New Chapter for She Never Stops Talking
She Never Stops Talking
michmak7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 53 Favorites )
When this – whatever it was between them – first started, he had been sure he was one of her pet causes, like SPEW. She had presented herself at his classroom a few months after the final battle, announced her plans to become his apprentice, and – despite his vociferous protests – had never really left.
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About michmak
Member Since 2005 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 112 | 0 Reviews Written | 3 Review Responses
Mother of three, working out of the house in the field of public relations. I have a very understanding husband and lots of quirks, which probably make me more irritiating than interesting. I used to write lots of fanfiction, but have fallen away from it the past little while, mostly due to personal issues (although some fandom issues surfaced as well). Snape/Hermione is still my 'ship of choice, and that won't change despite what Rowling presents in the last book.
Reviews for She Never Stops Talking
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. And I love the summary. Heehee, she never left.
Powerful! Thank you.
Breathtaking view into his mindset. Really well done!
This is so very sweet! He truly deserves to be happy.
I actually liked this way of presenting their couple and how they came together. (Pardon the *cough* pun... grin*) Nothing too 'cute' but an overwhelming sense that SS is either being tamed or is slowly getting to a point where he can love. Interesting way of presenting it, good job! Cheers!
That was enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing.
Lovely fic, not a Severus who suddenly turns mushy and is openly declaring his feelings, which is really very unlikely, but a slow coming around to his feelings and then still holding it all in, which is much more like him!I absolutley loved it, I've been meaning to read it for ages and the follow up, and I'm glad I did!