New Chapter for Forgetting Ron
Forgetting Ron
Ms_Figg14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 45 Favorites )
Hermione discovers her husband has not only been cheating on her, but has gotten another witch pregnant. She deals with it the best she can. Snape helps. ;)
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About Ms_Figg
Member Since 2006 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 15 Reviews Written | 85 Review Responses
Young grandma of 6.5 with too much time on her hands, absolutely gah-gah over Severus Snape. Writes AU SS/HG SS/OFC usually all NC-17. Some really do like it hot after all ;)
Reviews for Forgetting Ron
I think you should have included a birth scene. I can imagine it with him saying sweet and encouraging things :D
Great story! Incidentally, that's pretty much how I imagine a Hermione/Ron marriage would end up turning eventually.
Ron's always been pretty self-centered and would almost certainly have the idea that the ideal marriage would be just like his parents' with the woman staying home raising the kids while the man went out to earn a living. With Hermione being very driven to expand her knowledge, with ambition and dreams of making a difference in the world, I could see where they would end up clashing rather than living "happily-ever-after" as JKR would have us believe.
Never mind the age difference and the snarky shell ... Severus and Hermione would have been a far better match.
Ron who? That's right!! I loved this---such a sweet story and a happy ending.
Beautiful story well written.Love the plot Hermione and Ron seem so ill suited.
How i love SS/HG Fic!! Grand Job!!
Hermione is a very fortunate witch, and she and Severus have what Ron will never have.... a loving commitment to each other cemented with appreciation and respect!Good show!Beth
That was sweet. Hermione can definately do better than Ron, I will forever be disgusted that JK allowed her to waste herself on him.
Yeah! Forget Ron! You go, girl!! Seems like Snape was *cough* a better fit anyway.
Nice work-around. I don't think Hermione belongs with Ron either. She is way out of his league.
I really liked this! I thought the ending was really cute. Very well-written; fantastic job!~Jen
Ron just got what he deserves. And what sort of law is this that make people marry for life? When you marry at twenty and will probably live 150 years, how can you be so sure you're doing the right choice knowing you won't be able to divorce if it went wrong. It's a even wonder people still desire to marry.
Ron who?... xD hahaha that was good!
This is so very sweet: thank you. If only I could find a man iike that... at least one who can say sweet things. That would probably suffice!
Sweet ending.