New Chapter for 100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley
100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley
Ms_Figg32 Reviews | 32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
A video parody/Spoof of Paul Simon's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover." Parody written by Mysterious T* Clips and singing by yours truly. Enjoy
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About Ms_Figg
Member Since 2006 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 15 Reviews Written | 85 Review Responses
Young grandma of 6.5 with too much time on her hands, absolutely gah-gah over Severus Snape. Writes AU SS/HG SS/OFC usually all NC-17. Some really do like it hot after all ;)
Reviews for 100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley
Great song, and GREAT voice.
Wonderful ... you have a great voice ... definitely bookmarking this one!
that was awesome
lovely voice!!i agree.mione+wonnikins? yeah right.what was jkr on that night? anyone can see snape and mione are meant to be together.
That was awsome! I loved it - laughed through the whole thing.
OMG I love it! This was great, and you have an amazing voice!
OMG I love it! This was great, and you have an amazing voice!
*Snerk* *Snerk*Loved it!
ROFLMAO. It's absolutely brilliant. nd may I add you have a great voice.
LOVE IT! I didn't take the epilogue to well either Ms_Figg. I do love your stories so.
LOVE IT! I didn't take the epilogue to well either Ms_Figg. I do love your stories so.
LOL Cute
That was a really fun video! Great choice of images, especially building up to the "kissing lyrics." You've got a nice singing voice! I didn't know you could post videos here at TPP, but it was a fun break from reading. I enjoyed it very much.
Damn! You have talent. I'm glad your back and as always, love your stuff!
You know I love it. *bows down to your genius once again*
Oh I yet again have to bow to the greatness that is Mrs. Figg. Glad to see you still being wildly creative.
Hi Ms Figg,This is very funny, all the more so because it's very well done, video and music wise. You sing very well!I really do feel sorry for Ron in this ficship sometimes.RedRoo
Response from RedRoo45 (Reviewer)
ARRRGH! I've always hated that song and now I've got the original version playing over and over in my head, LOL!
Response from Ms_Figg (Author of 100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley)
Again, I have to reiterate that I really do like Ron. Just not the epilogue. Actually I have a story called "A New Beginning" that is a follow-up to DH and relatively compliant. Since it's HG/SS Ron has to die, but I do a number of flashbacks to his and Hermione's relationship, and made sure it was loving and feasible. Not a marriage of convenience or resentment. There was real love between them. It will need a lot of work to get posted here however and I don't know if it will, but you can find it on my personal site, AFF net and if you'd like to look at it anyway. Ron's not a bad sort at all really, just . . . Severus seems so much better. lol. Thanks for commenting.
Response from Ms_Figg (Author of 100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley)
lol. Sorry about the song sticking in your head. Imagine how it was for me. I cracked up at the end of it as you probably heard. :)
Response from RedRoo45 (Reviewer)
"Since it's HG/SS Ron has to die" *snicker*I actually like Ron too and thus I especially like HGSS fics where he's not a slob or a male chovanist pig or an insensitive clod, etc. but he and H just decide it won't work amicably. But some of the Jerk!Ron stories are quite funny.
Absolutely hilarious. Enjoyed it immensely.Too cute!
I have loved this since the beginning!Your voice is great.The lyrics are great.The clips you chose are great.I love it all--and my dark confession is that if I were fifteen years old I'd be totally lusting after Rupert Grint! LOL!
Response from Ms_Figg (Author of 100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley)
arrrrrgh! just joking. Rupert is a cutie. Ron isn't . . . well not for our girl ;)
Response from mia madwyn (Reviewer)
Ron is a perfect childhood/teenaged sweetheart for Hermione and I thought JKR played it perfectly, right down to house-elves being the final thing that pushes her into his arms.
But that would have ended and they both would have moved on.
Once again, the epilogue sucks.
OMG!!!!!! I almost died laughing. By the way, you have a great voice!!!!!
Love it!!!funny and well sung. you have a great voice!you're not the only one who didn't take the epilogue well....
Oh how wonderfully creative. I absolutely love it! Irish
Absolutely awesome!
I saw this a while back when someone mentioned it on LJ. Ms Figg, it is truly inspired and hiliarious. I love it, and I think of it all the time. And you have a beautiful voice!But honestly, the best part for me was walking into my husband's comic book store the day after I had watched it (and made him watch it) to find all the comic book boys talking about it. You made a big impression. ;)
Response from Ms_Figg (Author of 100 Ways to Kill Ron Weasley)
"Really? lol. That's great. :))) It's hard to imagine te imagine the "guys" liking it. I always think about us girls having a good laugh. Thanks so much. ***