New Chapter for The Progression of Madness
The Progression of Madness
stickleyhunter13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Severus Snape has a hidden secret that is causing an unhealthy obsession with Hermione. One Shot. Complete
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About stickleyhunter
Member Since 2005 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 3 | 16 Reviews Written | 0 Review Responses
I mostly love to read FanFiction, but will occassionally post a story of my own. Generally, I read Harry Potter FanFiction that focuses on Hermione Granger & Severus Snape (HG/SS) However, I have been known to read other stories should the mood strike me. I loathe abandoned fics, so I will only post my own stories if they are complete. If you would like to contact me, you can do so on my livejournal page.
Reviews for The Progression of Madness
Haunting, disturbing, and beautifully written.
Wow. This is a very dark piece, and hauntingly sad for both characters. I'm not really certain what to put into a review of this nature, so I'll leave it with the knowledge that I have attempted a review rather than be simply a silent reader.
This is the kind of story that sticks with a person. You have done a wonderful job in the horror theme. I only wish there were more stories like this.
ooooh creepy I really like it at least the voices in my head liked it! ;-}
Frightening. Everything that people fear about mental illness. This is along the lines of some of the best psychological horror I've ever read and I'm glad I read it in daylight. ;)
Wow, spooky
Powersul and VERY Dark. Love it.
Love Sonia :)
That was, well, unsettling. which was probably the idea.
This story is creepily excellent.
That was creepy.
You definitely posted this to the right site. I love originality. I love stories that push the envelope instead of follow the norm. I love stories that shock the reader and make them feel something different for a change. Thanks for posting.
Bravo, finally a story outside of the box. Tamara
Intense and chilling ... :) Love the last lines!