New Chapter for When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…
When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…
dracontia10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
Sort of bondage-y. Sort of slashy. Sort of crazy. Pay no attention to the clichéd setup behind the curtain. Just enjoy the pretty, naked people.
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About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…
Does your Ginny have a bit of Slytherin in her, perchance?
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
By now, she probably does. ;)
I... I... I...(Breathless with laughter and feeling very, very hot. In late November)
Unambiguous sexuality is overrated. Slash/het distinction is even more so... love Ginny in this, yes, it fits her personality so well. And the tickling, the kiss between the two boys. Delicious. The dialogue and Harry's thoughts effectively remove all oxygen from my brain... they are funny beyond measure!
I really should be protesting about something (since I have just ingested a pot of angstitoxin) but I think I have jammed my CAPSLOCK permanently, or from the glass of water I have just spilled on it (my keyboard is shot since my days in fandom).
Thank you so much, love. This is a wonderful gift, esp on a sick day :)
*Hugs her understuffed, Albino Teddybear tight*
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
*teddy bear squees!*I'm so glad you enjoyed this, mi amor! Here's to powerful cold medicine and the blurring of the slash/het boundary!(does subtle, sneaky thing with the CAPSLOCK)*tucks Potter back into bed with Pepper-Up and strict orders to rest and recuperate*
Aww la la thank you for the yummyness
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
You are very welcome to it! Thank you for the review. :D
you really just kill me.i'm not really a fan of slash (there probably aren't more than two or three authors who could even get me to read it and btw if cornered i'll certainly completely deny it) but i do have to hand it to you.very creative and quite entertaining.
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
*contemplates body guiltily*
Darn. I was afraid of something like this when my personality test came up 50% Voldemort. (The biggest percentage was Luna, if that means anything. Then Harry, then Draco. Now there's an interesting threesome...)
*sends flowers and sympathy to the family*
I keep telling myself I'm not really a fan of slash, either--I just read it for research purposes for my threesomes. That makes sense, right??
Thank you kindly for the praise (from the Great Beyond)!
delectable... oh, that will give me some nice dreams. thank you for writing...
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
Thank you for reviewing! (I keep writing in hopes of a dream like THIS popping up, but no such luck. LOL)
Many cookies for you!:-DHow can I possibly express how happy I am that you wrote this fic? Even if Ginny had to come in at the end (I should have known with the "Name Withheld" bit), the whole story was enjoyable to read.Loved Draco's dialogue and Harry's internal thoughts. They cracked me up!
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
*happily gobbles cookies*
I tried to keep the Ginny-ness to a minimum for you--but I really wanted to work in the overratedness of unambigous sexuality and a recommendation for knighthood for Fred and George. (For some reason, I felt very... Luna... saying that.)
So glad you had fun with the dialogue and thoughts--it's always great to know when something is as much fun to read as it was to write!! :-)
* hugses *
Great story! I loved the mental picture of Millicent and Pansy watching through the mirror. I also loved Ginny's reaction to seeing Harry and Draco in their compromising position... I probably would have felt the same!
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
Thank you! (Interesting how Pansy and Millie demanded brain bleach... after sitting there watching the whole thing. LOL!)
I honestly can't figure out how Ginny strung that many words together. I expect that, confronted with that particular vision, I would've been limited to 'F*ck, yeah!'
That was awesome, Drac! I especially love the fact that Millicent and Pansy get what's coming to them for meddling. Makes me a bit nervous to be Ginny for you and Potter at Terminus though. Hee Hee. :)
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
Thank you very much, professor! And don't worry about Terminus. I'm sure Potter will keep me in line. Or SSL (our Ron) will defend your virtue. hee hee hee...
Or I'll just be my RL self, who is a lot more reserved than Draco. Or 'dracontia'. :)
This will probably worry you even more, but... the first chapter of the sequel to Games We Play just posted here. 'Cause there just can't ever be enough HP/GW/DM smut. :D
*snort* It looks like Goo is especially good at bringing Harry and Draco together. Ginny is one lucky witch! I loved this story, Drac!
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
*snicker* Pink goo, purple goo... substances are totally different, but so long as the end result is smut, it's all good... :D
Do you think that anyone who reads this will want to be Ginny by the time they're finished, regardless of what they thought of her before? LOL
Thanks so much for taking the time to review! *admonishes self to do more reading and reviewing*
I giggled out loud several times.
"I think it's the hottest thing I've ever seen"
I'm with Ginny there, hee hee.
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
*Grins* I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks very much for taking the time to review. *wants to be Ginny... or Draco... or Harry... or at least a fly on the wall...*
If you enjoyed this (I was about to say 'pairing' but I'd be off by one, LOL) I just posted the first of two chapters of "Games We Play: Rules Change". It's a sequel to (no awards for creative titles) Games We Play--also HP/DM/GW, but explicit and dramatic rather than humorous.
Apologies for the blatant pimpage if erotics is not your cuppa!
Response from peppermint (Reviewer)
I keep forgetting that I have a different alias on here than I do in chat *G* It's voxangelus :) Blatant pimpage of erotica is always OK by me, LOL
Response from dracontia (Author of When You Just Can’t Scratch That Itch…)
LOL! Yes, I could have dispensed with the disclaimer, had I known it was you. :-D (still laughing!)