New Chapter for Fallen From Glory
Fallen From Glory
phoenix16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
Draco Black has lost everything, including his name. Can he recover from his Fall from Glory and make something of himself?
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for Fallen From Glory
I would love to know what happens next-----
I do feel sorry for Draco, but this is what he gets for his affair and not thinking of the consequences. He obviously did not think Lucius' rage and vengefulness would be so severe; though, he should have expected it, especially after Phaedra married Lucius.
I'm surprised he didn't sit his NEWTs though.
It's a sad thing to find out that the woman he started an affair with and finally got her, and to finally realize he may have been in lust with...
I'm shocked that she kept that vast amount of money from him. They're a couple; married. As my parents once explained to me, when you're married "my money is your money". So I'm terribly shocked that even when they're under financial duress, she won't tell him until he explained that they'd be worse off than the Weasleys.
I'm glad he's determined to succeed, and I hope he does.
I enjoyed reading this story/series very much. I was shocked with all the events that transpired in the first fic, but now I feel sympathies for Draco just a bit (not hating him anymore LOL). =)
Short, but a very fitting ending. Great job, not only on this story but the entire trilogy. You're an amazing writer. Keep up the wonderful work!~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thank you very much. I'm glad that you enjoyed this series. It was a lot of fun for me to write. And I have finally got the muses back into business, though I have to try to mix in other stories with all the Anything Goes Prompt ideas I have as those have to be submitted anonymously.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thank you very much. I'm glad that you enjoyed this series. It was a lot of fun for me to write. And I have finally got the muses back into business, though I have to try to mix in other stories with all the Anything Goes Prompt ideas I have as those have to be submitted anonymously.
Again, wonderful chapter. You write very well. Can't wait to read how this all ends. Great job!~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thank you. :D This is one of the more fun stories I've written because I do get to spend time really getting into each of the three main characters.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thank you. :D This is one of the more fun stories I've written because I do get to spend time really getting into each of the three main characters.
Another great chapter. I'm really glad Draco is sticking it out for his daughter, if nothing else...I'm actually starting to feel slightly sorry for him.~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thanks. I'm glad to see your opinion of Draco changing. For me that was one of the hardest things about this installment after building up for two stories what a bastard he is.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thanks. I'm glad to see your opinion of Draco changing. For me that was one of the hardest things about this installment after building up for two stories what a bastard he is.
I like how this story starts...Draco having problems, being miserable. He deserves it; in this story at least. Great job so far.~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
LOL He really does deserve it, the little bastard. That's what you get for trying to out-scheme your scheming father.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
LOL He really does deserve it, the little bastard. That's what you get for trying to out-scheme your scheming father.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thanks for your encouragement. I did read them at the time. :) I've just been quite remiss on answering reviews. Bad me.
HI HI HI !!! first off I can't believe you moved over here without updating on !! LOL any hoo I read the whole seris so far and I am on pins an neddles as whats gonna happen now so hermoine had a boy whats his name or will we find out larter ? PLEASE POST THE REST!!
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
THanks. I'm glad you have enjoyed it. I have falled woefully behind on uploading stories everywhere, included, though I have some that I cannot load there. I have another chapter I have to upload and then one more for this one. When RL allows, I'll get it up. :D
Lucius kept his dominance, oh dear. Wonderfully written, no doubt, but I'd have hoped that Hermione and Draco had more self-esteem.
Loved reading this trilogy tonight, and really admire your dedication for finishing it! :D
Thanks for sharing!
SWEEEEEEEEEET!! it's over though!!
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
I'm glad you liked it. This was one of my favorite series. I was kind of sad to see it end, but I think the natural progression had ended with each of them getting their side of the story out.
You left a few open questions... but this was an interesting story. Good job!
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Glad you enjoyed it. I did want to leave it a little open so that folks could imagine the ultimate ending that they wanted. :D
In a way I actually feel sorry for Draco... I do hope that he pulls things together.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
You feel exactly how I expected folks to feel. When I started out I didn't want Draco to be likeable, but I managed to convince myself. Even though he did it to himself, I do feel sorry for him, too.
Well written, cliffhanger ending making oneself say, "and? Where did the rest of the encounter with Lucius go? I need to know what will happen next."Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
Thanks. :D I do love little cliffhangers if I can work them in. I do have the next chapter up and need to give the final chapter one last run through before posting it.
This series is one of my favorites and I'm so glad you've continue with the last portion.
Response from phoenix (Author of Fallen From Glory)
I'm glad to hear how much you like the series. I have been wanting to write this last portion for a very long time and it really feels good to have gotten in finished. Now if I can just finish the other projects I have in progress. LOL Look for the update in the next couple of days.
Well, it appears Hermione has adjusted to being a Malfoy. This was interesting, I enjoyed reading from the different viewpoint. Although, I think Lucius's may have been my favorite.