New Chapter for Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides
Moreteadk11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )
Ron's dead. Sort of. He's got a job to do before he can cross over to the afterlife, though.
(My response to prompt #47 at the Potter_Place Summer Prompt Challenge 2007. The prompt in its entirety is posted at the end.)
Chapters (1)
About Moreteadk
Member Since 2006 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 19 | 146 Reviews Written | 250 Review Responses
Born in Denmark in the year of '79. Drink a lot of tea and is completely an utterly addicted to my dearly beloved LJ account. Feel free to friend me if you're so inclined.
I'm only posting my own favorites and newer stuff here. All my other stuff can be found at my fic comm on LJ, but I'm a fairly mediocre writer though, so consider yourself warned.
There's a lot of Draco/Hermione, a somewhat smaller amount of Severus/Hermione and a wide-ranged smattering of minor pairings including but not limited to Adrian/Hermione, Neville/Lavender, Albus/Sirius, Filch/Luna, Draco/Ginny, Harry/Pansy and Ron/Voldemort. There's also some general stuff and some original fics there.
Reviews for Spirit Guides
The caterpillar idea kicks butt. Loved it! Very entertaining, particularly picturing Snape dancing the "tickle" dance. LOL. Oh, and of course, Hermione flashing him a few free shots, as well. ... helping to pull caterpillars off each other. Very entertaining.
I reckon they should invite the caterpillars over for a wee party, play a few games *wink wink nudge nudge* you know, how many caterpillars can you stand up your trousers before you have to remove them?.....Very funny and clever MT!
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop! We have already discussed bugs in awkward places, my brain can't handle any more bleach. :p
That was fun. I like the idea of Ron helping things a long.
That's lovely. Luna as spirit guide is great, and just like everybody else I love the idea with the caterpillars. The image of Severus doing a polka still has me giggling.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it (and the polka) :D
I'm still giggling over the scene with the caterpillars! This is just delightful. I'm really loving anything with Luna in it these days, now that I can really hear that lovely, thin, lilting voice.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
OMG I'm so glad everybody likes the caterpillars! I'm so smugly and shamelessly proud of myself for that particular bit. :)
I'm glad you liked it. (And I know what you mean. DH and OotP movie made me a total Luna-fangirl too.)
Charming! I loved that Luna was Ron's guide through this task, and I loved the idea that Snape's eyes were glued to Hermione's breasts all the time they were hunting caterpillars (except of course while he was doing the polka!)
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
*smooch* Thank you. :) And I know you're probably not going to believe me, but Luna was his guide BEFORE I turned Luna-fangirly! :p
(And I'm narcissistically happy with that polka. :D)
Response from Bambu (Reviewer)
Actually, I know how much you like Luna as a character, even before DH, so it's not a terribly big surprise. Besides she was the perfect choice.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Yes, but before DH and the OotP movie, I didn't even really realise that I did. I had just toyed with the thought of Blaise/Luna, really, and that was more or less it.
Now she's poking her cute little nose into everything, and I really think it's her fault that it's so difficult for me to write smut with Hermione (And yeah... That Hermione smut exchange? So not happening for me.)
I love this story! It is so funny and sweet.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Thank you, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out too if I must be honest. :) I'm glad you liked it.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Hee! :)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
That was nice! Funny and very well written.
Author's Response:
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
('Very well written' eh? *preens*)
Oh, the mental image of Snape shaking his legs to throw off caterpillars.
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Hee! Yes, that was one of my favorite bits to write too. :)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :)
a lovely original story, I'm a big Luna fan, she made a wonderful guide for Ron. The caterpillas were an inspiration, {picking caterpillars of each other, is a great ice-breaker}
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Thank you. :)
Response from Moreteadk (Author of Spirit Guides)
Thank you. :)