New Chapter for I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order
I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order
Kailin17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
After being temporarily forced out of our flat, Remus and I try to make the best of a bad situation.
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Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 88 | 230 Reviews Written | 475 Review Responses
Reviews for I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order
Now I remember why I don't like reading WIP stories. I want to know that Kailin is ok. Such a horrible thing to happen and where is Remus? Please update soon :)
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Sorry I was delinquent in getting the next chapter up. I'll submit it tonight, and hopefully the admins will whisk it through. But I'll give you a hint: I love happy endings. Of course, the ending for this story is still over a year into the future...
Response from lilbitbord (Reviewer)
As long I know that there is a happy ending I am good :). I love your story line and I will wait patiently wait for the next chapter.
Oh, but it isn't Malfoy, is it? (hopes...)
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
We'll find out soon!
Now the story is getting interesting! I have enjoyed the set up to their relationship but now we are getting into the thick of things.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
And it's going to get a lot thicker! Thanks for reading.
Oh, that Snape! I almost think he did it on purpose. Then Lucius. The plot is certainly thickening.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Lucius is going to be a pain in the Lupins' side for a very long time. Stay tuned!
Hmph – why did I know that the cat would get out of the bag somehow...? Great. Just great.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Yes, that cat is out of the bag - unfortunately for poor Kailin. And dear Lucius is not likely to forget it...
Yeah, nice idea: why couldn't Remus do some self-employed freelance work?
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
I always thought it was a good idea. I think JKR didn't want to take away the 'unemployable werewolf' image.
Your Kailin Lupin is a treasure to put up with the Mad Moody, the Moody Mooney and the Metamorphmagus. Her solution was excellent, and I'm sure it will ease things between them somewhat.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Thanks! Your review was MMMMpressive...
Response from WriterMerrin (Reviewer)
LOL! That whole thing is mostly a product of my inability to visually distinguish 'Moody' from 'Moony', even in the books!
Oh yeah, practice makes perfect, right?
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Absolutely. But no babies in the immediate future; more difficulties ahead.
Aww baby talk! I'm a little worried if they actually want to start now with Lucius still bend on trying to destory them. You update fast, I wish I could update my stories this fast
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
No babies just yet. And yes, Lucius isn't done. Thanks for reading!
Kailin seems so vulnerable having no magic abilities. I wonder why she has none since her grandmother was a witch? I wonder if she will have an impact on the war later?Anyway, I'm having fun reading.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
She'll be able to make a contribution, but not for a while yet. Mr. Malfoy is not done with the Lupins! Thanks so much for reading.
Remus take the course of most conservative action? Noooooooo, say it's not so!Lovely chapter, rather bittersweet. Nice to see them looking ahead, though!Thanks for the update. Beats the heck out of Latin grammar!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Latin grammar? Blech! Meanwhile, Remus and Kailin have not seen the last of Mr. Malfoy. Stick around!
Wow, I know that life is too busy when I didn't even take the time to see how Kailin's life was saved. Pretty nifty rescue after all, and I hope that Malfoy can remain in the dark. Two fires in one month; talk about nightmarish.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Well, don't relax TOO much. We haven't seen the last of Mr. Malfoy...
Another chapter full of suspense... you know that I immediately thought of Padfoot when I read about the dog in the previous chapter? I am looking forward to the next one...
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Great catch on Padfoot! And while things have settled down a bit (comparatively speaking), the Lupins aren't out of the woods yet...
Angst! Angst! Trauma!Ok, better now.Malfoy might just leave off - assuming he thinks his job is finished, that is.What a frustration for an American muggle, accustomed to fair administration of justice (generally) to learn that she's SOL because of prejudices. *sigh*Thanks for the update!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Well... Malfoy's not exactly done yet with the Lupins... Much more to come. Thanks for reading!
Oh what a relief that she is ok. Evil Lucius, how dare you try to take way Kailin! Aww Padfoot camet o the rescue, or least his spirit did. I can't wait for more
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Kailin may be okay for now, but Remus will be next up in Malfoy's scope. Can't catch a break, can they?Thanks for reading and reviewing.
*giggle* yes, radar eyes can be quite disturbing... ;-)
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Yes. Maybe I should subtitle the story 'The Hazardous Life of Newlyweds".
Ooh, another story line! Nicely done - the Moody thing was hilarious. Very typical Moody! Can hardly wait for whatever's next.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: Married to the Order)
Thanks! Actually, it's one big story line; it just doesn't seem like it yet. Everything will come together in the end. Thanks for reading!