New Chapter for Refinements
michmak13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 43 Favorites )
What, exactly, is it Hermione does with Severus? Even he's not too sure at first....
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About michmak
Member Since 2005 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 112 | 0 Reviews Written | 3 Review Responses
Mother of three, working out of the house in the field of public relations. I have a very understanding husband and lots of quirks, which probably make me more irritiating than interesting. I used to write lots of fanfiction, but have fallen away from it the past little while, mostly due to personal issues (although some fandom issues surfaced as well). Snape/Hermione is still my 'ship of choice, and that won't change despite what Rowling presents in the last book.
Reviews for Refinements
...oh, for pete's sake. So sweet, so cute. I approve!
Simply gorgeous, thank you!
I'm definitly going to stop adding favourite story... I'll add favourite author and stop bothering... XD
loved your stories... =)
i like its nice i really like the way you write.
Wonderful metaphor. You write smex very, very well!
Oh, very nice. I like the introspection - not overly-self-castigating or anything, but thoughtful and hopeful. Well-paced, too - too much introspection can get tedious, but this is all balanced very nicely. Thanks for an enjoyable read!
Sweet and hot. Phwoar.
A wonderful brief but deep look at Severus thoughts. I'm glad they were thoughts of love. P.S. Great smut.
Lovely one-shot.
Now that was both beautiful, hot and romantic. You write them so very beautifully!
A lovely piece of lemon, wonderfully well written in Snape's POV. Bravo!
This is a beautiful slice of life for Severus and Hermione! I very much enjoyed this fic! Great work!! GG
nice refelections on the varying possible names to the act of intercourse, and just what each of them means. Nicely done.