New Chapter for Beneath the Cedars
Beneath the Cedars
lady_rhian20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )
Hermione visits a Spanish monastery intending to do some research. She finds something else instead. Written for Juniperus for the latest SSHG Gift Exchange. Award: OWL Awards 2009: Nineteen Years Later, Order of Merlin 2nd Class.
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About lady_rhian
Member Since 2006 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 238 | 216 Reviews Written | 1,498 Review Responses
The Tenant of Lyonesse Hall is on a temporary hiatus. Look for an update in winter 2012!
Reviews for Beneath the Cedars
This story is touching. I'm sorry for Severus that eventually he will have to stop coming here. It might do Hermione some good to spend more time seaching out the dark night of the soul. Severus and Hermione obviously need each other's souls. They are both lonely and damaged, but Severus seems to have found more peace than she has. I'm glad they finally found each other. This story must have taken a lot of thought and time. Thank you for taking the time and energy to write such a thoughtful story for this couple. It isn't meant as a critism when I say this, only an observation of the affect Henley's poem had on me in this story; Henley's poem is spiritually rebellious from the Christian Mystic's point of view of submission to Christ. Perhaps you included it to point out the many interesting contrasts in this story. This story has texture like a wood carving. The poem's presense in the monestary was like a glanging spoon hitting the floor. I haven't read St. John's book on the Dark Night of the Soul though it is in my library, but I have read St. Teresa of Avila in my salad days, and submission to God was paramont in her devotion. Christ was the captian of her soul.
I like this very much! It isn't like most stories. Have you been to this Monestary? It sounds as if you have. You discribe it so well. I can imagine Severus Snape in a place like this after the war. Hermione sounds as if life has made her a bit pessimistic. Perhaps things will look up for her now that she's met Severus again. I hope so. Who would imagine Severus Snape more optamistic than Hermione Granger.
Beautiful story! I loved the setting, the scenery, and the characters. You've fleshed out an older Hermione and Severus very believably.
I wouldn't expose myself a second time as she did at the end. She was fortunate that he responded but it was his turn to make the first move. After all, he was the one that rejected her 10 years ago...
It was an interesting read. Thank you.
I'm notoriously forgetful when it comes to leaving reviews (especially when I've already reviewed, elsewhere), my apologies.
But I've rec'd you for TPP, so I'll leave that rec here - you've earned the kudos! <3
"Why I love this story: This is an absolutely gorgeous piece from the Winter 2008/9 SS/HG Exchange full of peace, joy, and beauty... so much beauty."
so provocative and reflective! Wow - thanks for the hard work you put in here!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you! I'm very pleased that you enjoyed it.
very intriguing and lovely, just lovely... the poetry just adds to the imagery and peaceful tone of the story. i love the magic/religion thing and would actually love to see more about what hermione discovers. so i really hate to see this end. it is beautiful where you've left off but like i said, i find your ideas intriguing. and i guess i also just love a mature hermione and would love to see a plot where she and severus don't meet up until later... i don't think its done nearly enough so thanks for taking the non-traditional approach to sshg.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
I'm glad you are intrigued by the premise of Hermione's research as well as by the relationship between our favorite duo. Thank you for the lovely compliments; I'm pleased that you enjoyed this "non-traditional" approach. Take care.
Nice ending. I especially liked the poem from St. John. It was a beautiful thought to leave at the end.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you! I would encourage you to read the entirety of Dark Night of the Soul -- it's a gorgeous piece. Very inspiring!
You've set up a peaceful existence here for Severus.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you!
Wow. This was beautiful, enchanting, even. I eagerly await the next chapter.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you, my dear. Alas, that was the conclusion. The story is complete. I'm pleased that you enjoyed it.
Beautiful poetry in both the verse and the prose. :)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
A high compliment! Thank you, sunny.
The place suits him. :)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
I think so, too. :-)
I think my favorite part was when you said she hoped she wouldn't creak. I love the idea of a mature Hermione. All of the the little references you made struck a chord with this middle aged reader. This was really nice.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you! I'm so glad that the texture of the story was true to real life. I adore our duo, but I do prefer seeing them come together in later life, once they've evened out and are now seeking peace rather than passion.
Wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Excellent setting, characterizations, and extra bonus points for San Juan de la Cruz and St. Serenus.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story as well as the doctrinal references. :-) When I found St. Serenus, I knew I had to include him! Perfect for Severus.
Oh! That was really lovely. The imagery was simply beautiful.Nicely done.A~
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you, dear! I am so glad you enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed this story. I'm currently studying female religious mysticism, so that aspect was really cool to stumble across in this forum of all places, but I also like how dense this story is. It's not long, but it's really lovely to read and both of your characters have long said and unsaid histories. Occasionally your exposition is a bit clunky, like when you introduce Hermione's age, but mostly you manage to draw your plot and backstory like a true artist-deftly and succinct.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Beneath the Cedars)
Thank you! I'm very pleased that you enjoyed the story. I'm afraid you're far more an expert in the religious mysticism realm than I, but I am pleased that it satisfied your academic expectations within the realm of fanfiction. :-)
“I am not made of stone”
Yay! I love this fic - I realize I've read it before, probably on the Exchange site. The setting is wonderfully enticing, and incredibly romantic (if one can call a monastery romantic) to think of Severus spending his summers in such a beautiful sanctuary.
Love the peach scene, love love love the stargazing. :D
WOW, I loved this extraordinary setting and your wonderful composition.
Severus must have waited anxiously for Hermione to arrive, pondering about his rejection and what might or might not happen.
On my second reading I find the story is more beatiful.
On my second reading I find the story is more beatiful.