New Chapter for A Bedtime Story
A Bedtime Story
Kailin18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )
A short sequel to "Like Father, Like Daughter", which was a sequel to "Snape, A History"
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About Kailin
Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 88 | 230 Reviews Written | 475 Review Responses
Reviews for A Bedtime Story
your author's note reminds me of my childhood. i loved horton hears a who. never had the book until i was an adult, but when i was little we had the video tape. and we went throught FOUR of them! i watched them until they would not play anymore. and my mom could quote it in her sleep. i know she get her revenge when i have kids. joy.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
I think we all have those books or videos in our lives! Sometimes they're not even our favorites, but when we look back on them we get an incredible sense of joy. Thanks for reading!
Loved this!So sweet, I can see little Mairin's face when she'd sent her father off to sleep. Beaming little child..lovely.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
She definitely has the advantage - not knowing anything about her father's past, she simply adores him. I think that aspect of parenthood would flummox Severus totally! Thanks for reading.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
She definitely has the advantage - not knowing anything about her father's past, she simply adores him. I think that aspect of parenthood would flummox Severus totally! Thanks for reading.
"Daddy's a good boy."LMAO!! Oh my God, that was very entertaining, Kailin! I enjoyed this story very much! Mairin was particularly a delightful child, aww ... how sweet ... :)I love this!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Put Severus and a child together and that's what you get. Thanks so much for reading!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Put Severus and a child together and that's what you get. Thanks so much for reading!
Really sweet story. “Read, Daddy!” is something I hear every night except it is "Mommmmy Read!" Thanks for the wonderful story. My daughter is Mairin's age and I can relate. So when do they just go to sleep and stay asleep all night?
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
It won't be too much longer! Of course, then they become teenagers and you can't pry them out of bed with a tire iron...
It's very sweet and give me a good reason to re-read Snape a History. If th e muse inspires you some other family moments, please share. I like to know about the three of them.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Thanks! They do make a nice family, don't they?
Beautiful! I had a similar minute of recollection when reading this story. Each of my three boys had a different story they were fixated on for several months as toddlers. Now they are all big enough to make me look short! Oh what a time that was...
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
I share your pain.
“Daddy’s a good boy.”Awwww! That does sum it up so very nicely. Mairin is a pure delight and I would gladly read to her to give Hermione and Severus a night off. The image of Severus all tucked in with his teddy bear is equally precious.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Maybe I should have had Hermione run for the camera... What do you think?
Response from MoreThanSirius (Reviewer)
I want an 8x10 and several wallet size!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Just think of the potential for blackmail!
Very sweet and very funny. For my sister, her four year-old son is in love with trains and therefore it is Polar Express that needs to be hidden during the off season -- at both of our houses. Thanks for a lovely story, JoAnne
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
You're quite welcome. Those times do make for sweet memories, though!
This is a charming tale! I really like it. So sweet, that daddy's a good boy.My daughter didn't fixate on one book, but had tons of them memorized. Regarding the kids not remembering those times: I recently told my family that you take your kid to the park and the zoo and read them stories and sing them songs, and they recall so little of it. But if you don't do those things as the child's brain is growing, the kid's brain doesn't develop properly."It's all good," as the kids say today.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
So true. And I think much of what we do when the children are small give us just as much joy when we watch their reactions. Thanks for reading.
You captured the spirit of a 3-yr-old intelligent being absolutely perfectly. Now that it's been about 16 years, I can admit that the journey from London to Grasse was somewhat tedious, having had to listen to "The Wheels on the bus" incessantly. LOL. That is, of course, not to say that you didn't capture the first-time parents equally well!!! Just a wonderful little snapeshot that brightened my day.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
LOL... My husband and I were just recently trying to recall all of the verses to "Wheels on the Bus"! The joys of parenthood...
I fully sympathise. It's the Gruffalo with our little girl. Good fic. Cheers!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Thanks! Everybody has one of those books, don't they?
Very cute, and so like a 3 yr old!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Thanks for reading!
Aww, how sweet and the sentiment is so true.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
Awwww, its so cute! Positively adorable :)Brilliant depiction of a 3 year old, I have a niece and nephews who act just as you've described. Thank you for the wonderful read :)
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
My son sailed through the 'terrible twos', but the 'terrible threes' were something else again! Thanks for reading.
My daughter actually did this!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
That's why the story rings so true! Thanks for reading.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
That's why the story rings so true! Thanks for reading.
Oh I love it! Having kids of my own, I know just what this is like!
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
You can't let your guard down for a minute when they're around. Happy parenting, and thanks for reading.
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
You can't let your guard down for a minute when they're around. Happy parenting, and thanks for reading.
They're such a lovely family! I love the image of Snape asleep in the rocking chair :)
Response from Kailin (Author of A Bedtime Story)
I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate anyone seeing him in that state, but I felt he really deserved it (for a lot of reasons!). Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.