New Chapter for Story of a Life
Story of a Life
michmak8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )
The story of Severus and Hermione, told in thirteen parts.
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About michmak
Member Since 2005 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 112 | 0 Reviews Written | 3 Review Responses
Mother of three, working out of the house in the field of public relations. I have a very understanding husband and lots of quirks, which probably make me more irritiating than interesting. I used to write lots of fanfiction, but have fallen away from it the past little while, mostly due to personal issues (although some fandom issues surfaced as well). Snape/Hermione is still my 'ship of choice, and that won't change despite what Rowling presents in the last book.
Reviews for Story of a Life
Ooh, lovely snippets. I like the flow. Medea? Interesting name choice, not bad. And poor Severus, losing her first.
A real tear jerker.
Very beautiful. Gives new meaning to the phrase happily ever after...
this is moving and heart-wrenching (in the end). but absolutely love it :) one of my favourites ;)
well done. this fanfic is really original, it flows so well even though it is so broken up into each little drabble. wish i could write as well.
That was very sad. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us.
I liked "Coming Back to You" and so searched for your other stories... this is just lovely!!! You did a great job of giving us insights into the relationship with the drabble format... I think that format made each scene more powerful, actually. Especially the end. Well done!!