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Of Surprises and Detours
Dreamy_Dragon58 Reviews | 58 Ratings, 0 Likes, 63 Favorites )
After the war, not all is well as people are trying to get on with their lives. When two former enemies meet again, things start to take unexpected twists and turns…
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About Dreamy_Dragon
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 463 Reviews Written | 911 Review Responses
I am a latecomer to the Potterverse (way after HBP). I was searching the web for everything and anything about Snape one day when I accidentally stumbled over my first Severus/Hermione story. I read it, was intrigued, searched for more, and the rest is history.
My fandom world very much revolves around Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.
My favourite 'ships are Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, and my OT3: Severus/Hermione/Lucius.
Reviews for Of Surprises and Detours
Oh well, not the house-elves. Draco does make more sense, if you're going to be all logical about it...
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
And Draco wants his dad to be happy... <br> Thank you for reading and commenting
My main suspect? The elves! It's got to be the elves, the meddling little buggers. Only they would be able to replicate his favourite recipes, would know his wines, and would have the connections with the exclusive elfy restaurant. Well, maybe not. But that's the theory and I'm sticking to it!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Very interesting guess. ~looks shifty~ Thanks for commenting :)
Calling the love to learn and the hope for a carreer "eccentricities" is truly a remarkable stupid thing of Ginny. Good Hermione dumped her brother!And like others, I just love the cat ;-)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you, dear! Ginny needs to grow up, and Hermione is a lot better off without Ron. I'm very glad you like the cat :D
This is really neat.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you. I'm very glad you like this!
I am absolutely trilled to see this upsdat to this wonderful story, thank you so much!I love this Hermione who have ditched Ron, and her little black kitten, it reminds me of a certain someone:-)) I hope to see more of your story soon, but I will wait for however long it takes:-))
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you very much for your lovely review. I'm thrilled that you're still reading, and I'm very glad that you like Hermione and her little kitten.
Nice! Very glad that you updated this story. The list of things that Ron was willing to overlook in Hermione made me want to kick him (and Ginny). What Hermione needs, is a man who is interested in her because of those things, not in spite of them. Such men do exist, though they're rare (I had to wait until I was 30 before I found mine). Let's hope Lucius will turn out to be one of them...
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you! I'm very glad you're still reading.
Ron was very lucky, Hermione didn't hex him with something really nasty. And yes, I totally agree, she'd be a lot happier with someone else. :)
I love Lucius and so far i am enjoying this very much.I can see Draco's little hand in this and i suspect Lucius does too!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying this.
As to who's behind it *looks shifty*
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying this.
As to who's behind it *looks shifty*
Oooh!I'm intrigued (sp?)Really enjoying it so far, there are so few HG/LMships about. Without SS added into the mix anyway. Well I really liked reading it and hope for more soon.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you so much!
I'm so happy that you're enjoying this!
Response from vdemon_96 (Reviewer)
Any idea when there'll be more??
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you so much!
I'm so happy that you're enjoying this!
Response from vdemon_96 (Reviewer)
Any idea when there'll be more??
Hmmmm- interesting. I am dying to know who set them up - great evening. I wonder what will happen next.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your lovely review!
More soon.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your lovely review!
More soon.
yum, I want dinner with Lucius too, pretty please? I wonder too who is behind it all, maybe one of his house elves ?
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Oh, plotting elves - now, there's an idea...
Who wouldn't want dinner with Lucius *wistful sigh* Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Oh, plotting elves - now, there's an idea...
Who wouldn't want dinner with Lucius *wistful sigh* Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Intriguing. Like Lucius and Hermione, I wonder who set this up. Looking forward to more. I do like how the unexpected dinner did allow them to get to know one another a bot more.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your lovely review :)))
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your lovely review :)))
That would be a bit surprising, and who would set it up. Now I have to go back and re-read to get my suspicions in line.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Suspicions are good ;) Thank you for your review!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Suspicions are good ;) Thank you for your review!
So happy to see the update, and soooooo curious to who have arranged for their dinner:-) Update again soon!!!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
I'm glad I could make you happy. More soon.
Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
I'm glad I could make you happy. More soon.
Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Ooooh now who is behind all of this one wonders.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
So do Lucius and Hermione ;)
Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
So do Lucius and Hermione ;)
Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Somehow the 2 first chapters escaped me! I love this! Pls update soon!!Sorry, but I cannot let you keep Lucius just like that ... Shall we draw lots?
Or take turns??
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your review. I'm very glad you like the story! *pets the shiny stars*
Taking turns is good... or sharing ;)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your review. I'm very glad you like the story! *pets the shiny stars*
Taking turns is good... or sharing ;)
Well this certainly is interesting. I love stories about Lucius, i find them so rare.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you :)
Oooh, intriguing. You had me fooled with the flower to Hermione. Now I'm wondering who the mysterious matchmaker is and how each party is going to react when they realize they were tricked. I love the mystery in this one and can't wait to read the next chapter.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
I'm very glad you're enjoying the story so far. I'm working on the next chapter, so there'll be more soon. Thank you for your lovely review.
Lovely start. :D Of course, I love a good LM/HG fic and this looks like it will be one. For the life of me, I still cannot understand why JKR thinks Ron and Hermione belong together. Their personalities are worse than oil and water. Now on to the next chapter.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you :)
I totally agree on the Hermione/Ron pairing, they've just nothing in common. Lucius and Hermione on the other hand... (at least in fanon).
somebody is playing matchmaker...
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Somebody is...
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Mmmm.. charming Lucius, dancing, who wouldn't consider it?
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Yes, he can be quite irresistible ;)
OOoo the dream! nice. And those letters. Who sent them? And why? They were beautifully written and really seductive... Intriguing chapter.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you for your lovely review.
OMG who sent the letters???
It's either someone who actually thinks they would be good together, but that would be too easy.
Obviously Rita Skeeter is still writing gossip for the paper (the beetle) so it could be her in hopes of creating a scoop for herself.
Or it could be someone trying to trick them or set them up as revenge. I'd say Ron, but he wouldn't be that sophisticated. But perhaps another Weasley? It feels like a woman's doing, so perhaps Molly and Ginny together?
And that same daydream they're having? There's something about the paper the letters are written on. Perhaps they're treated with some sort of potion or charmed somehow.
Also the cat sort of reminds me of Severus. :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Yery interesting speculations, but my lips are sealed ;)
Thank you for your lovely review!
oo now things are starting to get intruiging.. I wonder who is setting them up?
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
*grins and says nothing*
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
*grins and says nothing*
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
Oh! Oh I like this!
It sounds like Ron and Hermione getting engaged was primarily something they did because it was expected of them. Like they hadn't even considered that nobody was forcing them to. Of course Hermione says that Ron loves her, but then his almost reluctance to go and talk to her when George tells him and the comment that 'she's almost a bloke, never making a fuss' makes me think that maybe he does love her, but not really in the right way. You know?
Also his answering Lucius' asking her to dance for her. At first I thought he just didn't expect her to want to dance with him or all people, but then I started thinking about the above and realised that maybe he didn't expect her to want to dance with him because 'she's almost like a bloke' and therefore in his eyes not the slightest bit interested in dancing with anyone because he isn't. Did all this even make sense or am I over-interpreting the text? (I am, aren't I? A lot or just a little bit?)
Lucius. I can't figure out if it's just the Lucius-y polite distanceness or if I suspect he's up to something. For some reason I started wondering exactly what Narcissa died of...
I'm looking forward to the next bit.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave me such a detailed review.
Yes, Ron and Hermione did get engaged because that is what people do at least in the world of Ron's parents so he never really thought about it. Neither did Hermione, but for entirely different reasons. And he has yet to realise the difference between loving someone as a friend (albeit with benefits ;) ) and being a lover/partner. And because of that he doesn't realise that what he meant as compliment namely Hermione being almost like a bloke is hurting her. Which is his problem in general, he is immature, insensitive and too often just says what pops into his head without thinking about it.
His answer to Lucius is mostly a gut reaction, but if asked about it he probably would think it unlikely that Hermione would want to dance with him, not because of the dancing, but because he can't imagine she would want to dance with, of all people, Malfoy.
And Lucius is almost always up to something... ;)
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing.
I love this beginning, and look forward to reading more!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Of Surprises and Detours)
Thank you :)))
The next chapter is with the betas, so there'll be more shortly.