Chapter 3 of 19
GinnyWThis is based on the Surrogate Mother Challenge on WIKTT. For full description of this challenge, please see the author's notes at the end of the first chapter.
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling. I do not own any of the characters or things in Ms. Rowling's wonderful universe, although I would really love a Time Turner!
Special thanks to my beta Southern_Witch_69, and to my wonderful muse, Meredith!
Hermione felt her chest tighten upon hearing the words, and a chill shot down her spine. What had she gotten herself into? Birds and the bees, indeed! She didn't have to have sex with this man, did she? Oh God, please no! She sat there silently staring at the man in front of her. His dark eyes seemed to bore into her soul. It took every ounce of control Hermione had to keep from reaching up and smacking that bloody smirk off his face. Just when she thought she could not take anymore of his sneer, Hazel spoke up next to her.
"Now, see here, Professor Snape! That is not the way we do things here!" Hazel was stern, and Hermione knew that this woman was not to be crossed. Hermione said a silent prayer of thanks.
She let out a slight sigh of relief as Snape's smirk became more pronounced. His eyes narrowed at her, and Hermione could see something that looked like humor in his eyes. The ruddy git had enjoyed that! She knew right then that this was going to be a very long nine months.
"Very well," said Snape silkily. "You will do what this witch tells you."
Hermione nodded her understanding. This made a little more sense to her; at least she no longer had to worry about being locked in a dark room with this man and 'let nature take it's course'.
Professor Snape continued talking. He actually had a business-like manner about him, as if he was reading from a script. "It will take two weeks before we know that conception has taken place. You will return home this evening, get your affairs in order, and arrive at Hogwarts exactly two weeks from tomorrow. The students are to return from their summer holidays in three days. That will give me time to settle in with the next group of dunderheads and idiots before you arrive."
Hermione listened closely. She only had two weeks to give notice at her jobs, to pack her things, and to prepare herself to live with this man. I have to live with him! She buried her face in her hands at this realization.
"Miss Granger!" he snapped, causing her to jolt and look up at him. "Pay attention. I only intend to explain these things once!"
"Yes, sir," she replied.
"Now," he said, "do you have any further questions, or can I get out of here?"
"You could be a little nicer," she shot back at him.
He scoffed at her comment as he began to stand up.
"Professor," she said, "if I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, how am I going to live at the castle with you unnoticed?"
He stopped, set his hands on the table and leant over. "I never said that no one would know, Miss Granger. I just don't want any one to know that you are the biological mother. They will know that you are a surrogate, nothing more. Do I make myself clear?" He narrowed his eyes accusingly at her.
"Yes, sir. Perfectly." Like she would actually want to admit any of that to anyone!
Hermione watched him as he straightened and strode out the door, his black cloak billowing out behind him.
Hazel smiled at her. "Are you all right, Miss Granger?" she asked in a comforting, motherly tone.
"Yes, I will be fine. Thank you," she said. Now that he was gone, Hermione started to feel more relaxed. Nine months, she told herself. It's only nine months. Less than a year. She smiled back at Hazel to reassure her. "Okay, now what do I do?" she asked the older witch.
"Come with me, child. We'll get everything all ready for you."
Hermione stood up; the butterflies began churning in her stomach. She was now venturing into truly foreign territory.
Fifteen minutes later, Hermione found herself in a room, much like a doctor's office. She was stripped down to nothing except the flimsy gown she had been given to wear, and her legs were covered in nothing more than a small lap sheet. She was cold; the Mediwitch who had given her the gown had also given her strict instructions not to use a Warming Charm.
The Mediwitch returned shortly with a Healer. "Good day, Miss Granger," said the Healer very pleasantly. "I am Healer White. I'm going to give you a quick exam so we can determine what potions we will need to use."
Hermione nodded. She seemed to have lost her voice. She had been looking for information on surrogacy the last few weeks; there was very little information available in the Wizarding world. She was cursing herself for not taking more time to look for information at the Muggle library.
She lay back on the table as Healer White poked and prodded at every inch of her body while the Mediwitch stood back taking notes. Hermione stared up at the ceiling trying to imagine she was anywhere but on that table.
Finally, Healer White held her wand over Hermione's abdomen and muttered a spell. The wand tip held a small green glow for a few seconds. "Oh, too bad," she tsked. "Well, we'll have to add a couple more potions, I suppose."
Hermione looked at her closely. "What potion? What happens next?"
"Oh, don't worry yourself, child. It's just two more potions, though it is a little more uncomfortable and does take just a bit longer." Healer White smiled reassuringly. "It's really nothing."
The healer turned around and addressed the Mediwitch. "Madame Morgan, please go get the potions so we can get started."
Healer White turned back to Hermione. "Now, you will be taking five potions. The last thing that I tested was what stage of your cycle you were in. Your menses appears to have just ended, thus the uterine lining is thin, and it will be another week or so until you will ovulate on your own. The two extra potions will remedy this. One will cause you to ovulate; the other will cause the lining of your uterus to thicken. Both processes can be a little bit uncomfortable. However, it truly is negligible compared to pregnancy."
Hermione smiled, but the only thing going through her head was, Oh, yes, that's real reassuring!
Healer White continued informing her about the potions. "Another potion is to help make the egg more susceptible to fertilization, and another will help ensure implantation. Finally, the last potion is a standard prenatal vitamin supplement."
"That seems like so many," said Hermione as the Mediwitch reappeared with a tray filled with three vials and two goblets.
"Well, Miss Granger, we only wish to do this once," stated Healer White matter-of-factly. "Unlike the Muggle world where it can take several attempts to achieve conception---and some never do---we have streamlined this to achieve conception at the first attempt 98.6% of the time."
"Oh," was all that Hermione could get out as the Mediwitch began forcing the potions on her to drink.
They were bitter and awful, every one of them. The final potion was the worst. It had a horrible aftertaste of something that reminded Hermione of blood. "What was that last one?" she asked.
"That was the vitamin potion, Miss Granger. You will need to take that one daily."
Hermione made a face of disgust as she asked, "What was that foul taste? It almost tasted like blood!"
The healer laughed, "No, it's not blood, you just tasted the iron. The iron levels need to be high. You can add the potion to your morning drink, if you'd like. It will help hide the flavor."
Hermione nodded. "Okay, now what?"
"Now, Miss Granger, we wait. We need to wait for you to ovulate."
"Okay, how long will that take?" she asked.
"Well, it varies with everyone, but usually within a couple of hours. You will know when it happens. You will feel a sharp pain on one side of your belly. When that happens, just ring this bell, and we'll come in to finish everything up."
"Can I get dressed?" asked Hermione. She was still rather cold sitting there.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I tend to forget how cold it can be in here," exclaimed Healer White. "But, no, you may not. We are trying to keep your body at a very specific temperature. The room is charmed to maintain a specific level. It is another thing we do to help ensure conception." The Mediwitch gathered the tray of used vials and goblets and exited the room while Healer White conjured a stack of pamphlets and set them on the examination table next to Hermione. "Just sit back and read these. Hopefully, it won't be too long for you. Ring the bell when you're ready!"
And with that, Healer White left her alone again.
Hermione didn't care what the temperature of the room was supposed to be; she liked to have clothes on. Even when it was sweltering hot outside, she was only comfortable with at least a thin layer of clothes covering her. She looked down at the stack of pamphlets that Healer White had left with her.
There were a wide variety of titles such as:Pregnancy and Confinement for Witches and Healers, Mediwitches, & Midwives Answer Your Pregnancy Questions. Hermione thumbed through them and glanced at pictures of a growing fetus. She looked at a picture of a ten-week fetus, showing the heartbeat fluttering under the chest. The next page showed an eighteen-week fetus turning, kicking, and sucking its thumb.
Hermione settled in to read a pamphlet on proper care of her body during pregnancy, such as, the sort of diet she should be consuming, daily exercise, and post-partum care. She read that keeping both her mind and her body healthy were imperative for bearing a healthy child. There was also an interesting article that stated a witch that did not properly feed her mind and practice her magic during pregnancy was more likely to have a Squib. Really? Not doing magic enough can cause a Squib birth? Certainly not what Hermione had thought. She had assumed that it was because of all of the inbreeding of purebloods that had caused the increase in Squib births over the last several decades.
She became so absorbed in her reading that she had lost track of time until she felt a very sharp stabbing pain, as if she had been pierced by a knife, on the lower right side of her abdomen. She immediately grabbed her hand to her side. The pain eased slightly, and then it returned with what Hermione felt to be a small explosion. She doubled-over and reached with her other hand to ring the bell to call back the Healer.
Healer White and Madam Morgan were at her side in a thrice. The pain was easing some, but Hermione still felt a stabbing pain that would come and go.
"Well now, let's take a look-see," said Healer White. She instructed Hermione to lay back, which caused another surge of pain as Healer White waved her wand back over Hermione's abdomen muttering a spell. This time the tip of her wand glowed a light pink for several seconds.
"Yes, perfect!" exclaimed Healer White. "Madam Morgan, if you will get everything, Miss Granger is ready."
The butterflies that were in Hermione's stomach earlier returned with a vengeance. There was no turning back now. Oh God! She took several slow deep breaths to try to calm her nerves. She began reciting the twelve uses of dragon's blood and then went on to the ingredients and process of preparing Veritaserum. Madam Morgan returned with a small, silver tray. It contained what looked like a small gel-covered pill and a wand.
"All right, Miss Granger, just relax," instructed the Healer.
"W-what are you going to do?" asked Hermione. She tried to make herself sound calm, but she was failing miserably.
"Well, it's very simple. This is a special wand. Its core is the tail hair of a baby unicorn. Most wandmakers use adult unicorn hair since it has more power. However, for this we need something that is gentle and pure. The capsule here is very thin and will dissolve almost instantly. Madam Morgan will conduct a spell locating your egg, and I will Apparate the capsule to that location with this wand." Healer White was very calm as she explained the procedure to Hermione.
Hermione didn't need to ask what was in the capsule. She knew, but she really didn't want to think about it. She really didn't want to think about how they'd gotten it!
This is just a medical procedure, she kept telling herself. Nothing more.
Several hours later Hermione was home and thinking about the day's events. She had really signed away the next several months of her life. But, it will be worth it, she kept telling herself. Besides, it was already done.
A bright side to everything was that she would be moving back to Hogwarts, despite the fact that she would have to share living space with that overgrown bat. Hermione had not missed the fact that Snape had called her by her given name during their discussion. He was trying to manipulate her, she knew. She was going to have to watch him closely.
Hermione knew she would have to find something to keep herself busy. She certainly couldn't spend all of that time locked away in the dungeons. She would see if she could help some of the professors with their grading, or see if Madam Pince would let her help reshelf books in the library. Maybe she could even convince one of them to take her on as an apprentice once she was no longer considered a criminal by the Ministry of Magic.
Now she had other things to worry about. She had to quit her job. She had already given her notice at the Leaky Cauldron once she had received that disturbing letter from the Muggle government, but she still had her job at Flourish and Blotts. Then she needed to pack, inform her landlord that she would be moving out, and she had to tell her friends where she was going.
She collapsed on the couch at that thought. Oh God, what is Ginny going to say? She was thankful that she didn't have her parents to worry about, but her parents had not held any magical powers, like Ginny did!
Deciding that it was best to get the worst over with as soon as possible, Hermione got up from the couch and went to the fire. Incendio! she muttered at the empty grate. Immediately a small fire sprang to life. She grabbed a pinch of Floo powder from the bowl on top of the mantel and threw it into the flames. She knelt down before the now green fire calling, "Number 12 Grimmauld Place!" She stuck her head into the warm flames and found her head in the fireplace of the kitchen at the old headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.
"Ginny! Ginny!" Hermione called.
Within only a few seconds, she heard someone running across the floor and opening the kitchen door. A very hurried looking young woman with long red hair came into the room. Ginny spotted Hermione's head in the fire immediately.
"Hermione, what's going on? You're usually working on Friday nights!" exclaimed the redhead.
Hermione smiled at her friend, she was frank, to say the least about her. "I need to talk to you; can I come through?" she asked.
"Oh sure," said Ginny. Her words were shaky, however, and Hermione was certain that her friend was anything but sure. Ginny's eyes kept glancing towards the kitchen door.
"If now is not a good time, Gin, I can come back later," supplied Hermione.
Ginny took a deep breath and looked at Hermione closely, "No, Hermione, it's fine. He's just here right now, and I don't want another row."
"Oh. Well, I'll behave if he does." Hermione wondered if she really could keep her temper in his presence, but she decided that it was
worth it. She didn't want to be alone right now. "This is important, Ginny. I really need to talk to you."
"Okay, Mione, come on through."
Hermione was thankful that her friend finally agreed to her plea, as Hermione's knees were beginning to ache terribly. Normally she would've put a pillow on the floor if she was planning on holding a conversation via Floo for more then a couple of minutes, but she didn't want to have a Floo conversation. This needed to be done face-to-face.
She stood up and stepped through the flames and swirled until she found herself in the grate of Grimmauld Place. Hermione brushed the soot off her as she stepped out of the fireplace. She then looked up at her friend and gave her a smile.
Ginny promptly came forward and gave her a small hug. "What's the matter, Mione?" she asked while gesturing to the kitchen table for her to take a seat.
Hermione sat and let out a huge sigh. She rested her hands in her face and began feeling the sudden swell of emotion that had been bubbling below the surface for the majority of the day. She didn't even notice Ginny conjuring up some tea and sitting across from her at the table. Hermione found her composure quickly as Ginny grabbed one of her wrists from her face and pulled it down to the table.
"What happened, Hermione?" asked her worried friend.
"I don't know where to start," said Hermione. Another sigh escaped her lips as she used her free hand to begin twirling her long brown locks around her finger. "I guess...I guess that it started a few weeks ago when I received a letter from the Muggle government threatening to garnish my wages from the Leaky Cauldron because they are also listed as a Muggle establishment. Then, it ended today with me agreeing to be a surrogate mother."
"WHAT?" asked Ginny is shock. "How do you go from Muggles taking your earnings to being a surrogate mother?"
"It's a long story, Gin, but basically they said they were going to take my wages. I already can barely scrape together enough money to get by on. I needed a way out. You inherited Harry's money and this place, and you were able to use it to allow you to be able to actually live your life. You were able to help Ron do the same. Me? Well, I've been stuck allowing my brain to turn to mush because I can only obtain a minimum wage paying job because of the blasted Ministry of Magic!" Her voice had slowly become louder and louder with each breath to the point that she yelled the last few words.
"I'm sorry, Mione," said Ginny as she squeezed her wrist a little bit tighter. "I wish I could've helped you out, you know, but at the time we all thought that your parents could help. And well, you and Ron had the horrible break-up that I really didn't think that doing anything like that for you would be prudent."
Hermione held up her hand to silence the younger witch. "I know, Ginny. I'm not blaming you. No one thought that the Ministry was going to be able to hold up these shams called charges against me. And well, I knew once I broke things off with Ron that I couldn't stay here." Hermione shook her head. "I just never knew that the Ministry would work so hard to ensure that I could never do anything with my life."
"Are you really thinking about this surrogacy thing?"
"Yes. Well, I've more than just thought about actually."
Ginny's hazel eyes grew wide. "What?" she asked. "You don't mean that you've already... you're already?"
Hermione nodded and moved her free hand to the center of her forehead. "Oh, God," was all she could manage to say.
Ginny grabbed Hermione's other wrist and pulled it from her face. "Look at me, Hermione," she snapped.
Hermione's eyes slowly moved up and met her gaze. "You're pregnant?"
Hermione closed her eyes and looked away. "I don't know yet."
"Okay, tell me what happened," prodded Ginny.
"Well, I've done several interviews over the last few weeks, and someone requested to make me an offer. I met with the consultant today, and I accepted the offer." It was only after looking back at her friend's confused face that she realized that she was skirting several key issues. "Well, the contract promises that he will hire a solicitor versed in both Muggle and Wizarding law. He will also ensure that I can find gainful employment and pursue any educational avenue that I prefer."
"Oh, God, Hermione," said Ginny shaking her head. "Who are these people that you are doing this for?"
Hermione removed her hands from her friend's vice-like grips and covered her face as she mumbled his name.
Hermione dropped her hands back down and answered. "Severus Snape."
"WHAT?" fumed Ginny. Her face instantly reddened, and the fiery redhead rose from her chair like a towering fury. "How could you? How could he?"
"Calm down, Gin. It's not like that," she said, attempting to tame the blazing inferno.
She could tell that Ginny was mentally trying to calm herself, inhaling slowly and deeply and repeating the process on exhale. Finally Ginny spoke. "A surrogate, right? You didn't have to sleep with him, did you? It's not your baby, right?"
Hermione knew that Ginny was only looking for some reassurance. She wanted to be truthful with her, but she knew that she couldn't tell her everything. "Yes, Gin, a surrogate. I just carry the fetus through gestation, and then I give it to him. For your second question, no, I didn't have to sleep with him. And, on your third question, surrogates don't have to be the biological mother of the child; they just have to act as an incubator." It isn't a total lie, she told herself.
Ginny's eyes narrowed and watched Hermione closely. She slowly nodded her head in understanding. "So, are you or aren't you pregnant now?"
"I told you. I don't know. They did the procedure today, but I won't know for about two weeks whether or not it 'stuck'." She saw Ginny's confused look as she said the word 'stuck'. "Stuck, as in the embryo 'sticking' to the uterine wall. It's too easy to miscarry during the first few weeks to really consider it a pregnancy."
Ginny sat there silently nodding her head, and finally said, "So, you're going to have Snape's baby?"
Neither witch had heard him bound into the kitchen, as they were too wrapped up in their own thoughts, but they were quickly alerted to his presence when he began shouting. "WHAT? You're going to have Snape's baby?" screamed Ron.
Hermione grabbed her hands back up to her face and muttered, "Oh, God!"
Ginny took her cue, and she quickly explained the circumstances to Ron who appeared dumbstruck by the story that his little sister was telling. Hermione felt him lean down and wrap his arms around her, holding her close. It was the first time that he had held her in nearly three years, and it was her breaking point. All of the pain, confusion, and fear that had been boiling in her for ages poured out of her as she buried her face in his chest and wept.
He mumbled words of condolences and comfort as he brushed his hand over her hair and held her tight. When her sobs finally slowed, he began to release his grip around her. He turned her face towards his to brush away her tears. "I'm so sorry, Mione."
"Me too," she answered simply.
"No, Mione, I mean I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that no one helped you sort through the affair with the Ministry. I'm sorry I was such a bloody arse when your parents were killed. If I wouldn't have..." He paused; there was a wave of guilt that washed over his face. "I wish that I wouldn't have cheated on you." He turned his head away from her; he couldn't look into her eyes anymore.
"I know, Ron. I know." It had been the thing that had ended their relationship. Ron had cheated on her with Parvati Patil shortly after the fall of Voldemort. They had been fighting ever since. This was the first time that Ron had ever apologized for his actions. Any other time that they had discussed it, he had blamed the liquor, the thrill of celebrating, or the depression he felt from losing his best friend. This was the first time he had truly apologized for his actions. And, with this apology, some of the resentment and anger she had felt towards Ron these last few years began to melt away.
He let go of her and slumped into the chair beside her. Hermione picked up the tea that Ginny had conjured earlier and began sipping at it.
"So, Hermione," said Ginny, in an obvious attempt to break the silence. "What happens now?"
Hermione explained how she was to quit her job and pack her things. She explained that she was to go back to Wilhelm Wigworthy's exactly two weeks from the day to test that the pregnancy was viable. Then she was off to Hogwarts the following day to live with the greasy git. She glossed over the part about having to live with Snape and brushed it aside as if this was a typical for a surrogate mother. There was no reason for them to know any different.
The tension she had been feeling up to now was beginning to ease some. She was so glad to finally have this entire thing off of her chest.
"Wow, the great greasy bat of the dungeons with a baby," laughed Ron. "Now, that will certainly be a sight worth seeing!"
At that all three of them burst into a fit of laughter.
Two weeks later, she found herself back at Wilhelm Wigworthy's Wombs for Went. The time had flown by. Even though she had so very little, it had been very difficult getting all of her affairs in order. She had been so busy that on most days she'd forgotten about the reason for arranging her finances, packing, cleaning, etc. She was still working at Flourish and Blotts until the day before. During every free minute while working, she could have been found in the Anatomy and Physiology section or in the Parenting section. Although she knew full well she was not going to actually be a parent. She quickly learned that these books contained quite a bit of information on pregnancy.
She wasn't certain if it was her imagination from reading these books or if it was something else, but a few days before, she could have sworn that she felt a small cramping feeling in her lower abdomen. Only the day before, she had read that some women have the same sensation during implantation. She was also beginning to notice an increased tenderness in her breasts. Again, she wasn't sure if this was due to pregnancy, if it was merely her overactive imagination, or if it was the fact that she would be starting her cycle within the next week due to the forced cycling that two of the potions had forced on her.
Back in the doctor's office, Healer White came through the door to see her. Now that she was not longer worried about the impending procedure, Hermione was able to look at the Healer. Her name certainly matched this woman's appearance. She was petite with short, white, curly hair. She wore a long, white lab coat, and as far as Hermione could tell, her clothes beneath the lab jacket were white as well. Even the Healer's skin was nearly as pale as Professor Snape's.
Healer White smiled at Hermione and said, "Well now, go ahead and lie back. I'll run the test." Hermione was incredibly grateful that this time she was not required to disrobe for the exam. Healer White held her wand over Hermione's uterus and uttered a spell under her breath. There was a faint turquoise glow at the tip of the wand.
"Another success," announced Healer White cheerfully.
"That's it?" asked Hermione. "Couldn't I have just done that at home?" She was a little disgusted that she had been required to come all the way down for a test that took little more than 30 seconds to perform.
Healer White chuckled. "Yes, that's it, and you are correct. You could've done this yourself at home. No doubt you will during your pregnancy, most women do. Once the fetus has a heartbeat that spell is used to listen to it. But, you needed to come down here so that we could document the success or failure of the pregnancy and go over a few small things with you."
Hermione nodded in assent.
"So, first of all, there are a few rules, Miss Granger," started the Healer in a firm tone. "Have you been taking your vitamin potion?"
Hermione opened her mouth to say yes, but she wound up sputtering, "Well, I've tried. I do most days, I suppose."
The glare she received in response was enough to cause her to feel guilty for her error.
"That, my dear, is the very reason that this man wishes for you to live under his care. You need to be taking your potion daily. It will help to ensure that you grow a healthy baby." Healer White was speaking very sternly to her.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Next, here is a pamphlet on potions that are acceptable during pregnancy. Read it cover to cover. It should answer most of your questions. Being that Professor Snape is a Potions master, then it is likely he already knows which potions are acceptable, as well as the approved individual ingredients. I suspect that he will already have removed any potentially harmful potions or ingredients from his rooms, or at least have them so highly warded that no one could break into them."
Hermione gave a small smile and a nod.
"Then, there is travel. Truly, Miss Granger, the only safe way to travel during pregnancy is either via Portkey or on the Knight Bus. Brooms can be dangerous, as it is too easy to fall off, and well, Apparating has the risk of splinching. You really don't want to splinch as a pregnant woman."
Hermione shuddered at this thought. It hadn't occurred to her that her travelling options would be limited so much. "What about Floo?" she asked.
"Well, in moderation, I suppose it is all right, but it's really not good getting all of that ash into your system. Too many risks."
Healer White pulled out a few more pamphlets and placed them in Hermione's hands. "This one has information on proper diet and exercise, including exercising your magic. Then, this periodical has information on just some frequently asked questions. Most of your questions will be answered in there. If you still have questions you can contact me, Madam Morgan, or --I believe there is a Mediwitch at that school where you will be living-- you may ask her."
"Yes, ma'am, thank you," said Hermione. She was feeling calmer now, a little more relaxed. At least she didn't have to drink any more potions.
The next morning found Hermione at the gates of Hogwarts with her trunks. She had ridden the Knight Bus to get there, and it had been anything but pleasant. For some reason, that nutty, old loon, Madam Marsh, was always on the bus when she was. Madam Marsh always seemed to be vomiting. Hermione let out a small shudder. She had been forced into the unfortunate pleasure of sitting next to the retching woman all morning. It took every ounce of Hermione's strength to avoid losing her breakfast as well. Thank God this isn't a few weeks later! thought Hermione dryly.
She pulled open the gates and waved her wand over her trunks. "Locomotor trunks!" She saw a tall black figure standing near the main doors to the castle, and she slowly walked towards it. She watched both castle and man growing closer to her while her trunks floated dutifully behind her. A deep feeling of dread swept through her as her stomach once again began roiling. What have I gotten myself into?
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Latest 25 Reviews for To Beget an Heir
161 Reviews | 8.76/10 Average
Some common, and safe, Muggle remedies are plain starchy foods like crackers or US biscuits and products containing ginger. Peppermint is also safe. Shame Severus doesn't know ...
What a great ending to a really enjoyable story!
Hooray, it worked! At least it seems that way ...
I can see a happy ending on the horizon!
Things are going so well, yay!
I'm glad Severus was quick to determine what drove Hermione away, and they made up easily. If only we could be a fly on the wall when Severus is lodging his complaints :).
Oh those women are so nasty! They have no business working with anyone, let alone those with fragile emotions. I hope Severus doesn't jump to any unfortunate conclusions now that she is gone.
This is more difficult than it needs to be, but still, they are making progress.
Oh dear ...!
I loved that she got to see Minerva one last time. What a sad state of affairs the woman was in. I hope she gave Hermione some food for thought.
Only Severus Snape can be so thoughtful and heartless and back again, all in a small space of time. I'm just sure she will wear him down eventually!
Poor Hermione! It's tough to love someone you can't have. But, I'm sure things will change. Hang in there, girl!
Boy, he's a tough customer. If a hot bath is the worst she does, he should leave her alone. I wonder if he'll want to hear the heartbeat?
Well, things are looking up for Hermione's future. Well, maybe not the near future.
Tea! they are going after HarryI must say it's about bloody time. How long has he been locked up in that pensive, with only Voldermort for company.
Tea! they are going after HarryI must say it's about bloody time. How long has he been locked up in that pensive, with only Voldermort for company.
Tea! they are going after HarryI must say it's about bloody time. How long has he been locked up in that pensive, with only Voldermort for company.
Tea! they are going after HarryI must say it's about bloody time. How long has he been locked up in that pensive, with only Voldermort for company.
My favourite chapter so far, Severus and Hermione together at last, baby safe and in her mothers arms. The MediBITCH put firmly in her place { do not mess with the Potions Master or those he loves }.
Yes, sign me up for the lynch mob the Munch sisters should br struck off, if they had not made Hermione feel like such a low-life, she may have waited for Severus to show up
. The "Dreams" were interesting, I feel they are telling Hermione how to help Harry.
Oh dear, Severus is going to blame himself, I just know it.
I am glad that they have fianally cleared the air, and come to an understanding of sorts. Severus is really being an arse about the bath, if this were true, every child born in a tropical climate would be sub-normal. Go get him Hermione.
Oh shit! that's torn it, now he will shut down, so he won't get hurt again Hermione will have to work very hard for another kiss. Poor Neville my heart breaks for him, but Hermione is not the right girl for him, her fire would consume him, and his gentleness would frustrate the hell out of her, she needs someone that will fight with her, which makes Severus just perfect, he will argue with her as much as she wants.
Sad to see Minerva go, but not as sad as seeing her stay in the state she was in. I wonder who Hermione's admirer is.
Sometimes "sorry" is just as good as chocolate Severus.