New Chapter for A Small Addition
A Small Addition
ancientgirl17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 39 Favorites )
This is the first of my 3 sequels to The Long Wait. In this chapter a letter arrives for Severus from an old friend asking for help.
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About ancientgirl
Member Since 2005 | 28 Stories | Favorited by 403 | 269 Reviews Written | 1,741 Review Responses
Just another SS/HG shipper wanting to make the world a Snapey place.
Reviews for A Small Addition
What movie was Crooks wanting to watch? Love this series!MISSY/
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Crooks wanted to watch Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, with Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman. It's one of my favorite movies, and they both were AMAZING. I highly recommend it.
Lawsy Mercy. Those two family creatures can get into more mischief than anyone I know. Katrina and Ravin Snape are proubly going to be a handful, too.Thank you for this delightful sequel.Beth
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Thanks so much for reading it!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Thanks so much for reading it!
Uh oh. This isn't going to work if Mr Flitch is going to trap Osiris, too.
Help, somebody!! HELP!!
Well this should be fun. With Crooks and Osiris looking after Hermione and Raven, what could possibly go wrong?
I just love the relationship between Osiris and Crooks!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Thank you. I wanted to create something special with them.
Cute. Have a friend from school who named her kids Perrigrine (falcon), Raven and Fox. LOL. Raven and Kat, very suitable.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Those are some cook names your friend named her kids. I love original names, but nothing too odd. Thanks for reading.
lovely. i would enjoy seeing some of their family life, tho. thanks
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Lestrange Days takes place several years later and it's the 4th and last installment. I've got a bit of family stuff going on there.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Lestrange Days takes place several years later and it's the 4th and last installment. I've got a bit of family stuff going on there.
Great just what they need another Kat in their lives. lol I hope this one doesn't claw so bad. Cute addition to go along with "The Long Wait". Until next time. Tamara
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
I thought it would only be fair. They have two Ravens, so why not two cats.
Leave it to you to have a bird help her with labor. You are too much, girl. Tamara
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
LOL, Hermione had to work with who she had. :)
OMG Animal House! ROFLMAO That is too funny. Tamara
That was sweet and funny! Although Lucius new family??? What happened to Narcissa? Never mind though I like the relationship between Osiris and Crookshanks.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Oh, yes in my story The Long Wait, I detail Lucius' new family. First comes, The Long Wait, then A Small Addition, then Caught in the Act, and finally Lestrange Days. It's a series of stories, the first and last are longer, and the two in the middle are short stories.Thank you for taking the time to read this If you do find time to read the other's, let me know what you think.
That was great, even though it was short, it was just as good as the first installment, ok well i am off to read the next one. you are a great writter and i hope to post some of my own work here soon.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Thanks for your wonderful comment. I'm happy that you enjoy my writing.I hope to read something of yours too. What do you write? Any particular ship?
Response from Trins (Reviewer)
I have been working on a Hr/Ss Ship at the moment but i have also written a Rl/Gw, ship. i hope to post them both here soon..i am currently reading the last instalment to this story and am on the last chapter, it was as great as the rest of them, and i will definatly be spending some more of my time reading the other Fics you have written.
Raven and Kat! Oh my!
I am sure Flich is owed plenty by thoes two trouble makers. Poor timing though!
The animals have hijacked your story!! Its these kind of lines that give it away: “You know what that means, don’t you?” asked Crookshanks. “Yes, we have to stop getting caught.” Answered Osiris.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
I wanted to get them more involved. LOL, they're my comedic relief.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
I wanted to get them more involved. LOL, they're my comedic relief.
lol... will there be more?
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
There is a one chapter sequel called Caught in the Act, and another longer story called Lestrange Days, which is the last of the series.Thanks for reading them.
short and sweet. i love the names, raven and kat are too adorable! i really enjoy reading your stories!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of A Small Addition)
Thank you for the ongoing support.