New Chapter for Boomerang
ubiquirk42 Reviews | 42 Ratings, 0 Likes, 42 Favorites )
If you fling yourself through time to change an event in your past, can you be certain which ‘you’ will come back? Thirteen months after the Final Battle, Harry enlists Hermione and Ron’s aid in saving Snape using an untested device – a device with side effects. Award winner.
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About ubiquirk
Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 212 | 89 Reviews Written | 1,629 Review Responses
I am a longtime fanfic fanatic, having entered the realm via Buffydom. One day I read a Willow/Severus crossover and I was hooked – on Snape that is! He's been in every HP story I've done so far.
I write in multiple fandoms on LJ, esp. BtVS and Firefly. If you're interested in reading my fic for other/crossover fandoms, it can be found at:
Reviews for Boomerang
What a great story! That is a huge thing that Ron does for Hermione. I love to see him so mature and selfless for once. And while this seems so sad, it isn't as if Ron remembers the alternative, and that Hermione picked Severus over him. I mean, she still did or she wouldn't have ended up with Severus, but Ron surely doesn't remember that pivotal moment when she had the two choices before her and he didn't make the cut. This was well written and concise in a good way.
Ah, so bittersweet. Poor Ron; and yet I love him because he can see how much happier she is with Snape, and he lets her go.
It was great to revisit this story today. I still can't get over how effective you made Ron's POV here.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so glad you still enjoy the story, esp since I made you read it so many times while betaing! (laughs)
Wow, that was awesome. Great insight.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so happy you liked this story and found it insightful!
I actually feel bad for Ron , but i'm glad he did what was best for everyone. I loved your story.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's lovely to hear you liked the story and Ron's decision!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's lovely to hear you liked the story and Ron's decision!
I truly am the luckiest person in the world to have such a wonderful friend in you. This is an amazing story, and I feel so privileged to know it was written for me.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm giddily happy you enjoyed the story! And you're smashing, so it's all very well deserved!
Awe. I don't typically feel bad for Ron during must stories, but I do here. The series have shown us that he can do the right things, and here he does again, even though its not his happy ending. Poor Ron!
Thank you! I love Ron, just not with Hermione, and it's males me so happy (and sad, poor boy) to see him be the quiet hero in a story that ends with Hermione and Severus together. Lovely work.
Oh, that was so sweet and lovely. I feel so sorry for Ron - doing the right thing and all.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm happy you liked the story and found Ron's actions moving!
Wow, your story is fantastic! I love it.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
An excellent demonstration of the saying: If you love somebody, set them free.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so happy you enjoyed the story!
What an AMAZING story! Gosh, I just loved this. The theory behind a boomerang time-turner instead of a regular time-turner is fabulous. I love how everyone must select the same set of memories, but I am most glad that they don't remember both sets of memories. That would be too hard on the trio, remembering Ron's and Hermione's relationship.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed it and the creation of the Boomerang! Also how it was contructed to show both timelines! [Interesting idea to have them remember everything, but you're right - much more painful.]
What a brilliant story. I loved how you switched between the two timelines, and showed the progress of both relationships. I always knew there was some nobility in Ron.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm very glad you enjoyed the story and how I showed the two timelines!
Kind of sad, actually. Loved it.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm happy you enjoyed the story and found it moving!
Very interesting take on a time tuner fic....I love it! :)
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so happy you enjoyed the fic and found it interesting!
Wow. For once !i'm impressed by Ron's behaviour. Thank God for small miracles.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm very glad you liked the story and Ron's actions!
*faints*Another amazing offering. Thank you!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so very happy you enjoyed the story!
This is one of the most beautiful and poignant stories I've read in a very long time. I didn't notice that it was a one shot and half-way through I was trying to imagine the WIP story of Ron choosing differently from Harry and Hermione.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's great to hear that you liked the story! [You're right - other ideas could come from using the Boomerang. Hmmm.]
Just wonderful - such an original concept! And I actually liked seeing this from Ron's point of view... and not having him as the villain, but as a surprisingly mature young man. I'd almost feel sorry for him, if Severus and Hermione wasn't something that was just meant to be. :-D~Kribu
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's great to hear that you liked the fic and its use of Ron's POV! Also that you found it original (and Ron sympathetic)!Heh - I'm glad you put Kribu in - I'm hopeless at remembering when people have different pennames.
I liked this a lot, it's so well written and the concept is very original. And I have to love Ron for the decision he made (which is really saying something as Ron isn't really my favourate character). Excellent job!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the story and found it well written and original!
Ron, all grown up. What a concept! Your stories are always extraordinary...
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's lovely to hear that you liked the fic and this Ron!
To be sure, your author's notes that the story is 'a Time-Turner fic wherein Harry saves Snape and HG/SS ensues' in less than 5000 words did not seem feasible. Five times so many, maybe, but with just the advertised length... I checked the 'Complete' field again. Certainly, this is going to be a dreadfully rushed nonsense, finally a story that ubiquirk flunked. How wrong I was! It is not rushed at all, instead, it is full of shortcuts we recently enjoyed so in 'Hiding', it's compelling, moving and on Ron's part altruistic. Well, maybe not so much. Hermione ended up fairly unhappy without her professional achievement in his version. In short, a very enjoyable PKD read.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's great to hear that you liked the fic and how sf it feels (esp PKD)! Although I will say, "Yee of little faith!" (laughs) Interesting that you call it shorcuts - I tend to call it writing densely or writing short when I try to describe it. I plan to keep practicing how to do lots in a little space.
Let's hear it for the redhead. Selflessness looks good on him. I'm tired of Ron always being the bad guy, thanks for writing him more grown up.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm so glad you iked it and Ron being more grown up!
You packed a lot of great characterizations into this one-shot. Poor Ron. (I can't believe I just wrote that.) What a great tone his POV adds to this story. It's not just a time-travel journey, it's Ron growing up in fast-frame. It was subtle but still clear in the Snape-less scenario how Hermione's life and choices were being compromised, and to see Ron get that, and act on it, was very sad in its way. (Though of course I agree with the outcome.)
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! I'm thrilled to hear how much you liked the story and why! It usually is all about characerization for me - that's what drives my plots, so thank you for commenting on the changes Ron goes through and the differences in Hermione!
Aw, I actually felt sorry for Ron in this one. He made a huge sacrifice, even though he loved her so much, allowing her to follow her heart. (Usually don't feel sorry for Ron...)
Response from ubiquirk (Author of Boomerang)
Thanks! It's great to hear that you liked the fic and this Ron, esp since you don't usually like him!