New Chapter for Alphabet Getrunken
Alphabet Getrunken
dmf19849 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Four witches celebrate summer with an "alphabetical drinking game."
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About dmf1984
Member Since 2007 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 7 | 59 Reviews Written | 54 Review Responses
My computer, and my seven-year old son sit down here in sunny Florida with me. When they or any of the three cats gives me permission to do so, I write fan-fic for things like Harry Potter, CSI and Dalziel&Pascoe! My main 'ships are ADMM and JimBrass/Sofia (from CSI-LV). Andy Dalziel doesn't really strike me as too shippy...*snerk*. So there you go.
**A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to justify her intuition**GKChesterton
Reviews for Alphabet Getrunken
LOL The list of S drinks and the question about the Holiday with the Headmaster had me in fits of giggles.Excellent one-shot! *winks*
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Thanks very much! It was indeed a lot of fun to write (with my Bartender's black book here beside me). I can't help myself and I stay very very happy in the RAM-verse.Hope you are well. No hurricanes and/or earthquakes to deal with this weekend!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
So it would seem! I sent MMADfan an email asking her why in hell she was using an alt name - hahahaha, imagine my surprise when she told me you were an entirely different human being using her Uverse for a wee gift - so adorable! And so creative! Gives me all kinds of fun ideas to wrap through my yarn... hehe!
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Cheers then! If I get down to Cocoa Beach, we'll have our own alphabetical drinks. I was once the DD for my sisters and brother one Memorial Day weekend, and since I was not imbibing, I have lots of very strange memories of that event.Something about a Kahlua drink called "Duck farts".I have really crazy siblings, BTW.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Cocoa Beach? HEY! Did I tell you where I live? Where you woman? Oh hell yes, you're offering to be DD? I'd consider treating you at my favorite Irish Pub in Melbourne - you familiar with Meg O'Malley's?Their Black Irishes are the best things EVER!
You know, I realized I never left a review for this story here! And it's high time, since you so sweetly wrote it for me! (I did review over on the CR board at the time, though.) It was very funny to see all the various witches' reactions to the alcohol, and I particularly like Rolanda's difficulties! I guess she's a lightweight! Poppy was amusing, too, and I particularly enjoyed the "hop, skip, and jump naked" of Minerva's! That was very amusing! Hard to imagine Pomona making it all the way to Z!!! It was a funny story, and great fun to revisit it.
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Thank you very much, again, and I am still glad you enjoy your silly little prezzie. I had to go back and read it too; three years already?!!Hope you are well, and CFR Much love, Sis.D.
wonderfull story but would have liked to hear all the drinks names
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
I made a list when I was writing, using a bartender's guide so I'll see if I can find it for you!Thank you for the review; I'm glad you enjoyed the story.Cheers,Dianne
LOL, I would imagine all the girls are going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning. This never ceases to be fun, no matter what 'round' it is. I love the reference to your other story as well.Cheers,Stef =o)
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
*sigh* True, but wouldn't it be cool in RL to be able to Reducto all the drinks and actually get to "Z"?Thanks very much for the review!GRITS!Di
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
*sigh* True, but wouldn't it be cool in RL to be able to Reducto all the drinks and actually get to "Z"?Thanks very much for the review!GRITS!Di
Good inspiration for upcoming parties, that's for sure. Entertaining ficlet. Liked it.
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Thanks very much...just be really careful about mixing too many colors and liquors! Ouchie!I'm very glad to hear you liked this; I hope these types of stories continue to be fun and "inspirational"!
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Thanks very much...just be really careful about mixing too many colors and liquors! Ouchie!I'm very glad to hear you liked this; I hope these types of stories continue to be fun and "inspirational"!
Wow! Didn't know Pomona had it in her!
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Heh, neither did I until I just sat and started writing out this rather persistent plot-bunny! Pomona strikes me as a fun gal to hang around with, and one who is often under-estimated. Pity, that.Thank you for reviewing! I hope these stories continue to be somewhat entertaining.Cheers for now,Di
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
Heh, neither did I until I just sat and started writing out this rather persistent plot-bunny! Pomona strikes me as a fun gal to hang around with, and one who is often under-estimated. Pity, that.Thank you for reviewing! I hope these stories continue to be somewhat entertaining.Cheers for now,Di
Sounds like a lot of colourful drinks. :)
LOLthat was HILARIOUS! hahahahaha
Response from dmf1984 (Author of Alphabet Getrunken)
I am very glad that I was able to add some laughter to your day! And thank you much for the kind review; it was a fun story to write.Cheers for now,Di
i tried having some alcohol last saturday (i'm just 16)... and my, they were surprised i didn't threw up! they said it was cause of my size.. hehe. fat absorbs alcohol, maybe that's why prof sprout lasted. haha. love the story... kudos to you! :) ♥