New Chapter for Punctuation Will Be Punished
Punctuation Will Be Punished
sweetflag17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Hermione discovers that the lack of punctuation can have its rewards.
This is in response to a challange set by sunny33 (many thanks for this!).
Chapters (1)
About sweetflag
Member Since 2007 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 35 | 180 Reviews Written | 1,104 Review Responses
Hello. I love reading and writing... what more can I say?
Reviews for Punctuation Will Be Punished
This is the Severus I love. *grin* Absolutely wicked. You're a genious.
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you for the lovely review :) More lucky than clever, I think :)
I thought the whole time "why don't they put a silencing charm on?" and here he did but didn't t ell her. Very sneaky
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Indeed, very sneaky :D
Ohh. Naughty. And very in character.
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you for the review.
Boy, lust is even better when you know you can't make any noise (like at your in-laws house, lol)
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
I will have to take your word for it... ;PThanks for reviewing
Oh Hawt! and not a comma in sight or hiding anywhere! Good job. The michevious Severus taking advantage of her thinking that they had to be quiet and then drive her nuts! delicious! ...Okay... Now to go find boyfriend and tell him he's done watching TV!
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
No... not a comma at all, although some of them may have been Transfigured into something else. I really liked this challenge.I hope that boyfriend came through with only minimal injuries :DThanks for the review.
nice nonuse of the comma, and quite erotic to boot. :)
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you so much :)It was hard work, but fun!I'm still looking for someone to connect the story title to content, but I think that I'm just a weird person with a weird sense of humour.It would have helped if I had known that it didn't have to absolutely be about nookie--not really my thing--but I can always have another go... I think.Off to read yours now :D
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
i assumed you meant the sound to be considered punctuating the activity? and given that it isn't your thing, you did quite well. :)
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Yay! I'm not weird and incomprehensible! :D Thanks! I quite enjoyed writing it, but don't tell anyone.
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
my lips are sealed. ;)
Sneaky Slytherin.
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Very sneaky. But it makes Hermione happy, so not all bad :DThanks for the review
This was absolutely delicious. How very Slytherin of Severus not to reveal that he'd succeeded in casting Silencing Charms. I bet Hermione's figured out how to as well. :)
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Everyone gets what they want... perfect arrangemet. She may have... dunno about that :D
You're 1st ss/hg . My dear you are a natural. Please expand this story, it could be brillant. Thank you so much
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you for that :)I realised that I had fibbed a little; this is my second, but the first was a general friendship one... nothing remotely like this. I could expand it, but have other projects at the minute; when they're under control, I may come back to this or the whole SS/HG thang!
*SHUDDERS* Well done! I love this drabble...WOW, Who could be quiet with Severus's attentions...~SIGH~ Love your writtings!!!
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Oh thank you! :)I doubt that I could; I was accused of sniggering when writing it, so I've already lost.
tee hee. Good job with the challenge. I couldn't help but wonder as I read, just how many times you must have had to go back and rework a sentence to take a comma out. Little buggers are the devil's work they are. lol
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you for the review.About twice a sentence :DIt was really hard work at first, but after a few paragraphs and curses, it was like writing in reverse. Take all the things that require commas, brush them under the carpet and go with what was left. Keep stomping on the bulge under the rug, and you're away with a comma free story!Commas are pesky, but I still love 'em!
Ooh, evil evil Severus. But so delightfully delicious. Silencing charm? *Shifty eyes* Lets play quietly....yumyum!
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you for the review. :)
He's so mean! But I'm sure she appreciates that part of him. I'm so impressed by the depth of feeling you were able to portray without commas; you managed to make it flow as naturally as though there were no restrictions.I found myself wondering why he didn't just Inperturb the room, but the final paragraph was perfect!
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
She does indeed. Thank you for the lovely compliment. I had to add bits in to give some extra information. I'm sorry to be a prude, but I don't really like SS/HG where she's still a student--makes me a feel a bit er... iffy. So in this, she's no longer a student. I think that she'd be (maths! Arggh!) about twenty-eight. Glad that you liked my first SS/HG... oh no! It's not my first SS/HG... but this is the first one with such 'stuff' in it :)
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
I don't think that's overly prudish at all. I think the majority of us agree with you. I've written her as a student, but not sexually.
How mean.. But I like!
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Mean, but nice.Thank you for the review.
Niiiiiice. *kneadkneadpurrrrrrr*~Lotm
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you so much.Er... tempted to throw some catnip or something. :D
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*POUNCE!* (*knocks you into your keyboard as she does you might as well write more, yes?*)~Lotm
Such a meanie! heheWell done! Well done indeed./M
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Who, me? I'm not mean. :DThank you so much *bows*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Nooo, not you! LOLThe dear bat of the dungeon, of course.
Thoroughly SSHG and thoroughly delightful! So much passion and no commas!Very well done!Beth
Response from sweetflag (Author of Punctuation Will Be Punished)
Thank you :) My first SS/HG. *bounces around happily*I'm glad that you liked it.