New Chapter for Gingersnapes
peppermint86 Reviews | 86 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
Severus has a problem. A Ginger Problem.
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About peppermint
Member Since 2007 | 66 Stories | Favorited by 91 | 407 Reviews Written | 538 Review Responses
I'm a Michigander who works from home, keeps my husband in line, and raises two wild, wonderful daughters. I write so I don't go insane.
Reviews for Gingersnapes
Thank you, for a lovely end , to a lovely story.
AWWW, that is so sweet, I don't know why, it's sweet, but it is.
OMFG *Oh My Fred And George* What will Molly say?
Poor George, don't worry, it will be over soon. Then the real fun starts, baby time.
There is no such thing,as an awkward moment for Luna, she just rises above the uproar,and finds the bright spot, wherever it is .
One point - what about breast-feeding? The babies do have the instinct to seek out a nipple, after all.
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Mpreg is squicky enough for most people - I wanted to leave the technical details out of it.
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Fair enough. It is squicky for sure, but I personally considered it a high point in this story. It would not have worked at all if it took itself seriously.
One can count on Luna with some things, is it not so? A great Luna line for sure.
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Luna is an excellent "straight man" :D
*bends over with laughter*This is fantastic! Crack-fic of the year!
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Bwah ha ha ha ha! But ew, a Weasley! But bwah ha ha ha ha!
This is charming and hilarious and made even better with a delicious box of my own Gingersnapes sent from the lovely PJPants.
Thanks for the smile, Voxangelus. :)
Aww, Severus cried. Giggle. Perfect ending, dear. This was a very lovely tale. Thank you (and PJ) for this wee bit of con_envy fun.
LOL, ahh, I see the pregnancy hormones are doing their work on Severus. One moment he hates the name and the next it is fine. Sigh, I remember those days, lol.
Ha ha ha! Leave it to Luna to point out the obvious. This is a very cute and funny fic, Voxy! Even though the pairing isn't quite my cuppa, I am enjoying it very much.
LOL, I love this sentence: “Yes, thank you for your vote of confidence in my mediwitch, Mr. Weasley,” Snape responded dryly. “What I was attempting to say is that while I am not ill, I am… with child.” I can just hear Severus' voice saying that.
They fainted? How typical. Awesome job.
Tee hee, poor Sev. Bugger indeed. Somehow I might think that would be the last time he let the twins get him drunk. =o)
I was wondering if my package would direct me here. *snerk*
Aww, what a perfect ending! Loved that they were girls and of course they had to be twins! Great story - I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Thanks so much :)
Hmm ... this feels eerily familiar. You weren't by chance present during my pregnancy, were you? :-)
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Er, no. But I was present during both of mine... and a very similar call may have been made by my hubby (who, coincidentialy, is also one of seven) to his own father. :D
Bwahaha!!! You fit a lot of funny points in very few words. I adored Molly's reaction when she first saw Severus. And I could just picture the chaos from the food fight - LOVED the line, "Fred, who could never pass up an opportunity for a good food fight ..."LOL funny!Oh, and Snape's reaction ... taking points from Gryffindor! Hahaha! Oh! And Luna just knowing and announcing it to the room. Too perfect!!
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
I had a darn good time writing that food fight :)
Oh, this dialogue is just too delightful!! Loving this .. and I never read slash (and I thought MPreg was some sort of motion-picture association rating which Robbi had to explain to me). Tee hee ...Hats off to you, Vox!
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Thanks for giving it a shot :) And ROFL about the Mpreg!
This is hysterical. I love Poppy's response when he says, "Bugger." Great dialogue exchange, and I adore his inner monologue! PJ was right to pimp this - it brought a much-needed smile to my face!
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)
That was soooo sweet! *sniff*
Good job!
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Thank you so much :)
LOL I too got a package in the mail this morning with instructions to come here first and read the first chapter. This is too funny... I LOVE IT!
Response from peppermint (Author of Gingersnapes)
Aw, thanks. :) PJ just snuck up and pimped me with cookies :D
Awwwww! There's just nothing else to say, is there? But just... AWWWWWW! And I love those names.
Two girls. *snickers* Serves them right for having unprotected sex during a drunken slashy orgy. Mm. Wow. That sounds good.
"Outside of their comfort zones"? Who would find this adorable tale outside their comfort zone? Anyone who doesn't like a bit of fluffy humor, I suppose. Well done, you!
Author's Response: I got a lot of comments about "I don't usually read slash but...." or "Mpreg is icky but...." LOL. Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
A middle name, okay. But I think it will be a girl! *crosses fingers* Cuz that would just be too adorable.
Author's Response: Hee :D
He should've taken a thousand, LOL.
Author's Response: For dealing with that fracas? Most likely!
BWAHAHAHAHA! Yes, please do put on a high-waisted gown and parasol and bonnet, Sev. Please do.
Author's Response: I think he'd look quite good - those heroines were always thin and flat-chested.