New Chapter for Morning Ritual
Morning Ritual
zyra12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
An addiction Hermione has that only Severus can satisfy.
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About zyra
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 22 | 112 Reviews Written | 205 Review Responses
Reviews for Morning Ritual
Mmmmmm, I could use a morning ritual like that myself.
*drools over keyboard, imagining Severus massaging her back...*Hmmmm... what? Oh, sorry! Got lost in thought, for a while. Hehehe.Great one!
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
Haha, thanks! :)*maybe I should put a disclaimer that I will not be responsible for any broken drool-covered keyboard*
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
Haha, thanks! :)*maybe I should put a disclaimer that I will not be responsible for any broken drool-covered keyboard*
LMAO--do you think he'd massage my back, too?~Lotm
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
*gasping with chocking sound* Oh God, it's the master herself!! *bows down* I feel so honoured! :D Thank you for reviewing! *while muttering 'I'm not worth it, I'm not worth it'*Yes, well ... you know that Severus can be persuaded for a massage especially if you write him a new story. Bonus points if it is full of smut too ... ;) Yeah, that should do the trick ... =DBut thank you, you're making me sing for the whole week!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*eyes the muttering, scowls, mutters back* Stop that! You're worth it, too. *sniffy look* If it's good, it's good. Doesn't matter who reviews it, it's good. Now, dust off those knees, grab a chocolate bar, and go write some more, yes?~Lotm*glomphugs ya when your back is turned, muahahahah*
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
*munching on Mars Bar, feel instantly better* :)I have a few plot bunnies, they come and go before I could grab a paper and a pen though, you have to tell me what you feed them so they'll stay ...Also, did you know that you've made my day? No wait, you've made my week (oh, it's already weekend), no, you've made my month! Next month! =)Thank you, lotm~!*glomphugs you back when you're not looking* Watch out, mwahahah!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*squeaks! enjoys the glomphug*Are you going to Portus, by any chance? HP convention in Dallas, Texas, mid-July? You could glomp-hug me in person, if you are!~Lotm
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
How I wish I could!! And I'd be thrilled to meet you in person (so much I might fainted on spot, haha!) No, living on the other side of the world makes it hard for me to travel that far ... :( Do you know if convention like this is an annual event? Then maybe, *someday* I'd be able to come ... as for now, I only have virtual glomp-hugs for ya! :)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Alas, no, it travels around from location to location, or maybe it's different groups organizing it each year...not really sure, lol, this'll be my first HP con, though I've attended a number of general-genre Sci-Fi/Fantasy ones!~Lotm
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
Ah, pity. Well, let's just hope the HP-hype is still big next year and someone decided to organize another con ... anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it! :)
hee hee - a little tit for tat... or I guess 'tat for tit' as the case may be LOL
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
LOL!! I guess you're right, this is one the 'tat for tit' case instead, haha!Thanks for reviewing! =)
They are so very good at fulfilling each other's needs. Isn't that what a good relationship is all about? Especially one involving the Head of Slytherin House? A Severus massage every morning is such a lovely thought. I can see why she would be filled with gratitude come the weekend. Sigh!
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
This is one the reason why I simple cannot see how the canon ship could work. To me, Hermione was far more matured than Ron and somehow all I can see is a puppy school crush, nothing more. The 19-years later episode is simply one of JKR's biggest mess, imo. But yes, a good relationship is about communication, communication, and communication. And this does not limited to using your mouth. There's so many ways to communicate and this is an example of that - a way for Severus to say that he do care and feel concern for his wife.But ah, I'm sure Severus would make sure that Hermione enjoyed the weekend payment as well... ;)Thanks for reviewing! =D
i thought it was scratching, myself, because that's how i am with that - 'a little higher, now to the left, harder please!' but a nice massage is even better, from those lovely long-fingered hands. oops. come back, my wayward thoughts! ; )
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
I do that when I ask my sister to massage my back - 'a little lower, use your knuckles! oh yes, that's it ...' :PYou have no idea how many times I imagine it could be <i>his</i> fingers instead ... yum. Massage is definitely better. *nods*Thanks for reviewing! =D
So being a librarian is NOT the perfect job...unless this all part of her evil plot to get backrubs every morning? Clever, clever girl
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
That she is. Except when the table is turned comes weekends. But who knows, his fantasies might be her fantasies ... so ... eh, they're perfect for each other, aren't they? Lol!Thanks for reviewing, Molly! I really appreciate it! =)
A personal Snape massage every morning, well who wouldn't want that?
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
Get in line, mate ... *g*Me thinks Hermione's reason 'of being surrounded by books' is a nicely-veiled to the real reason for a massage. But then, Severus do get payment later ... so ... tit for tat, eh?Thanks for taking time in reviewing! =D
Lucky girl, I wish I could get massages from Severus every morning!!!!!
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
Exactly!! Me, too!!... although, if you read the last line, you should be aware that a Slytherin doesn't leave a favor unreturned ...*winks*Thanks for your time in reviewing! =D
Clever Severus. Doesn't give anything without a payback. *huge grin spread on my face*
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
He was a Slytherin ... *winks*And he's clever enough to make sure she's addicted to it. Imagine what he could do with this little bit of upperhand. Watch out Hermione! (hehe)Thanks for your review! =D
I loved this! Of course he would be such a good man to indulge in a backrub...and Hermione's right to take advantage!
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
Well, he wouldn't want people to think he'd tired Hermione out by ... ehem, night activities ... when she keeps on waking up late. See, it's a win-win situation really. ;)Thanks for your review! =D
I thought maybe she had Chicken Pox and he was scratching her. :) Nice story. Very fun.
Response from zyra (Author of Morning Ritual)
That would work too! Although Chicken Pox usually lasted for a week ... This, is for as long as she worked as librarian, which is definitely longer! *winks*Thanks for your review! =D