New Chapter for Field Trip With The Headmaster
Field Trip With The Headmaster
beaweasley231 Reviews | 31 Ratings, 0 Likes, 28 Favorites )
Severus accompanies Hermione to Stonehenge for a field trip for her alchemic equations – but that's not what is on his mind.
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About beaweasley2
Member Since 2006 | 53 Stories | Favorited by 519 | 2,769 Reviews Written | 6,181 Review Responses
I love to write. A dreamer, a creator and filled with wonder, imagination and life. Sometimes I get lost in the other worlds I've read and in some I create. It's all good, I’m in good company.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”― Maria Montessori
“Our imagination flies -- we are its shadow on the earth.”― Vladimir Nabokov
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”― Albert Einstein
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” ― Carl Sagan
Reviews for Field Trip With The Headmaster
Gracious me! Severus really knows how to make cleaning the kitchen a divine experience, doesn't he? Good job!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Yep, I'm sure with him around the place would never be properly cleaned up. Well, at least they know how to repair the dishes. Thank you for reading and for the review.
Yes, go to the forest right now. I love Snape's idea of a field trip with Hermione, and it looks like she loves the idea as well!On his desk? Oh my! I'm off to the next chapter,Beth
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I just realized that this chapter isn't related to the next one. Still love it!Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Nope, new to the drabble concept when I wrote these and so I posted then together. Silly me.I'm glad that you enjoyed the field trip. Thank you for reading and for the review.
I liked this one very much LOl great short piece.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you very much
Interesting. Very nice. I'm kind of confused as to why this is paired with the first chapter, but I still thought it was good. Great job.~Jen
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Part of a challenge in chat, from the same person so I posted them together. Sorry, I know it's confusing... they are independant of each other, written on the same night. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading, sorry I confused you.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Part of a challenge in chat, from the same person so I posted them together. Sorry, I know it's confusing... they are independant of each other, written on the same night. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading, sorry I confused you.
Wow! That was a cute introduction. Can't wait to read chapter two.~Jen
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Gads I have got to seperate these two. They are two one-shots, independant of each other, written in responce to a dare. But I'm glad you liked the first one!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Gads I have got to seperate these two. They are two one-shots, independant of each other, written in responce to a dare. But I'm glad you liked the first one!
Those two chapters were very good; I enjoyed reading them... the second slightly more than the first... lol. Is the next in the queue? Shall bookmark this one too, so that I can keep up with how things develop.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you very much. Oh, er, no. Sorry but they are both one-shots. It was from a Friday night Potter_Place drabble challenge on chat night. But I'm pleased you like reading it. I have another ongoing drabble, Repaying The LIfe Debt, which is SS/HG and is a series of drabbles on the developing relationship between them as told in short drables each week. (There is a bonus in the reivews in the May 10 one)
Response from sweetflag (Reviewer)
Ah... shows how eager I was to read more... lol. I shall go and have a look at the story you mentioned.
Can I please have kitchen duty???!! Nice litte read, the kitchen -- really enjoyed them mouthing to each other at the end!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Sure. No problem! I'm glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the reveiw!
Wow...she thought it was Ron?She should have known better.Love it love it love it!!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Well, just wanted to set the tone of the relationship with Ron - it's over, on-the-rocks! She should have unless Ron had been tryin' to get a little eariler? maybe? Still, yes, she sould have known! TeeheheheThank you very much!
Nice, lighthearted and sweet. You left lots to the imagination but it wored out very well.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you very much. That's so sweet of you to say!
Snape is a sneaky one isn't a love it
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Yes, he certainly is!
I particularly love this two. Thanks for a bit of delight in a middle of an awful day.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
You are most welcome. Thank you for the reveiw.
Brilliant, especially the words mouthed between them at the end:-))
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you very much! Yep, liked that part myself! Actually I liked the bowl dropping on the floor... and the reason why!
yummy. i do so love mushrooms. and kitchen tables, especially when sneaky snape is involved! ; )
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you. I was going to post them seperately, but decided to just have them together! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Ya might want to change the rating on the first chapter of this story to more accurately reflect what lies in wait in the second chapter...and then expound on the second chapter's theories with a third chapter.Just sayin', is all...~Lotm
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Actually, it's two different drabbles from the Potter_Place chat from and I just posted them together. If I got the rating wrong, I appologize! I was going to opst them seperate - but ended up doing it this way. There isn't a thrid chapter. Sorry if confusing.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Awwwww...!! *poutness* You must write a third part for this story!~Lotm(I have a and I'm not afraid to sic 'em on you!)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Geeze I'm flattered!! Tell your angry mob that I'd love to comply but the here behind me wants me to finish Parchment, Plight and Tower! and they demand I start another for the new challenge! Send yours over to negotiate with mine and well see what I can do - okay?But sorry - these were onshot, 5 min prompt challenges I was given from the Potter_Place chat room. I'm flattered that you like it so much you want a story out of it!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*sigh* No, no, better not combine our mobs. They swell exponentially, and will turn on both of us. No, not a good idea.Good luck--and if you should have a spare five minutes lying around...~Lotm
Ooh..sehr heiß!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you very much!
Poor Hermione, Sev shot down her theory, but I think she will be compensated.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
If he has his way - yes she will.
Naughty Sev, I thought he said he warded the kitchen LOL
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
He did! But he did have to let Molly in when he was done! Thank you for the reveiw.
Hermione was easily dstractable, wasn't she? LOL!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Wouldn't you be?
but now I want to know about the wizarding puzzle! Thanks for writing.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
You are very welcome. Thank you for the review
Excellent. "Always use Slytherin ways to have your way" will be my new mantra from now on.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Well at least he pretented to be interested enough to actually go along with her, sly guy. Thank you for the reveiw.
Hahaha... I *love* the last two lines. I can just see Severus being impatient and Hermione being the sarcastic one. And Stonehenge! What an idea for a prompt... it would be intriguing to see how many different ideas people come up with.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you so much. yep, he was a bit impatient.
Hermione gave in too easily. I wanted her to make him work a bit harder for it. Oh my what a terrible pun!!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
But that pun sure gave me a giggle! Thank you for the reveiw.
Typical Slytherin, couldn't just ask, " Fancy a quickie at Stonehenge dear?"
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Hum, wouldn't Stonehenge be a bit 'public' for Severus?Thank you for the reveiw.
Cute drabble, would be interested in hearing the back story (70 pairs of eyes and the headmasters desk, waggles eyes suggestively).
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
Thank you. Headmaster + in his office = were the protraits sleeping? or not.
Sneaky Snape
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Field Trip With The Headmaster)
and we love him for it!