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Essays and transcripts of presentations about the Harry Potter series
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The Locked Room in the Department of Mysteries: Snarry in Canon
9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Whether or not we “ship” Harry and Snape as a romantic couple, theirs is the crucial relationship in canon. Only when they overcome their mutual hatred and recognize love in one another can Voldemort be defeated.
6,139 Words, Started 07/16/2012, Completed 07/16/2012
The Mother who Lived
8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )What does the Harry Potter series say about mothering? Lily's self-sacrifice was magic because it was universal: any mother would die to protect her child. But what about the rest of us -- the caretakers who do the daily drudgework of keeping a child alive, and keeping the self alive for the child? Whether it's about Snape protecting an enemy's son, Petunia and her unwanted nephew, or a suicidally depressed single mother, Rowling permeates her series with stories about how it feels to be the Mother Who Lived.
5,636 Words, Started 08/01/2010, Updated 08/01/2010
The Ignorance of the Privileged
by TeaOli
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )I am an inveterate seeker of approval. This has undermined my ability to express a point that is important to me.
4,045 Words, Started 08/27/2012, Completed 08/27/2012
Flying from Memory
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )We know that learning to fly from the mother is deeply important for Rowling because Lily is the first character in the series to fly. Through discussions of Harry’s flying skills, Snape’s flights, and Secret-Kept escapes, we explore what Rowling thinks flying can be.
2,794 Words, Started 07/16/2012, Completed 07/16/2012
Dark Marks: A Serious Consideration
by janus
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )An personal exploration of the Dark Mark.
There are no warnings for Dark Ideas, but this contains them as well as expression of my religious beliefs. I realise others have different beliefs whose meaning I deeply appreciate. I celebrate meaning wherever it may be found and I mean no disrespect. I do not expect in presenting my beliefs to represent or challenge those of anyone else'.
2,607 Words, Started 01/11/2011, Completed 01/11/2011