New Chapter for I Married a Werewolf: The Bait
I Married a Werewolf: The Bait
Kailin8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Kailin decides to play a dangerous role for the Order of the Phoenix. Remus is not happy about it.
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About Kailin
Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 88 | 230 Reviews Written | 475 Review Responses
Reviews for I Married a Werewolf: The Bait
Aww what a sweet way to end the story.Poor Remus missed the birth. Twin boys, yup they are going to have their hands full. hehehe.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: The Bait)
A live Remus is far better than a dead one, don't you think? Much as I love JKR, I REALLY wish she had let the poor man live. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from lilbitbord (Reviewer)
Every fanfic I write Remus is still alive. I don't think I could write a story were Remus is dead.
Aww a baby :)
Wow, that was some little detail no one thought to cover, her being at work. Underestimated Lucius' ability to use a telephone. Bleach--great Muggle ingenuity, but I wonder if it can be that easy once the case makes it to the Wizengamot.
I was holding my breath to the end there. Oh I am so glad that Katlin is alright! yeah Malfoy has been arrested, not hopefully he stays arrested. I'll bet Hermione will be happy when she hears about the bleach in the face! Can't wait for more.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: The Bait)
Thanks. The next chapter would be in the queue already, except for a nasty bug that has felled the entire family. So, soon!
Response from lilbitbord (Reviewer)
Yes those bugs are nasty, my family had that last week.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: The Bait)
Yup! I hope you didn't expect the plan to go smoothly!
Another installment in the Kailin chronicles! Yay!! I really enjoy these episodes of wizard life from the perspective of a muggle. Keep 'em coming! =)
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: The Bait)
Thanks! I really enjoy writing Kailin simply because she's reacting as a Muggle - which is what we're all doing, basically!
That is a very dangerous plan Kailin thought up, and Remus terms were steep!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: The Bait)
Yup. Very dangerous, especially when Lucius Malfoy's involved. And Remus has a great opportunity to force Kailin to safety.
Kailin, I don't know if you still check for responses or reviews on your work, but I just wanted to tell you that this entire series of stories about Remus & Kailin has simply touched my heart. So from the bottom of it(sic) I thank you for a well-crafted, well-paced and simply lovely story. Thank you!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: The Bait)
Thank you so much! In retrospect, I suppose I could have tried to make everything into one large story, but I really like the way it turned out. It just made sense to have a series of smaller stories. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.