A Matter of Legalities
Chapter 3 of 5
Azrael"My name is Hermione Granger and I finished Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in June 1998 with Outstanding passes in all of my subjects. After a comment from my former Potions professor stating that I did not have the disposition to be a successful Potion maker, I have lost my dream job to one Draco Malfoy. To get even I have decided to devote my career to humiliating Professor Severus Snape in public." An oldie - made for the Selling Snape challenge - AU and a bit silly...
ReviewedChapter 2
A Matter of Legalities
Disclaimer: See Prologue
Neville Longbottom was not having a good day. Having graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Neville had gone on to become a respected botanist, who specialised in the creation of experimental hybrid plants. He had spent four months creating a Devil's Snare-Puffer Pod hybrid, and that morning it had matured into adulthood. Unfortunately, what should have been a moment of triumph took a rather tragic turn when the plant puffed and burst and shot out black tentacles that almost killed his assistant.
For as terrible as he'd felt about the mishap, he was beginning to wish that he hadn't allowed the poor girl to go home because it meant that he had to go and register the plant himself. The Department for the Registration of Magical Businesses also served as the office for the Registration of Magical Plants and Creatures and was Neville's first stop before heading down to the Control of Dangerous Plants office. It was a lot of fuss for one small plant, but Neville reasoned that the Ministry was there for a reason, and other than having to stand in line for hours on end, he really had no cause to complain about it.
Unfortunately, he ended up in line directly behind the one person who had truly terrified him in his youth, and whom he had hoped to never set eyes on again. To make matters worse, he was wearing his Snapeorium "I survived the Greasy Git" T-shirt, complete with the snarling face of Snape that periodically dripped grease from the end of its nose. Neville decided that the best thing to do was remain calm and nonchalant, as though standing behind the one man who scared you most in the world, and wearing an offensive shirt emblazoned with his image, was a completely normal thing to do.
Severus Snape hadn't seen Neville yet, which was probably a good thing given his mood. His scowl was certainly deeper than usual that morning quite a feat considering the depth of his usual scowl and he was racking his brain trying to work out just who hated him enough to defame him in such a way. The truth was that there were any number of people wandering about the wizarding world hating him, but he had always assumed that once they left his classroom forever, they would happily forget he ever existed. He stepped up to the counter where a terribly familiar fresh-faced attendant was sitting with a large grin and a Snape mug half hidden behind his quill and ink.
"What can I do for you today, Professor Snape?"
Snape recognised the voice instantly, and he suppressed a shudder as the headache he thought had long passed blossomed suddenly behind his eye. He had almost danced a jig the day that Colin Creevey had finished school. Frighteningly, it appeared the voice still hadn't managed to break. For his part, Creevey looked very much as though all of his bad dreams had just come to fruition, and he quickly slid his Snape mug a little further behind his ink pot.
Despite wanting desperately to cause the mug to explode (and possibly lodge a large porcelain chunk into Creevey's right cornea), Snape decided that being polite would benefit his cause. There was not enough gold in the world to make him smile at that moment however, and his usual demeanor was enough to cause Colin's head to bobble up and down nervously. "I would like to find out the identity of someone who registered a business here," Snape said, trying to sound friendly and failing miserably.
Colin's eyes grew terribly wide, and for a moment it seemed he was trying to produce spit to wet his dry mouth. In the face of Snape's glare he shank back so that he looked positively miniscule, but eventually he did manage to find his voice. "I'm sorry, Professor Snape, we are unable to disclose that information directly to the public. If you like, you can make an application and the head of department will review it. You should have your answer in five to ten days."
While Colin appeared to believe he had found the perfect solution to Snape's dilemma, Snape felt his blood pressure rise slightly, and the Creevey-produced headache became a pronounced thudding pain. He cleared his throat and wondered how long he could keep up the polite persona. "I don't have five to ten days," he said quietly and noted that his voice sounded a little strained. "I need to know who registered the business now."
"I'm sorry, Professor, but the policy of the Department for the Registration of Magical Businesses clearly states that..."
Snape felt his rather tenuous grip on politeness snap, and he reached across the bench, grasped Colin hard by his collar, and dragged him bodily over the counter. It would have been far easier to have used the Imperius curse on the squeaky voiced little bureaucrat, but there was a terrible sort of pleasure in grinding his wand into Colin's quite possibly unused scrotum and making him squeak just a little bit higher. "I'm sure you can make an exception for me, Mr. Creevy. Tell me who registered the Snapeorium as a business."
Colin Creevy was looking around wildly for the Security Guards, and when at last he spotted them moving forward, he almost wilted with relief. "I... I'm sorry, Professor," he spluttered, knowing that his salvation was only moments away. "I... I can't give out that information."
Snape didn't bother to release his grip on his former student's collar, but he did want to see exactly what had given him such courage. He jerked his head around to see what Creevy was looking at, smiled, and nodded cordially. "Crabbe, Goyle, good to see that the references I gave you found you gainful employment."
Crabbe and Goyle were resplendent in their black and silver security robes, and much to Colin's dismay, they waved cheerfully at Snape and settled in to see what kind of damage their ex-Head of House could inflict. Snape could almost sense Creevey making a mental note to complain to his department head about them later, but from the way the imbecile was shaking, Snape wasn't certain if he would survive the encounter without having a heart attack first.
"Now listen, you no-talent little pissant," Snape hissed, his face so close to Colin's that spittle flecked across his cheek. "You either tell me the name of the person who registered that business, or I will give you a case of elephantiasis of the nuts so bad that you'll be wheeling your balls around in a barrow until you're fifty!"
"'G-G-G-G-G' what?" Snape dug the wand in a little harder.
"Granger..." Colin wailed. "H-Hermione Granger."
Snape released him immediately with a frown. Hermione Granger? What in hell had he ever done to her? "Thank you," he said politely, "you have been most helpful."
Snape turned away and spotted Neville. His eyes glanced quickly at the T-shirt, and he snorted impatiently. He pushed past him, and Neville looked panicked, as though he were about to wet himself. Snape didn't pause to make a comment, but as he passed he made sure to catch Neville's eye and hold his gaze for a second before walking away. He smirked when he heard a yelp of dismay, as Neville no doubt realized that instead of feet he now sported a giant set of rabbit paws. He turned his head ever so slightly, and the smirk that had tugged at his mouth became an evil grin as he caught sight of Neville unconsciously twitching his nose.
The Daily Prophet's dissection of her last press conference reiterated to Hermione that she was not well liked by the media. In truth she wasn't well liked by many people at all, and even shopping trips to Diagon Alley had become events that she treated with some trepidation. Someone always felt the need to come up and tell her exactly what they thought of her even as they were shaking Harry's hand! She often wondered how she had managed to get into the unenviable position in the first place. She wasn't all that brilliant at public speaking, and she had a tendency to get annoyed at answering the same question, differently phrased, over and over again.
To make matters worse, she was fairly certain that Percy Weasley (who was now Head of the Department of Magical Co-operation and thus her boss to some degree) had some kind of strange crush on her, because he kept asking her out for a drink after work. She had contemplated taking him aside and explaining that in a moment of lunacy she had submitted to intercourse with his brother, and as such it would just be far too strange for her to form any kind of relationship with him. She felt pretty sure these were terms he would understand, and they were far kinder than the truth that he looked like a giant red pimple and there wasn't enough gold in Gringotts to convince her to have so much as a glass of milk in his company. She had not taken action though, because if her current luck was holding out, she was completely wrong about Percy's 'crush', and she would end up looking like a total idiot on top of everything else.
Today's 'everything else' consisted of yet another press conference regarding the new regulation for cauldron thickness. The Ministry appeared to be completely obsessed with the subject, and a new report, with a new set of recommendations, was released every few months... and every few months Hermione stood in front of the same crowd of journalists and adjusted the regulations amidst much scoffing and sneering. Today was no exception.
One of the main problems with press conferences for the Department of Magical Co-operation was that it made for an international press gallery, and Rita Skeeter (who had fashioned herself a serious journalist in recent years and who referred to Hermione as the Ministry's resident know-it-all with such alarming regularity that it was no longer funny) was always keen to make a statement in front of her foreign counterparts. She was now asking, yet again, why the wizarding world should be concerned with changes so minimal that they could well be considered irrelevant when there were far more important things to worry about, such as the incidents of vampire attacks having risen ten-fold in recent years. Hermione would have loved to have agreed with her, but she settled instead for rolling her eyes and glaring at the troublemaker, envisioning the reporter buzzing around in a jar and fiddling with the wand in her robe pocket, wondering if she could both Transfigure a jar and say the incantation to force her into her Animagus form simultaneously.
Such moments had their uses, however; they served as fodder for her grudge against the man who had been the means for keeping her in this god-awful job. As she had sat through breakfast that morning, with a greasy haired Harry and an even greasier faced Ron, she had been concocting a new product... one that was now taking glorious new shape in her brain. Even as she walked away from the podium, ignoring the grumbled misgivings of the various press assembled, Hermione found that a smile had begun to tug at the corner of her mouth as she contemplated the brilliance of her new plan. With some work, she could have it ready just in time for Christmas, and she had no doubt it would be a hit.
She walked into her office, her mind still mulling over her new plan, and she was about to sit down, when she realised that there was a large and rather ferocious looking owl standing on her chair. She took a step back, and it glared at her impatiently.
Can an owl really look impatient?
She looked at the owl and raised an eyebrow. Yes, an owl could really look impatient. The bird hopped up onto her desk and held out its leg, waiting for her to remove the letter it was carrying and giving her the distinct impression that it was only just tolerating her touch. She untied the letter from the owl's leg, but before she could offer it a drink, the bird took off out the window.
Hermione looked at the heavy grade parchment envelope and read the neatly gold embossed name on the back. Akerbole and Sidenhelm Solicitors at Law. She felt her stomach drop with a nervous thump and carefully opened the letter.
16 October 2003
Dear Miss Granger
I am writing on behalf of my client, Professor Severus Snape, in relation to your business, 'The Snapeorium'. It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorised use of my client's name, face, figure, personality and reputation in the preparation of products relating to said business. All rights to Professor Snape's person, including any resulting products created by your business, are therefore infringing his personal copyright to his own person.
As you neither asked for nor received permission to use Professor Snape as the basis for The Snapeorium, nor to make or distribute products relating or referring to Professor Snape, I believe you have wilfully infringed my client's rights under ACT 17 M.O.M. Section 101 et seq., and could be liable for statutory damages as high as 150,000 Galleons as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) therein.
I demand that you immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from The Snapeorium, and all products of same, and that you deliver to me, if applicable, all unused, undistributed products of same, or destroy such products immediately. I also hereby demand that you desist from this or any other infringement of my client's rights in the future. If I have not received an affirmative response from you by 31 October 2003 indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements, my client shall take further action against you.
Yours faithfully
Augustine Akerbole
Solicitor at Law
"Wow," Hermione said, astonished, "I thought he'd just hex me."
"Dear Ms Akerbole
RE: Your letter of 16 October 2003. The Snapeorium.
My client, Miss Hermione Granger and The Snapeorium, has asked that I contact you with regards to this matter.
In relation to Professor Snape's issues with the Snapeorium's use of the name 'Snape' and in relation to the Snapeorium and all products therein, we wish to advise that Snape is a small village in Suffolk, and the village council have raised no objections to my client's business being named after their town, which is where the head office of the Snapeorium is located.
Further, with regards to my client's use of your client's person as a basis for products, in International Wizarding Law 715 2.2 -3: Dorbello v. Nottingham, 379 U.K. 64 (1864), we hold that even when a speaker or writer is motivated by hatred or ill-will, his expression is protected by the Wizengamot Declaration 1 273.6. Were we to hold otherwise, there could be little doubt that political cartoonists and satirists would be subjected to damages awards without any showing that their work falsely defamed its subject. The appeal of the political cartoon or caricature is often based on exploitation of unfortunate physical traits, or politically embarrassing events an exploitation, it should be noted, that is often calculated to injure the feelings of the subject of the portrayal. The art of the cartoonist is often not reasoned or even handed, but slashing and one-sided (as in the Wizengamot finding of November 1989 Lockhart v Quibbler). The use of this finding extends to any other reproduction that would be considered a respectful parody of a public figure. A public figure being defined as anyone who stands up in front of the public to lecture or impart information and thus also includes teachers and professors. Therefore, on each and every product manufactured by the Snapeorium, my client very clearly states that the product is a "respectful parody" of a well-known figure and as such falls under the above mentioned ruling.
If you wish to discuss this matter further, I request that you direct all correspondence to my office.
Yours faithfully
Pavarti Patil
Solicitor at Law"
"Well, Severus..." Augustine Akerbole sat back in her chair and blew smoke from her cigarette into the air, "she's got your balls in a vice."
"What?" Snape hissed and glared across the desk at the woman as though she had suddenly sprouted horns. "What do you mean 'she has my balls in a vice'? That know-it-all little bitch will never get my balls in a fucking vice! Why don't you do your fucking job and stop her?"
Augustine blew some more smoke and to Snape's astonishment, she smiled dreamily. A quick and silent Legilimens revealed a disturbing image of his solicitor singing in the shower with a Snape Soap-on-a-Rope dancing on a loofah. Worse still, another image spang to her mind: a group of wildly intoxicated witches whooping and cheering as another, blindfolded witch strived to pin a penis on a frighteningly accurate caricature of himself. Pin the Penis on the Potions Master? What kind of mad woman would buy such a thing? What kind of mad woman would invent it?
"Well, Severus," Augustine said cheerfully, "if we take her to court, it could come out very badly for you. I mean, you're not the most popular man in the country, and..."
"I think you will find that those fortunate enough to have been placed in Slytherin House have quite fond memories of me," Snape cut in indignantly.
"Yes, I understand that former members of Slytherin house have a great deal of respect for you, but they do total less than a quarter of the wizarding population, and it doesn't stop them from buying these 'products'."
Snape began to pace Augustine Akerbole's office. The Granger girl was obviously harbouring some grubby little grudge from some ill he had done her, either real or imagined. He had to admit that it was very possibly real; he had generally gone out of his way to either ignore or insult her when she was at school. But he had schooled countless students, all of whom still hated the sight of him, and none of them had ever done anything like this. To add insult to injury, the little bitch was too smart for her own good, and she had managed to find a legal loophole that would allow her to do it. Damn the Wizengamot!
So how should he stop this? Should he just ignore it? Take the high road and pretend it didn't bother him? Or should he come up with something else? Should he perhaps get his own back?
Snape stopped pacing, and a thin smile crossed his sallow features in a way that made the world-weary Augustine Akerbole shudder.
Then, inexplicably, Snape began to chuckle. "Oh, yes," he murmured more to himself than to his solicitor. "How utterly perfect. How perfect indeed."
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Latest 25 Reviews for Selling Snape
134 Reviews | 6.4/10 Average
Oh and it gets even better with this chapter! Such an evil place to leave the cliffhanger at! With it's head exploding with it reveal all? Oh I can't wait to see what happens when Hermione finds out about Draco and Harry and then what she does to Harry!
After finding this story on Potter's Place this chapter has been absolutely hilarious, so much better than the past 3! Just too funny with Minerva and Sinistra watching the undulating and stripping Snape doll!
OMG this is fantastic
Oh my God I laughed. I loved the doll and Hermione's reaction. Too funny.
*BOOM*Hilarious, I can't stop laughing. The image of this thing, red-faced, climbing up on Harry's shoulder, fit to burst and then BOOM. Awesome.
You have me laughing hysterically with this story!!! I want a Little Know It All for christmas now!
My belly hurts so much I laughed reading this. Little Know It All seems to know everything and more. And the advert is just perfect. (Maybe an exploding head would have been fun.
*mwahaha* That's SO cool! I'm laying on the floor faint with laughing... the ad is particularly "bad".... ;o))))
The ad is brilliant! Very funny!
This is a WONDERFULLY funny chapter! You write so visually! Thank you for updating, I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with.
this is utterly fabulous; you have me in stitches! I can't wait for the next update.
"Apparently he had to prove his metal" you mean "mettle", right?
Response from Azrael (Author of Selling Snape)
Ahhhhh! Tackles beta... rolls around for a bit on ground in mock wrestling and extracts pound of flesh... no seriously, thanks, I'll go change it :)
Response from Azrael (Author of Selling Snape)
Ahhhhh! Tackles beta... rolls around for a bit on ground in mock wrestling and extracts pound of flesh... no seriously, thanks, I'll go change it :)
ha! VERY nice.
what a total hoot!!!! love this story and i'm so glad you got back to it! thanks so much
I think I loved the ad the best of all! Funny, funny chapter. Can't wait until screaming banshee!Hermione finds out Harry was the one who told Draco.
I been LMAO since the first sentence! The Little Know It All doll with reflex ‘hand in air’ action and her own soapbox to stand on is a brilliant response to the all-singing, all-dancing Potions Master Action Figure with complimentary magnifying glass.Ron and Harry couldn't give each other up fast enough when Hermione caught onto their little "hide the doll" game.Brilliant!Beth
My Lord! That was funny. I laughed so hard I cried. The Snape Action Figure (with complimentary magnifying glass) had me screaming with laughter.Well done!Beth
I nearly made myself sick laughing so hard. I love "‘Granger Inc.’ stamped across the doll’s little plastic bum"!! I can't wait to see what's next. Please don't keep us waiting too long.
If IRC this was as far as you got before, so does that mean we will be seeing something new posted in the not too distant future, or will we have to deduct points?
I have to admit, the Little Know It All doll and that whole scene with the Boys remains one of my all time favourite scenes in anything I've read.
Response from Azrael (Author of Selling Snape)
New chapter out soon - I am trying for something in time for Christmas :D
Response from Azrael (Author of Selling Snape)
New chapter out soon - I am trying for something in time for Christmas :D
This is fabulous. And the part about the doll and the soapbox is my favorite. Of course, my daughter says I carry a portable soapbox.
I think I detect some revision of the text. It is magnificent and I wholly approve! So glad you've taken this tale up again. I can't wait to find out how it ends.
Awsome update. LMFAO. Just perfect.
Very funny lol I can't wait till Hermione and Severus come head to head!
I do adore this story, it is magnificient in humour and revenge issued by two, usually, intelligent people:-)) That said, I still think Severus overstepped every limit of decency and behaviour by his scorn of Hermione. He wasn't satisfied by ruining her job oppertunity, but had to do his best to ruin her future too. That goes way beyond "the call of duty" and I sincerely hope he will have to pay for it. It was not the actions of a snarky potions master who only find value in pureblooded slytherins, it was the actions of a scumbag with no honorable boone in his body. So update again soon, I can't remember to have read any more than this chapter before and I really, really would love to see more of this story!!!!
What a riot! I laughed until I cried. That poor little doll -- hahahhahahaha