New Chapter for Archaeologist
WonderfulChild12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
During the war, Hermione makes a deal with the devil and finds herself haunted by hidden meanings. Written for the Summer 2007 HG/SS Exchange.
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About WonderfulChild
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 45 | 1 Review Written | 46 Review Responses
HG/SS shipper at heart, but quite willing to read beyond that pairing, even slash. Currently undergoing fascination with Death Eaters and the Black sisters. Loves good dark!fic and IC Snape. Open to friending in her LJ.
Reviews for Archaeologist
Very nicely done. :)
Well, maybe. Just too many totally unnecessary complications. Occam would have a fit.
Hermione's insight at the end is compelling, if depressing. And the ending was very satisfying -- even though all my impulses as a reader are to wonder what Hermione and Snape would have said to each other had she stayed in the shop. I loved the way you used present and future tense. It seemed to give the story an overall uneasy tone that really fit the circumstances.
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. As far as wondering what Snape and Hermione would have said to each other - I wonder too, but I agree with Hermione. Sometimes it's better not to know.
amazing, yet tragic. definitely seeing the beautiful mind connection, too.and i think you mean "ron weasley" rather than "rose weasley" in the characters.
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
(And yes, I did mean "Ron Weasley." I'll have to fix that.)
Kudos for tacking an interesting format for this piece - it definitely add a nice layer to it. I also love the ambiguity of the ending - the idea that sometimes it's better to not know, to not be driven to act.
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
Thank you! :D
Very different. I liked the writing style. Ultimately it's kind of unsatisfying, but that's sort of the point, isn't it? Well done.
Author's Response: Thank you! I guess it is a bit unsatisfying, but I like to think I left it open enough for people to decide if Hermione actually found Snape or not. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
A very captivitating story. However there was an error present within the story. It has nothing to do with the story contents, though. Near the beginning of the story there is link that interrupts the fllow of the sentence. I'm pretty sure that you didn't intend to have a link there at all.
Here's the error:
Sweat is trickling The Petulant Poetess :: Fiction Archivedown the middle of her back as she hovers in the back of the huge chain book store on Charing Cross Road, at the junction of the new age and psychology shelves, waiting.Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
Now, that's just wierd. Thanks for letting me know that was there. Thanks!
Wow! That was truly amazing and unlike any other fic that I have ever read. You delved very deeply in to human psychology and nature. I feel that you more than succeeded in producing a rather profound piece of writing. I loved it (and not just because Snape could possibly be living in the same city as me). You have given me much to ponder. Thank you for that wondrous read!
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
Thank you! I'm glad you go so much out of it. (Snape could be anywhere!)
When I first started reading this, I was like, "Hmm... what sort of writing style is this?" (the present to the future jumps).But I have to admit that it grew on me, and I liked it very much. It's different indeed, but in a good way. Great writing. Thanks for posting.Also, this reminded me of that show "A Beautiful Mind" with Russel Crowe where he's a math genius and finds all those clues in words, but it turns out he's schizophrenic. Good stuff. Surprising, but really good to watch.
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
I didn't intend for this fic to be so odd style-wise, but it came out this way. I'm glad you liked it, though.
And someone else brought up "A Beautiful Mind" in a review of this fic somewhere else. I've never seen it. I guess I'll have to watch it sometime.
Thanks for the review!
That was a great take on things. Thanks for writing :))
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of Archaeologist)
Thank you!
This was a really good story! It kills me not knowing... but I think that's what makes it nice. Stories that leave a little bit to the imagination are wonderful (even if sometimes my desire to have every detail spelled out disagrees...) :)
Oh, the angst! Must go read something happy now.