New Chapter for A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
debjunk32 Reviews | 32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
Hermione prepares for her nightly visitor. Will she be able to make him stay tonight?
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
I loved it! They needed to be together. He better not have left her! Thank you for not letting that happen. I'm glad I read this again. I needed a sweet sleep story and here it is! Good night, dear debjunk.
Really a wonderful story.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you! Nice to hear from you.
Good story, Deb. :)
Author's Response: Thanks so much! 'Twas fun to write.
This is great. I enjoyed it very much. :) I love the descriptions.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you, southern! Glad you enjoyed it.
How did he get a body? Wasn't his body buried? At first I thought she'd have died to be with him, but he's really back? interesting.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Yes, I would imagine he was buried. Hermione would have seen to that, despite the non-caring attitude of the rest of the world. But this potion compensated for that and recreated it for him. So, yes... he's really back. Thanks for the review.
That was stunningly beautiful and poignant. Short and sweet but with the right balance of all the necessary ingredients. I hope to see many more reviews here. Good luck!
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you so much! Hopefully, now that the challenge is almost over, people will play catch up on things they haven't read.
Wow. Such a poignant story. I wanted to cry when she was thinking about him, but no one would understand what she was going through. When Hermione first looked at the vial, I thought it might be poison so that she could join Severus in the afterlife. I'm glad she found the solution in time!
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Cool. I was hoping that would be the thought on the vial. But her solution was a tad bit better, I think. Now they can be together in this life and the next. Thank you for your review.
I enjoyed every moment of this. It could have gone either way, a happy ending or a sad ending and it would have been equally enjoyable and believeable. But I do love the ending as it is.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you so much. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, especially when there's a dead Snape involved. LOL
This is the first mysterious nighttime visitor tale I have read where the guy was dead! And a nice original potion to bring him back to life. Yay! Thanks for giving poor SS the ending he deserves.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Wow, didn't realize it was so unique. Severus definitely deserves life. He's suffered enough, and the thought that happiness would elude him when it was right there is quite heartbreaking.
Love overcomes all - even the rift between the living and the dead.A moving tale of a strong love - even if it might be magically induced; perhaps by Lily?
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Could be. I'm sure Lily would want Sev happy. I see their interest in the other being magically induced. The love came with exposure to each other. The bond strengthened with their love. Maybe Dumbledore did it. He did show Severus how to visit Hermione. And perhaps deep down, he realized that the things he put Severus through would be more easily born with a confidant. Either way, it was the right thing for these two.
wow! that was magnificently wonderful! thanks so much
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
I'm so glad you liked it,
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
A clever story,something new that I'd never read anything similar before.Good luck with your other stories. =)
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you! I appreciate your comments very much!
Full of love. I wasn't sure where you were going with the nameless vial for a moment. Huzzah! They are together. Well written and believable, well as much as any good fanfic is believable. I was liked to this story through the WIKTT group.
Response from onescreaminglamb (Reviewer)
er I meant, linked
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you so much! I had no idea there was pimpage over on the WIKTT group. I'm glad you gave this a shot, and that you enjoyed it.
This sweet, wonderful piece made my breath catch and brought tears to my eyes. It may be just a tad too angsty, but I like it anyway. Lovely ending.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you! It is a bit angsty. Life isn't always fun and games, unfortunately. But I'm a sucker for a happy ending, so there you have it.
very beautiful story, i loved it,
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you!
Oh what a lovely romantic tale--I must admit, I was expecting the opposite ending, that she would be joining him in the afterlife...perhaps I've been reading too many angsty stories lately...but I much prefer your ending than the one that popped up in my head. Well done :)
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
How Romeo and Juliet that would have been! I think being together in death can have its kind of hopefulness too, but Severus really deserves to live after all he's been through. And he deserves to be happy too. So does Hermione.
Very sweet and touching.*sniff sniff*A~
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you! Sorry for causing the sniffles.
amazing! love it!
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you so much!
I love the lost and then found magic in this story. I wish things like that could really be true. :)
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful if they were? Alas, real life doesn't always give us our happy endings. But there's hopefully a lot of happiness in between the sad episodes.
What a beautiful story! Very well written and with a wonderful plot. You made me cry, first in sorrow over Hermiones (and Severus) loss, then happy tears because they got another chance! Very, very, very well done!!!
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thank you! I'm honored that this touched you so.
Ahh, that was incredibly romantic, I loved it!
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Magic. The plot device that can fix any set of circumstances. How very handy. It makes real life seem tougher. The house doesn't clean itself; the food doesn't cook itself; the dearly-loved dead stay dead.I guess that is what makes magic such an alluring fantasy.
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
It truly is the cure-all of cure-alls, isn't it? If only it were real. Life would be a bit more pleasant. But I suppose then, that would defeat the purpose of life... growing and learning.
It seems rather like 'too good to be true', but it's so sweet and hopeful. I love your theory that they were meeting all through Hallows!! =]
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Yes, it's probably too good to be true, but that's why we write. It's escapism... pure escapism.
You've written a wonderful story that fulfilled the prompt perfectly! Good for you!Beth
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
Thanks, Beth! Glad you liked it.
That's some powerful potion! :)
Response from debjunk (Author of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes)
LOL. Dang right it is! Wish I had some.