out - I always do, this is the reason why I not only write, but post the nonsense I come up with!First of all: read the story again (I mean, if you like) and show me proof that this is nothing but a dream. Because - you can't. He is asleep, he dreams, he even has a climax. He loves his dream; he loves that it is Hermione he dreams about. He doesn't want this dream to end and the reason why he blushes the next morning when he sees her is that he remembers his dream - how embarrassing, having a wet dream about a student. And she only has been in his rooms; he thinks she's seen him half naked, the reason why he refuses to teach. That much about this story and the reason why I didn't give a dub-con warning. I don't have to for a dream ;-)Then, of course, there is the general problem: is this rape or is it not? Does it matter if the one asleep is male? No, it doesn't, and no, I don't think it's rape. I posted this story first so it is clear that he enjoys the dream, that he really wishes to get kissed by her, and I would say the same thing if it was him taking advantage of her. It is a very delicate situation, of course. It wouldn't work with many other couples. But guess those two were in a relationship, would have made love before, and she'd take him whilst he's passed out - would that make a difference? He wants her and she wants him, he enjoys every second, so does she - I cannot see that as rape. Oof, long reply; sorry for that. Thanks a lot for reading an reviewing!
Response from mikimoto (Reviewer)
Thanks so much for replying! I feel I understand your story better now.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Hmmm, and now I cannot wait for your bashing when the counterpart is posted ;-) There, of course, I give the dub-con warning...
A delight to read I'm very much looking to the counterpart (and with a bit luck maybe a sequel of this :D )
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Couterpart is in queue and the sequel in the caring hands of my betas ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Ahhh, I loved it. The line, "A light, warm kiss was placed on his lips, and he smiled again; he loved to be kissed, only that nobody had ever loved him enough to kiss him back." made me feel so sorry for Professor Snape. I had to smile when Hermione left a parting shot at him though. Thanks for posting this story, I loved it.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Thanks, dear! That one line was my way to make clear he loves every action/every part of his dream. He even longs for more, but of course would never admit it.
Very, very sexy. And then a little strange, little discomfiting there at the end. Your description of extreme fatigue is so compelling. It's early morning and it's made me want to go back to bed, despite three cups of coffee. So atmospheric in that way.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Discomfiting in which way, dear? And I have a thing for tired Snape ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
great! hillarious ending!thanks for sharing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Wicked. Taking advantage, indeed. I just wish they had a future together. In this setting, it does not seem likely with the way you portrayed Severus. A very lovely wet dream though.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Why do you think so? I'd like your opinion here, as I thought I portrayed Snape quite nicely. Anyway: Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Response from nata (Reviewer)
During the sex he is beyond tired, hardly conscious and considers the whole affair a dream. So far so good. He, however, is also vulnerable (leaving students misbehave so that he would not compromise himself), and obsessed with privacy (wondering about the door). As such, Hermione effectively raped him. I simply do not think that he would take that intrusion upon his person lightly. Especially since he enjoyed the encounter. I think that that would be a major reason for his withdrawal together with the rape-like quality of Hermione's action. He might have tolerated it if they had some previous history. But if he has not been aware of tension/attraction/feelings, he would attack instead of welcome the other person.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
I get your point, but he will never find out it has been nothing but a dream. Well, not before it's too late - the sequel will pick up events a couple of years later. Different situation, different scenery, and I am really looking forward to your opinion on that one.
I do hope it is Hermione who might take advantage of the professor, when he is in such a… ''vulnerable state." hehe.
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Who else would be bold enough?Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Ooooh, great work, I'm looking forward to its companion!!!
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
The counterpart just got into queue. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Although this was wonderfully erotic, I found it terribly moving too. The line 'He loved to be kissed, only that nobody had ever loved him enough to kiss him back' was so beautifully sad. I guess, once Hermione let out her little secret, he may have remembered that he took the 'Dreamless Sleep' potion too - not the brightest at times for a Potions master our dear Sev, is he?!I did like this though - you write very well - and now I can't wait for your other story ... :-)
Response from chivalric (Author of Searching For a Book)
Oh, no, dear, he didn't take Dreamless Sleep. He took a sleeping potion, but he still thinks it was a dream. Maybe it was - read the story again and point out proof that it wasn't just a dream and I'll write a story just for you ;-)Counterpart is in queue. Thanks for reading and reviewing!