New Chapter for Silver Bells
Silver Bells
Somigliana17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )
Spend Christmas morning with Severus and Hermione (set in the Silvering Divide universe).
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About Somigliana
Member Since 2005 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 110 | 11 Reviews Written | 309 Review Responses
Reviews for Silver Bells
A lovely glimpse into their life together. Just long enough to have become more comfortable but still be in the first flush of love; eg. Hermione's happiness that he stayed yet not quite believing it. And Severus' line "I certainly do"... 😃 Would enjoy reading the reactions of others!
A perfect final for a perfect fic =]
Oh how nice! Hopefully silver bells will ring for Severus and Hermione someday as well.
*dies from over-squeeage*
Very nice sequel! I loved to see how their relationship had developed. of course, greedy me would love more of this very unique story. Thanks for the great writing and story.
im not one for asking people to write mmore but i loved your stories and wish there was more.
Somigliana, thank you for that little extension of the silvering divide universe! Yours is one of my favorite in all these years of reading fan fiction. I do hope you give us a few more glimpses into their future.
Oh, thank you for posting this! Beautiful fic and incredible writing! You have a way with words that pulls at the heart strings. This one is going in my faves too!
Wow! Thanks so much for taking the time to write this - again your imagery is beautiful!
Response from Somigliana (Author of Silver Bells)
Thank you so much :)
Today was the first day of my holiday and I spent it reading your work. I read this fic and then had to read the Divide and then back to reading this one again so that it made more sense.You are a brilliant writer. I have been reading Potter fics for years now and they are divided into three categories; bloody awful, a great read and amazing. Yours is definately AMAZING. You write so well and have a lovely way with words and descriptions. Some people try too hard to be clever or use big words to prove they are writers but your work flows and easy to read.Being an Aussie I can tell either you are one or have been here on a trip. I completely argree with Hermione's Timtam arguement any other choccie bicci is a joke. However her parents could have been kind enough to send her some Vegemite as Marmite is just too revolting.Both fics are wonderful and I had such a fun and relaxing day reading them. Please write another fic with this great pairing as it is new and fresh from all the other ones I have read. Thank you again from your new fan.
Response from Somigliana (Author of Silver Bells)
Oooh. Holidays! That sounds great... I hope you have a fantastic holiday :)Thank you so very much. I think eloquent and multi-syllabled words have their place, but you're right: they need to fit into the flow of a piece. Ah. Yes. I don't live in Aussie, no, but I was over four times last year for business... I'm just across the ditch :) But, I have to confess that British Marmite is a favourite of mine--I grew up in SA, and it was a staple on the table :D
Response from because (Reviewer)
Haaa! knew you had to be from SA, no one writes about Perth unless they've been there. Will continue to disagree on the Marmite/Vegemite issue but give us a yell should you ever have a Timtam emergency, will happly send some your way. Infact could I bribe you with Timtams for another instalment of this fic?
I loved it. I was so happy to see Selkie-Sevvie again.
Response from Somigliana (Author of Silver Bells)
Thank you! It's so wonderful to see him happy :)
Oh wow. That was so intense, and the symbolism was just wonderful. I would love to know more about THIS couple, how they met, and Severus' ancestry. Incredibly beautiful writing. Thank you!
Response from Somigliana (Author of Silver Bells)
Thank you so much. This is a sequel to the longer novel, the Silvering Divide, which tells the story of how they came to love each other :)
Response from neelix (Reviewer)
I slipped onto your page and checked that out... and am just on my way to read it! Can't wait! Thanks for the heads up...
exquisite. :)
I just love the sheer romance of it all. Brilliantly written.
Oh, this is ever so lovely. I'm so glad you wrote more of selkie Severus and his Cass.
*snifff* that was so beautiful. thanks so much for the update. if by any chance you wanted to write another sequel i would be plum extatic! thanks so much