New Chapter for Fallen
unwoundfantasy52 Reviews | 52 Ratings, 0 Likes, 26 Favorites )
Hermione Granger finds herself in need of saving, and there's only one person who could possibly help her now. With murder on her hands, who else could she turn to but the recently acquitted Severus Snape?
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About unwoundfantasy
Member Since 2007 | 1 Story | Favorited by 3 | 0 Reviews Written | 37 Review Responses
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing in the Harry Potter fandom, especially for this particular pairing, for quite some time.
However, as the end of an era is upon us, I am withdrawing myself from fanfiction writing. It has nothing to do with the way the series ended -- no unhappiness whatsoever on my part for how JKR handled the series. Quite the opposite.
I am so enamored with how she has written our beloved Snape and his lifelong love of Lily Evans-Potter. I am completely convinced of the growing relationship that has persisted between Ron and Hermione.
It is out of respect for these characters, canon pairings, and the great author herself that I put down my quill, so to speak, and let them live on in my memory as the way they were intended. :)
I hope that anyone in the midst of a WIP will be forgiving and understanding of my decision, and I wish all the remaining writers/readers the best of luck.
Sincerest regards,
Unwound Fantasy
Reviews for Fallen
Hello, I noticed that you haven't updated in awhile. Will the story be updated soon?
I'm truly enjoying this and intensely curious as to how this one will play out. Finally, an original idea in post-HBP fanfic!
Excellent chapter. Illustration, too.
Oh, poor, poor girl! Allthough she is realesed now, I think there is a long way to go to recover from the hell of Azkaban. I hope someone (preferably a certain Ex-potions professor) will help her for the long journey she still has to go.Thank you for this great chapter, I'm looking forward to the next one.And thanks also to the artist, I so love illustrated stories!
I'm glad Hermione's been released from Azkaban. I wonder what's going to happen to her now. Where is she going to go? I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Nice plot device, starting with her as the most despised prisoner in Azkaban and not mentioning why. Sucked me right in.
I'm glad she's free and has somebody on her side. Though, what now? Where will she go and what will she do? I don't think the Order will receive her with open arms, even though she's been cleared of the murder. It is really pityful how she's thankful for the smallest kind gesture. And if nobody else is going to offer her one, Snape might be the one to help her and finally feel appreciated for the first time.
I'd want it to rain too. :) Can't wait for more, and to see if Severus actually gives her some answers!
She really is confused, isn't she? That was so nice of Severus to get her himself.
The picture is once again beautiful. I feel so sorry for Hermione, even being released from prizon she is so hurt and her friends (except for Neville) couldn't make an effort to show how wrong they were. Her only support was her ex-Potions Master and he was hardly friendly. Great chapter, heart wrenching.
Wow, excellent story. I'm really feeling sorry for Hermione just now. Hope to read more soon.
A very original and intriguing approach! You definitely have me hooked. I can't wait to see where you're going with this next.
That was really powerful. Poor Hermione.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
Thank you very, very much.
This story is powerful and compelling; thank you for sharing it with us.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
Thank you for reading -- really, without such amazing reviews and interest in the story, I'd be writing for no one!
Wait. I'm confused. In the last chapter it said that she killed her parents. Did she kill Harry and her parents or just Harry? Are they going to have a seperate trial for her parents murder then?
I like it, I'm just confused.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
A few people have mentioned this, but since you've asked I'll give a more straightforward answer:
She did not physically kill her parents. She is, however, blaming herself for their deaths, as it was due to her actions that their home was attacked.
This will be mentioned again in a later chapter; her statement was moreso sheer guilt and theatrics. ;)
I'm very curious where you are heading with this nerve-wracking story!I'm hoping that I'm not delusional... but I still think he will win :)The picture is beautiful, I'm very fond of illustrated stories.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
No worries!! I'm sure the nerve-wracking aspect of it will fade a bit in the next chapter! :)
Thank you!
Another great chappie. I definitely can't even imagine what it would feel like to think you were probably going to be dead on the morrow, or to be an empty shell which would be my worst nightmare. You definitely do a good job of capturing it in a concise way. Can't wait for the next installment. :)
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
I agree; I think that what Hermione's going through must be absolutely terrifying and yet numbing at the same time. I'm so glad that I could capture the way I see it for the readers!
Thank you for the compliments, and your kind review!
This is so very different and unique, I don't quite know what to say. I will tell you that I have cried through a fair bit of it. You write very well, and you have a deft hand with pathos that avoids being maudlin. Well done! I look forward to reading more.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
That is an incredible compliment to be paid; I honestly can't thank you enough!
Very nice. I love Neville's change - it does bring a spot of warmth into the picture.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
I was particularly upset with Neville for being so cold! ;) I couldn't help myself when the storyline drifted toward a more humanlike Neville!
Thank you for the review!
Touching. Neville's human reaction, when he finally realised that he had wronged her, had been touching. And did I say human? I hope she can be redeemed not only by the society, but also by her own conscience.
This has something to do with Harry being a Horcrux, does it not? But what about her musings about murdering her parents?Your writing style is very peculiar. I like the way you portray confussion in Hermione, following her stay in Azkaban (no longer guarded by Dementors, I presume) and the way she relays the events of her trial.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
As you've already read, you were correct in your assumption! :) Not terribly original, I know, but I wanted something that wasn't completely unheard of as far as fandom speculation goes.
Her parents... that will be revealed soon enough! A few other reviewers have expressed interest in that line -- many more than I thought would remember it!
Thank you for the reviews!
Wow, thats all I can say, except for one thing your artist does beautiful work. See you next chapter.
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
Thank you, twice over; the artist is myself! :)
Hermione in Azkaban. On the wrong side of the bars, no less. I can't remember ever reading anything like that. This plot begins exceptionally intriguiing, and I'm a very lucky witch indeed to discover this only now, when three chapters are already up.Hopefully, her crime will soon be revealed. I can't wait to see what she had done. It's such an intriguing idea!
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
I'm thrilled to see the great response to this sort of role-reversal! I'd been tossing the idea around for a while, and it looks like it's a good thing I finally got it out. ;)
Thank you so much for the review! <3
Update soon, please!!
Her parents!!!!????? Oh My God I never saw that comming, I didn't get an update e-mail, could you please make sure I do from now on? I don't want to miss any of this!!!! I'd give this a higher rating if I could. Very exciting and original!!!
Response from unwoundfantasy (Author of Fallen)
Thank you so much for your amazingly nice review! :)
I'm not sure how to ensure that you get e-mail updates, though; that might be something you'd want to take up with admin, if they have that sort of thing? I apologize, I'm fairly new to this archive.