New Chapter for MISSION II: Get Hermione Laid...Again!
MISSION II: Get Hermione Laid...Again!
Fervesco47 Reviews | 47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 114 Favorites )
With the school year quickly drawing to a close, there is more fun and more games to be played...
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About Fervesco
Member Since 2005 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 506 | 29 Reviews Written | 544 Review Responses
Hmmm..a bio huh? Oh, blimey, let's just sum this up: I'm a crazy mid-twenties review whore with a totally unhealthy obsession with Snape.
Reviews for MISSION II: Get Hermione Laid...Again!
I LOVE this story!
"Indescribably so." LOL. I would say so. Girl goes off like a rocket. I imagine she'd be so sensitive she'd be afraid to be touched for a few days. LOL.
Nice smut.
damn i'm horny after this story my husband is so getting some tonight
I love you and you didn't have to have sex with me. lol. No I really do love your style.
Why does Severus gave her such a hard time every time Sirius or Remus says something to him? He seems more jealous than the others. This story rocks.
Give them hell honey
~wipes drool from mouth~ WOW luck witch but who told her they loved her I need to know please please I beg
I knew he was going to get her back for the way she behaved.
Loved it. It reminds me of when I used to call my husband at work on his lunch break and talk dirty to him. lol. He was always in a good mood after lunch. lol
Oh bloody hell this is awesome. She shouldn't have said that to him. He is going to make her pay. I just know it. I can't wait to find out.
Good goddess man are you made of stone.
At the beginning of this chapter I got the vague impression that Severus would prefer Hermione to himself. Or may... like he wouldn't mind sharing as long as he also knew that Hermione was ultimately HIS. Now, with what just happened between her and Remus, I'm thinking maybe I was just reading too much into it - being an SS/HG shipper and all - and Sev is jsut a naughty, horny professor who may not care less about Hermione personnally ?? Guess I'll just have to wait and see as this series progresses. Great smut btw.
they all have her lust , but who will win her heart?
the evil death eater glare LOL, problem is, it doesn't seem to be working...
three different men, three different styles, nothing like a bit of variety.
Reminds me of that T-shirt saying, Don't fuck with me, I fuck back!
Teasing Remus, now that wasn't nice... or was it?
Hot Stuff!
floo-sex, fire-sex, flame-sex.....
Now where could that wolf be hiding? Prefer Luci meself ;)
ok mission 2 was even better than mission one and as you see i did some digging around and found all 3 of them thank you my friend and i sat and read part of this ;last nightboth our husbands got luckythanks again julie
Oh my! This story was... um... *fans herself*yummy. Nice work!
Well, you now have three parts of this story completed, and Get Hermione Laid volume IV is on the way. After having read all of them, I have come to the conclusion that this chapter is my favorite. It was a tough choice, because everything you write just basically amazes me. However, I can't get enough of Snape. That whole domineering thing is precisely what I love about him. You write it perfectly. Thanks!Peace, Love, and Potter,Sue :o)
I must agree with Hermione, your story does leave one with a feeling of elation. Damn witch, so lucky. Anyway, back to the review...What I love most about this story if that it isn't just smut. Don't get me wrong, 'just smut' is fine with me. But this one has a great plot that makes it not only (very) hot, but very hilarious as well. And, if I'm not mistaken, this story ends with a teeny-tiny romantic gesture on Snape's part? You write the characters wonderfully. Though we most likely will not be finding those four in a similar situation in Deathly Hallows, they still are very much convincing, and I don't doubt that JK would write them just as you have (not that she ever would, of course).Well done! Now off to drool over your other stories :o)Peace, Love, and Potter,Sue.
next please!