New Chapter for Burden
Demeterschild21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 33 Favorites )
For the sshg exchange on LiveJournal. The prompt was "Dark Snape the bastard uses Hermione. Details up to you." Thus, A glimpse at what might have happened if Voldemort won.
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About Demeterschild
Member Since 2007 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 1 Review Written | 26 Review Responses
Reviews for Burden
That was exquisite, please continue this story.
Very heart felt and real.
Love Sonia :)
Oh! More please!! Wonderfully dark!
Horrific and hopeful at the same time. Very powerful.
I read this story on the sshg exchange and really love the imagery and the dark world depicted. Very well written, if bleak. There is hope at the end and I like that Snape isn't such a bastard. I would like to imagine a happy ending version of Hermione being saved, but the suggestion does have merit that the only way she might be saved is to be killed. But that's a bit too bleak for my liking.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Very cool that you saw it on the exchange. I like to think that there's some way that Snape can save both himself and Hermione (and maybe the wizarding world), without their own deaths. That said, I haven't written the next part of the story so I don't know. Thank you very much for the thorough and articulate review!
Nice. What lengths would he go to save her? A sequel perhaps?
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Great lengths, I think. I believe Snape has his own very strict moral code, even if it's difficult for some to understand. A sequel is a definite possibility. :) Thanks for the review!
Wow...I promise...I hope it is a promise he can keep.Very dark, but very well written.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
I hope so too. Thanks very much!
this is fantastic i would love to see it made into a full length story
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Thanks! I'd love to do that, but I am a college student. We'll see if I get to it this summer. Thanks for the review!
Can he save both Hermione and himself?
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
I certainly hope so.
I was a bit reticent considering the warnings but I'm glad I went over it. It's wonderfully written.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Yeah, I was surprised that such a thing came out of my brain when I wrote it, and rather nervous as it was a gift for an exchange, but as you said, glad I wrote it. Thank you very much.
Oh, this was wonderful. I love your characterizations of both Severus and Hermione, and The Moment when Severus makes his choice is beautiful.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Thank you very much! I'm very glad you liked it.
Poor Hermione... Whatever happened to love, huh? Well, s'long as mean old Snape DOES save the girl, we'll all be cheering and forgettin previous 'misdeeds'.I thought the story was very thought-out and it flows together almost perfectly. It makes sense (which, oddly enough, some stories don't) and I understood it even though there was some brilliant vocabulary in here, for instance 'anthropomorphic', which I thought was the kind of word Severus Snape would know. Thank you for a brilliant story!
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Haha, glad you liked it and I'm flattered that you thought it was such a well put together story. I have been told, at times, that I have an anoyingly large vocabulary. You're quite welcome for the story and thank *you* very much for the review!
creepy, and Mlle Gigi who reviewed below may well be right about the only way to save her is to kill her. Hermione has, perhaps, saved him, too. She has given him a chance to begin his own slavation.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
I think you're definitely right about Hermione saving him as well. She'll make it much harder for him to deny that there's anything wrong. Like I said in response to Mlle Gigi, death may be the only way to save her, it may be not. Thanks for the review!
so sad but with hope.very well done.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Thanks, glad you liked it!
Very well-written yet very sad story. I have the impression that he and Hermione are both prisoners after a fashion, albeit in very different ways. I do find it interesting that you apparently couldn't quite manage to sustain Snape The Bastard and had him crumble at the end -- but I have the sinking feeling that the only way that he can possibly save Hermione is to kill her.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Thank you! I think you're definitely on to something with both of them being prisoners. It's not neccesarily that I couldn't sustain Bastard!Snape, but that I thought this made a better story, and I personally believe that Snape is not a bastard, he just believes he is. It might be true, that death is the only way to save her. Then again, it might not. Thanks for the thoughtful review!
Wow! That was intensely deep, but at the same time really touching. Great job! I really liked how you had Severus give in to his “better” nature in the end. Wonderful writing.~Jen
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Thanks Jen. :) It was challenging to write, but really enjoyable. I think Severus really is good at heart, he's just trying to find the best way to survive.
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
Thanks Jen. :) It was challenging to write, but really enjoyable. I think Severus really is good at heart, he's just trying to find the best way to survive.
This is so haunting! Loved it.
aweeee.... save her Severus! Save her!
Response from Demeterschild (Author of Burden)
I agree! Save her Severus! Thanks for the review. :)
Please continue this story!
Everytime I read this its like a punch in the gut. Your writing moves me! ahahahahah!