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Self Defence
by septentrion
4.33/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )A mini Marriage Law story, written in drabble format for grangersnape100.
1,272 Words, Started 01/07/2008, Completed 01/07/2008
Bag of Surprise
7.67/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Draco struggles with Hermione's birthday present.
870 Words, Started 12/27/2009, Completed 12/27/2009
A Little Trick or Treat
by Celisnebula
8.89/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )The Weasleys' Halloween party turns into a surprising adventure for one young woman.
1,723 Words, Started 11/01/2009, Completed 11/01/2009
Coal in Her Stocking
by peppermint
4.22/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )Hermione is naughty, but gets something nice. Fluffy as a new fallen snow.
125 Words, Started 12/24/2007, Completed 12/24/2007
by kittylefish
6.33/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Snape, Lupin, and a flea problem.
48 Words, Started 11/06/2009, Completed 11/06/2009
4.22/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )First impressions aren't always what they seem.
1,582 Words, Started 10/26/2008, Completed 10/26/2008
One Dozen Innocent Limericks
by MHaydn
6.33/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )An evening's fluff.
354 Words, Started 07/25/2008, Completed 07/25/2008
Circus Caper
7.78/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )A series of nightmares leaves Hermione wishing for a more ridiculous solution.
1,135 Words, Started 11/11/2009, Completed 11/11/2009
Time Out, Snape Style
by Pfifltriggi
6.56/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )A response to the "Magical Love Seat" challenge on GrangerSnape100.
139 Words, Started 11/08/2009, Completed 11/08/2009
Ode to Coffee
by notsosaintly
7.56/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Four couplets describing an addiction.
46 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Completed 04/05/2005
Party Games
by JackieJLH
4.22/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Severus hated staff parties.
507 Words, Started 11/17/2009, Completed 11/17/2009
Some Like It Hot
by RedOrchid
7.78/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )The most famous shower scene since Psycho.
1,882 Words, Started 08/11/2008, Completed 08/11/2008
Denim and Velvet
by eiradis
7.67/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )Severus and Hermione are not happy with the costumes Minerva picked for them...or maybe they are?
1,489 Words, Started 11/18/2009, Completed 11/18/2009
by whitesilence
7.78/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )What is your heart's desire?
253 Words, Started 05/07/2006, Completed 05/07/2006
Liquid Joy
by wingless
8.78/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )The joys and traps of the Prefects' Bathroom.
2,425 Words, Started 12/01/2009, Completed 12/01/2009
How Narcissa Became Un-Stuck
by notsosaintly
8.89/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Courting Narcissa Black isn't a simple matter....
3,011 Words, Started 11/24/2008, Completed 11/24/2008
Courting Narcissa
by sunny33
6.67/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Lucius becomes closer to Narcissa, drabble by drabble.
562 Words, Started 12/07/2009, Completed 12/07/2009
Two to Tango at the Three Broomsticks
6.56/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )It has been a slow night, and Rosmerta is just about to close up when she receives a visitor.
3,605 Words, Started 11/27/2009, Completed 11/27/2009
5.33/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )It was my worst nightmare.
273 Words, Started 12/13/2009, Completed 12/13/2009
Winter Sport
by septentrion
5.44/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )Severus, Hermione and Harry are hunting vampires in Romania in winter. A HP/SS/HG sandwich.
2,776 Words, Started 12/09/2007, Completed 12/09/2007
How Do You Feed a Magical Bunny?
by blue artemis
4.44/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Luna finds a magical creature and takes it to Hagrid.
297 Words, Started 12/13/2009, Completed 12/13/2009