New Chapter for A Part of You
A Part of You
Southern_Witch_6928 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
The Weasleys are in for a shock after Fred's untimely death. A part of him will live on.
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About Southern_Witch_69
Member Since 2005 | 144 Stories | Favorited by 1,103 | 2,209 Reviews Written | 5,450 Review Responses
I adore the world of HP.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to stir my cauldron.
Reviews for A Part of You
Very sweet. How about Winnifred? Teehee!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
I always thought the twins were sweeties! Great story.
Author's Response:
Very nicely done for the challenge. I love that you chose a Slytherin, and the hardship she would face from her family. Naturally the Weasleys took her in. Very nice to see a look at their family.I really can see Fred and George making that sort of pact to take care of a significant other. And I do think they would be attracted to the same girl.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thank you very much. I'm happy you liked it. :) I thought of choosing someone we "know" better, but opted for someone different. If I'd chosen Angelina, it would be canon. LOL
wow the part at the end "She's nearly here, Fred: she's part of you", that was a really awesome way to end it. It's very moving. Thank you for writing it.Tamara aka
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thank you! Happy you enjoyed.
Such a beautiful way of saying goodbye to Fred. I am so gald you chose this prompt.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you
Fluffy, yet deeply touching. Very enjoyable writing style.Well Done!Blessings
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
I liked the concept, and I liked how the Weasley's took her in...actually, I liked it all...I would have liked to see more fleshing out between segments, especially the development of Daphne and George's relationship.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thank you very much. I thought about expanding it, but then decided that simple drabbles could still work well enough to get the point across.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thank you very much. I thought about expanding it, but then decided that simple drabbles could still work well enough to get the point across.
The beginning of this story had me in tears, I really felt llike I was there grieving with the family. (I even wanted to kick Ron for being the insensitive prat that he is) The progression of the story was very believable. I usually shy away from stories about the twins but I'm very glad I read this one. Great Job!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Wow, thank you so very much.
I play Daphne Greengrass in two RPG's and I tend to have trouble reading her in fics, because it's not the Daphne I know, not MY Daphne. This one, however, seemed very close to her in many ways. Her doubts about the political stances of her parents, but having to go along with it at least outwardly for her own safety, and probably her parents' safety too. It makes me wonder if I know you...
It was a great story, very touching. :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Maybe you do know me. :) Glad you liked it
I like the way you tweaked the prompt. It was neat backstory with some hope for the future.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you very much
What a nice surprise... well written.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you
This is highly satisfying. *nods* Very satisfying. I can just see George do that. And Daphne as a partner is pure genius.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you what an honor
That was very nicely done. I can totally see George wanting to do right by Fred's would-be widow; having him be in love with her anyway is just icing on the cake. Great job!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you very much
yea, Daphne!! I'm glad George will get to be dad to little Fred; it really is just like having his brother again. You've got Ron pegged exactly right - prejudiced and insensitive git (grrrr....), but at least Hermione was there at Hogwarts to rein him in a bit. THanks for posting this!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
thank you very much I appreciate this
I love it! You are very talented.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Hey, thanks! :) Glad you enjoyed
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Hey, thanks! :) Glad you enjoyed
I like your choice of baby mother (can't think of how else to phrase that, sorry!) I'm glad that George convinced her.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
lol Thanks!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
lol Thanks!
That was well written and a sweet love story.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thanks for reading! :)
Aww, this was a beautiful story. I didn't expect it to be Daphne Greengrass, but it was lovely. I have tears in my eyes.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thanks for reading :)
Very sweet story. Nicely written!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
You gave Daphne an interesting characterization that we don't get from her in the 'books.' I really liked the struggle between her parents and her true loyalties. George was so perfectly in character and I just loved him so much in this. I always saw him as the gentler of the two twins, so I think Daphne was really in a win-win when the both of them had fancied her. My only qualm was when Molly turned out to be totally okay with George and Daphne spending the night (in some hotel?) together. Call it a quirk, but that seemed a little OOC for the overberaing matriarch. Altogether well done, though! I'm eager for the unveiling so I can read your other fics and see what you meant by 'not your usual style.'
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Well, to be honest, it did "freak" Mrs Weasley out at first, but I guess she figures the damage is already done, ya know? Besides, they were only going to sleep at George's flat, and there would be an extra room for her to sleep in. She's proud that her son is trying to do right by the young lady Fred loved. :)
Response from i3luebyrd (Reviewer)
That sounds much more 'legit' than a hotel, actually. And I suppose he is really just trying to get her to marry him (which Molly would surely approve of). Loved the story!
This is a really great story. I knew it must have been awful for George to lose Fred, and the idea of him leaving behind a girlfriend and child is really sad. You did a wonderful job giving that story life and conveying all the powerful emotions involved. And I am glad that George and Daphne can love each other (I really liked that line about if she can spare enough love for both of them, that's good enough for him), and can be a family. Although we now know that in canon, the girl is Angelina, I liked your use of Daphne—a redeemed Slytherin—as someone who can give George happiness.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
I was pleased to find out that he truly did end up with Angelina. It kind of gave truth to the challenge. If I'd read about that before, I would have used her, but I really like Daphne Greengrass. I guess it's because we don't know too much about her and don't hate her on the spot like we do Pansy (most do anyway). :) Thank you
i don't normally read the weasley stories but i like this one. It was sad but you left us with a lot of hope. thanks for writing!!!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thanks. :)
I am here by way of Southern’s rec on potter place. I have to say I was struggling with the same worry as Daphne. What if she only loves George because of his resemblance to Fred? This was the perfect line “To love one twin is to love the other”
Well done.
PS: Please don’t George name the baby.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Part of You)
Thank you! :)