New Chapter for Before the Fairy God-Jarvey
Before the Fairy God-Jarvey
dracontia29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
How, precisely, does a Jarvey become a Fairy God-Jarvey? The answers are all here, from the origin of the name Regina P. Fletcher (including why it’s shortened to Reggie instead of Gina), to why Reggie speaks Spanish. Please note—in the time-honored tradition of stories involving animals, this contains a substantial share of sadness. But for those who’ve become fond of Reggie through ‘The Fairy God-Jarvey Chronicles,’ I hope it will be worthwhile to learn how one plucky little runt survived it all to become the Fairy God-Jarvey.
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About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for Before the Fairy God-Jarvey
This is a truly enchanting little story. Reggie is a wonderful character, and I always suspected that she had a soft heart beneath her silver fur and brazen persona. I'm glad that you gave us a chance to know her back story. I love the fact that Reggie helped Humphrey develop a wizard's version of "Who's On First" -- although I have to admit that it wasn't very nice of Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black to convince Narcissa Black (I assume that's who they were) into joining the circus.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you most kindly! And truthfully, I think Narcissa... if that is indeed who it was (no one has every been able to get her to admit it!) thoroughly enjoyed the adventure!
That was really sweet. Are you still working on the other stories?
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you! I am currently a bit stalled out on the remaining 3 episodes in the series--they are partially completed, but lately I've been inspired more to write HP/DM and Albus Severus/Scorpius. I do want to wrap up all 27 in-progress stories in my files by the end of this year. (The temptation is great to just raise the white flag... )Wish me luck!
Response from Selene (Reviewer)
Good luck! I think you must have some idea of how much we all adore Reggie and Moto. I can't wait to hear more from them.
I read this whole series and don't believe I have left you a review. I know...I am a voyeur who found this site and have happily devoured the blood sweat and tears of the great writers here without giving back. Sigh...I had meant to read and disappear, but I find myself going through the 'completed' stories more and more looking for MORE! Whenever I see Reggie come up again, I just shake my head and smile. I have NO comprehension of how you managed to create such wonderful, delightful, well-rounded characters. I had to chuckle a few times that this is the first female OC that could NEVER be classified as a Mary-Sue! I really am in awe of the creativity you exhibit. You have a delightfully warped brain and sense of humor. I will never think of tutus again without the wonderful visuals you have given me in these stories. Thank you so much for the superb entertainment.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Honey, never apologize for reading--we all started out as 'voyeurs' here, only gradually daring (or remembering) to leave cookies for the writers.
But I'd be lying if I said a review like this didn't make my day. :)
Just so you know, there will be three more installments in the series. I don't know when I'll finish them, as Reggie fell in love with New Orleans when we went there for Phoenix Rising, and she's found enough work--and good bartenders--to keep her there on and off ever since! (The 'Al and Scorp Show' has been serving as the midseason replacement.)
You are very much welcome for every smile and every visual. Tthank you kindly for taking the time to review!
(And thank you especially for giving me the image of my brain as a sort of Bonsai Tree~ :D )
Response from Wiccan (Reviewer)
As a decadent deviant who has lived to wistfully regret (**sigh***remember**) many debauched years lived in New Orleans, I really look forward to reading about Reggie in the French Quarter. Oh,the FOOD! Oh, the music! Oh, the joie de vive! Wherever you locate her, she has a special place in my heart. Ummm, keep the Japanese guy too...he is precious. I will be checking back for your foul mouthed little angel...and your other stories too.
I've lost count of the hankies. Thanks for the story!
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
*hands over one more hanky* Thanks again for taking the time to review! Reggie and I will try to get back to comedy sometime this summer, after one more quick (and less teary, hopefully) detour into the career of Motoyoshi.
*sniff* What a *sniff* story! *sniff*Pardon me *sniff* while i *sniff* wipe away *sniff* some tears.... *SNIFF* *trumpetlike sounds of blowing in a hanky*Might i make a request? Could you write a story together with PlaidPooka? I would love to see a story about Turpin and Reggie.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
*hands over another hanky*Golly, I haven't heard from Pook in ages! I almost fear what Reggie and Turpin might get up to together... LOLThanks kindly for the review!
Do I need to tell you how much I love this story? Actually, maybe I do - due to getting ready for Phoenix Rising, I was a bit short on time for extra comments while I was beta reading. So, consider it said.
I will now go back to stalking LJ for your PR recap posts.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
You realize that Drac is a total plonker, right? It's been bloody well like pulling teeth to get her to do anything online lately. Like answering emails, reviews, UPDATING MY JOURNAL...That being said, I'm right chuffed that you enjoyed hearing a bit about me checkered past. And you'd better believe that Drac knows she landed on her feet (still trying to figure out how she does that) when you two met. Lord knows, she'd never have become a validated author without you. She's crap with commas, no matter how often I tell her where to stick 'em.
Very nice story, I read it in one breath almost ;o)Keep up the good work, it is a real pleasure to read your stories (even those not funny).
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you very much! I've been sweating how this one would be received, but the truth behind Reggie had to get out there. Hopefully I can get the plot bunny hutch cleared out and get back to writing the rest of the Fairy God-Jarvey series soon!
Response from saschia (Reviewer)
I must say that I like all your works I read, those funny, those sad and those sad and funny at the same time, as this one is. Not that they are all perfect, but overall I would give your work 5 stars out of 5, because the small imperfections are not really significant, at least not for me.
The perfect ending. Well done indeed!
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
*bows* Thank you very much.
I adore Tarty. What an excellent name! How well she dealt with Reggie's grief, with the bureacracy, and I liked how she was willing to give up her promotion in order to do the job well. She was committed to more than just herself. I like that a lot.
Looking forward so much to the next chapter, and wishing it wasn't the last.
You know, if you do start getting paid for this stuff, you should keep in touch so you can tell us what to look for. I'd pay money.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Apologies first off--I'm sorry to be such a pillock and leave off answering this review for so long! I've finally begun to properly clear away the e-mess that built up while I was at Phoenix Rising with plushie-Reggie (who gleefully recounted the experience on her LJ!) I'm glad Tarty made a good impression. I figured Reggie needed an adoptive mom (not to mention some stability) after all she'd been through. I surely do appreciate the vote of confidence (re: writing) and I'm beginning to think, more and more, that I'll 'retire' from fandom once the current hutch full of plot bunnies is cleaned out--and take a shot at the brass ring, so to speak. If I make it, I expect Reggie will drop a hint on her LJ or in my bio here. After all, what is Reggie's story about, if not honoring where you came from and the people you met on the way?
OK, make 'em all happy now! Having all those folks die was kind of tough on a happy-ending-junkie reader, you know? Yeah, you know. You warned us. Love your stories - thanks for your work!
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you very, very, much for hanging in there through it all. I hope that the ending doesn't disappoint--it's not easy, being the only Fairy God-Jarvey; but rest assured that Reggie's record of happily-ever-afters is unbroken, from her first project to the present... and that is what makes her happy,
Wow! I loved it (por supuesto). This reminded me of the friends I had in middle school when I was in a Girl Scout troop in the shabby little Mexican neighborhood Hightown near Tempe, AZ. I can still remember the first time I was called 'puta' by a kid in science class - LOL! Now I'm curious about what happened to Chema and his family (especially Mama and Papa) and I want to know more about what Jarveys do in El Circulo Magico. Thanks for inventing such a wonderful group of characters.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
oh, boy--some tough crowd in science class! I'm afraid some things will be left to the imagination here, but there will be a few others that get resolution by the end. Reggie has several more rough patches to get through before she gets the chance to earn that tutu. Thanks kindly for reviewing, o friend of Jarveys!
Spanish is definitely not my forte, but I'm enjoying this so far anyway. I especially liked the glimpse into a different wizarding culture. Very cool.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Well, aside from Reggie's usual repertoire of profanity, the Spanish gets left behind in this chapter. Glad you liked the snapshot of another slice of the wizarding world! Thanks for the review!
Really interesting and touching beginning. I'm looking forward to further updates.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you! updates are ready, and only await the beta process.
Oh wow. That is lovely. You can see that this little jarvey already has so much of her adult fire and wonderful language usage :D
I am really glad that you have started to write another story about Reggie.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you! Reggie's story has been floating around for quite some time now, it was just a matter of netting it. More answers about the origin of the Fairy God-Jarvey coming up.
Oh... this is tragic! Hopefully she meets up with him again in the end- maybe after she becomes Godmother-qualified? You're breaking my heart here, and with a demented weaselly creature as the main agent. *sad*
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
A soul as special as Reggie's is baptized in fire... and I promise, her specialty is fixing broken hearts. Thank you again for reviewing!
is there another story with reggie in it after this one?
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
*sigh* That's the $64,000 question... the answer is, possibly.I have a finale to Reggie's story written. It's been written for some time, though I've tweaked it every time another installment in the chronicles subtly alters some of the details.But the Muse has been intractibly slow about finishing the installment _before_ that finale, and Motoyoshi's little tale. (I couldn't abandon the storyline without giving Moto an adventure of his own!) I want to post these last three stories chronologically, so the finished last tale must await completion of the other two. But rather than be able to complete the FGJ chronicles, I was hijacked by a couple of slond & brunet Slytherin truants. *rolleyes!*I suspect that the Muse does not wish to put the period on the end of Reggie's last sentence, and is delaying it as long as possible.
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
any more jarvey business is eagerly awaited!
it's so beautiful....and no, i am not being sarcastic.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I just didn't think that Reggie could succeed at being silly if she couldn't be sincere. :)
you're making me tear up. there was a reason I refused to watch Babe when I was little, damn it. this is really great. there is so much substance to your writing aside from the comedy. everything is fleshed out. awesome.if you don't mind me you come from LA? it's always cool to be able to blend other parts of the world into a potterverse story and have it feel natural, not forced. you do it well. and I really like the time difference. it feels right.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you so very much! Yes, I've lived my entire life in LA, aside from visits to kin back east and going away to university. I do enjoy travel, and absorbing the sound and scent and sights of new places, but I really couldn't have Reggie come from anywhere but the place I love best. :)
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
sweet. I'm from norcal... :D
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
<--Golden Bear. Couldn't stand to go to University further away than Berkeley. :)
Thank you for another beautiful chapter.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
You are very much welcome. Thank you kindly for the review.
No wonder she is so determined to make other people happy, she didn't have a great life and wow, she is much older than I thought.
I can't say this often enough it seems...another wonderful chapter :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you for bringing up Reggie's age--it made me sit down, study what I wrote, and determine exactly what year she was born!I have the idea that she was born in early summer (before Chema's sister came back from school). There are specific references to winter in the time she spent with Toussaint (less than a year). She ends up with Humphrey in the spring of the year after she was born, and the tour starts late the following spring. Therefore, she's 2 years old when she meets 'La Narcissette Noir.' If SHE is who she appears to be, then based on the HPL timeline, that would be in 1970. So Reggie was born in 1968. I looked it up, and it was a Year of the Monkey. (And she's probably a Gemini.)Perfect.So, thanks to the wonders of Fairy Magic, Reggie hits the big 4-0 next year, and will be celebrating a birthday in less than a month!Thank you very much for your review--especially since it forced me to think! (my favorite hobby!)
Response from Raye (Reviewer)
Very glad to be of help. It's also one of my favourite hobbies when it's not my homework I am forced to concentrate on.
Really good stuff. I'm glad Reggie had a friendship that lasted longer than a few months. The ending with the song had a wistful feeling for me. I'm anxious for what happens next.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
*bows* Thank you. Reggie's challenges aren't exactly over, but she's about to get two things which (in addition to her precious experiences to this point in loving and being loved) will see her through anything and everything.
It is only fitting that Regina sings music favored by the Muppets. I'm a huge Muppet fan. My kids think it's hysterical that there was a theme song to a TV show, and that I can sing it all the way through. That I know Waldorf and Statler jokes. They only know the Muppets from Muppet Christmas Carol and Treasure Island. (I did have to look up Lydia, and once I did I realized I'd heard it on the Muppet Show. I couldn't resist downloading Groucho singing it on the Dick Cavett Show from YouTube. It's fabulous!) Beautiful Dreamer was a standard lullaby in my house (my mother was from Kentucky), and the Entertainer was my recital piece back in the seventies. You really have excellent taste in music!
So do you write other stuff besides fan fic? I'm so accustomed to the funny stuff, and this is so very poignant.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Ah, you need to get The Muppets Season 1 on DVD! (My husband and I haunt their website to find out when they're going to release Season 2.) My kids and I sing along to Lydia and the 'manah manah' song all the time, and eldest knows all of Fozzy's jokes. LOL!I have my parents and grandparents to thank for my remarkably eclectic taste in music, and for the fact that my brain has become an i-pod on permanent shuffle...As for writing other stuff... I used to write original stories as a kid. Tentatively, I'm saying that I'll retire from fanfiction after the last book comes out and try to see if anyone will pay me for writing something. :)Thank you kindly for the review and the Muppet Memories. Muppets are made of awesome!
Gah, this was a sad chapter. Poor Reggie losing her job and her friend and the war part 1 starting.
Word order note: when describing Voldie, you have: "name people that refused to say". I think you want "name that people refused to say".
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Reggie had a rough life before finding her calling, to be sure. I think that she's good at what she does because she understands what it means to hurt, and she knows the value of love. Thank you kindly for the review--and for noticing the 'oops,' which is now fixed. :)
I love this. I loved The Fairy God-Jarvey series for a different reason--manic Hermione on studying medicine and planning a wedding at the same time, just seemed perfect, and perfectly hysterical. This is very different, shows great depth as a writer that you can make me laugh a lot with one story and make me want to weep with another. So very well done.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
Thank you very much. I was very worried about transitioning from Reggie's humorous present to her difficult past, and you reassure me that mi furry amigo and I made the leap. :)
How tragic. Up to three hankies already, and it's only the second chapter!Pace yourself, dear Author. You both survived the wedding, then? Glad to see you and Reggie again.
Response from dracontia (Author of Before the Fairy God-Jarvey)
'Tis tragedy that makes the comedian, dear reader. Thank you kindly for coming along for the latest ride.