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If Lord Voldemort Were A Client On
fizzabella14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
What fashion advice would Clinton Kelly and Stacy London have for Lord Voldemort?
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About fizzabella
Member Since 2007 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 47 | 267 Reviews Written | 467 Review Responses
I'm Lynnette. I'm a wife, stay at home mother of 9, with 5 daughters and 2 sons still at home. I have two grandsonz and one granddaughter:)
I LOVE to read, I LOVE to write, and am thrilled to be published here on The Petulant Poetess. I love the Harry Potter books because of my kids, and hope to get good enough to become an accredited beta reader at some point:)
Reviews for If Lord Voldemort Were A Client On
I grinned throughout this. Very funny. I'm surprised the words... Avada... Kedavra... weren't heard from the snake-man. I have this picture of him looking at her with interest and nodding his head here and there. Bah!
hahaha! Love it, I needed that tonight, it was oh so lovely! Thanks!
I read the title and went, "Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, GODS, no."
And I read it and started laughing. It's SO Stacy and Clinton. And I could totally see Voldemort in Levis, a blazer, and loafers. I just want to go DRAW it....XD I might just do that, too.
"You prepare bodies for the undertaker?"
HAHAHAHAHAHA loved this!
robes can be almost as dangerous as capes, sometimes
maybe Voldie would benefiy from some advice from the one and only Edna Mode
Shut up! Voldy would look ever-so-spiffy, wouldn't he? Too bad we didn't get to see Carmindy trying to find a color of foundation to go with his skins tones. And Nick would be majorly out of luck!
Had a good chuckle. I love What Not to Wear and this was refreshing to read on a for-class-heavy reading day.
I wonder if Voldy is asking himself how the devil he ended up on What Not to Wear. Poor Wormtail, he's sure to get the blame.
This was a riot, fizzabella!
Oh you are a riot! RMOA!
Yes, you certainly don't want to get your robe caught in the door! Completely ruins the whole terrifying effect... I keep thinking of that line from the movie The Incredibles-- "No capes!"
"I kind of wonder if Voldemort would end this little episode with getting fed up and AKing them both."
The bit about Nagini would certainly do it if it hadn't happened already.
ROFL. "Ohhhhh, I didn’t realize that scary was the intent. I see. In that case, black is just fine.”" :)
Oh, that's too funny. I do catch What Not to Wear on occasion, and I always seem to catch several episodes in a row. I kind of wonder if Voldemort would end this little episode with getting fed up and AKing them both.