New Chapter for ... It Tolls for Thee
... It Tolls for Thee
melusin42 Reviews | 42 Ratings, 0 Likes, 56 Favorites )
A series of 100 word drabbles, written for the Grangersnape100 Community, 'Hogwarts: A History' Challenge. This is the 'baby' fic I swore I'd never write.
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About melusin
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 344 | 77 Reviews Written | 1,999 Review Responses

Alan Rickman obsessed ex-civil servant now living the good life in France. I only write in the good ship SS/HG. However, if you think that the only way these two can get together is by some sort of forced marriage, 'binding' or whatever, don't read my stories. You will be disappointed.
Reviews for ... It Tolls for Thee
This was recced on One Bad Man today. I enjoyed every moment of this funny and fluffy drabble. Hermione's and Severus' non-romance was precious, and Minerva played them both beautifully. Excellent story.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
thanks - it was one that ran away from me, actually - didn't end up where i wanted it at all, but that's how it goes sometimes :)
Thank Merlin for meddling old biddies.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
sometimes, people need a good kick up the arse.
great story, you are a gifted writer
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
thank you
:) How clever and fun!
Delightful fluff! Their romance is everything those two deserve. I'm most giddy that they were able to accept the bluntness, because where would be the fun in life if it weren't for Severus!insults^TM?
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you
What a sweet drabble! Minerva is a meddling old biddy. I want to be just like her.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
thanks, yeah she is in this.
I love it! Very creative.
Totally adorable. Loved the charm...genius!
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Oh, this was so cute! Though I usually despise Dumbledore's interference and machinations, they were perfect here.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thanks, though it was mostly Minerva's meddling.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thanks, though it was mostly Minerva's meddling.
This made me cry! I don't know why...but it did! Just lovely, I can't believe I missed this on grangersnape100. Love the last line "Father exhausted." Brilliant!
You've put me in a wonderful mood, I love it when Minerva meddles...ah daddy Severus.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you - yes, it was a strange one. I didn't intend for it to end up as a baby fic but that's the way it wanted to go.
Response from leonix8238 (Reviewer)
Well I'm very glad it did. Loved it, really, really!
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you - yes, it was a strange one. I didn't intend for it to end up as a baby fic but that's the way it wanted to go.
Response from leonix8238 (Reviewer)
Well I'm very glad it did. Loved it, really, really!
You do a wonderful job with the baby stories! I liked Minerva plotting, Severus donating and of course this was my most favorite line "Hermione and her baby daughter were having a staring contest.‘We have been given an old soul, Severus,’ she said.The baby gurgled."Also 10 points to your house for an excellent witchy name Esmerelda rocks
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Well, baby stories aren't really my thing, but this was the way this one wanted to go.Thanks for reviewing :)
I always marvel how with so little words one can get a story but you certainly can, so congratulations on a wonderful one. It's fun, fluffy to a point and devious at the same time.
I love it! I especially enjoyed how the clock's ticking rate would increase...she passed a group of seventh-year Gryffindors. The boys looked at her admiringly. The Quidditch captain, a tall blond young man, gave her a boyish grin.TickTockTickTock… The ticking sped up.‘What the–’It happened again as she passed a good-looking Slytherin boy, then went off the scale as she walked by a quiet, rather bookish, Ravenclaw.~*~...the ticking changing speed depending on the desirability of every male she passed~*~DOI-ONG… DOI-ONG‘Whatever is the matter, woman?’‘First ticking, now sodding bells.’‘You’re not making any sense.’Hermione told him of the morning’s events.‘Hm,’ Severus said, trying not to laugh. ‘Sounds like Quasimodo syndrome to me.’<giggle> too funny =D~*~...The baby instinctively wrapped her hand around her father’s finger and held on tight.‘She’s got a grip like her mother,’ he said.;D naughty, I love it...‘Have you thought of any names?’...Esmeralda Granger. It has a… ring to it. =D...… I know I’ve behaved abominably, but would you give me a second chance?’‘”I’ve given you my sperm donation, Professor Granger. Now, get out of my classroom,” I believe you said.’‘Well, “It’s time to breed, Professor Snape,” wasn’t exactly very romantic either.’LOL, I can imagine that dialog, =DFilius made sure the bells would only go off if Hermione found her most compatible matevery sneaky, LOLDaily Prophet: Hatches Matches and Despatchesclever =D Fantastic, I enjoyed laughing out loud while reading it. Thank you!
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you for such a thorough review. If you like this, there's another drabble series in the queue. Look out for 'Virgin on the Ridiculous.'
This was one funny fic and an original way to get Severus and Hermione together. I loved the birth announcement at the end.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you. Not my usual thing, but once the bunny bit it wouldn't let go.
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
I like this type of fic and I hope this bunny is rabid and bites you many more times.
Brilliantly written and so funny.
Professor Snape can ring my bell any day
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you.
Me too.
Brilliantly written and as funny as hell!Love It!!Blessings
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thanks very much. Glad you enjoyed.
Sweet and cute.
this was brilliant and hillarious! devious mcgonagall!
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you - glad you liked it.
I truly loved reading this. The angst was perfect and not long mulled over. Which, in turn, makes me kind of love you. A lot. My favorite part was actually the category that births, betrothals and deaths were called in the Prophet. I have never been quite so amused and entertained amongst angst and undetailed smut before. Thank you. It was a joy to read.~Mia
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
thank you
very witty and amusing. i liked the somewhat literal take on the whole biological clock thing, and the clever twisty turns of the story. and i also marvel that one can tell such a complete story in so few words. bravo!
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Glad you liked it.
Thanks for leaving a review
Oh my beating heart! HoHoHo! That was such a scream....what lovely light relief,and such 'subtle' turns of phrase!....haven't laughed like that for ages....thankyou! Severus Rocks! Hermione Drops! (TeeHee) Anymore gems to anticipate?
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you - glad you enjoyed it. I have no plans for continuing the story, if that's what you mean, but there is Virgin on the Ridiculous, if you like drabble series. My profile at TPP shows what I've posted here. I also post drabbles occasionally on livejournal on the Snape100 and grangersnape100 communities. If you have an lj account feel free to drop by (link also in my profile).
Oh my beating heart! HoHoHo! That was such a scream....what lovely light relief,and such 'subtle' turns of phrase!....haven't laughed like that for ages....thankyou! Severus Rocks! Hermione Drops! (TeeHee) Anymore gems to anticipate?
lol!!!!!! *evil grin* That was pure, unadulterated eeeeeeevvvviiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like that in a person. Plus the extra evil-credit twist of giving her a nine pounder! (eight was bad enough!) I like the way your mind works.
Response from melusin (Author of ... It Tolls for Thee)
Thank you, glad you liked it. I'm not one for fluffy baby stories myself, and I can't see those two going for parenthood without a curse involved somewhere along the line.
I was 10lb 3oz when I was born, so I think Hermione got of lightly.
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
10lb 3oz? *gulp* Your mum must be some kinda super hero. My baby girl was 8lb 1/2oz (with a 23cm head circumference) and I ripped like a wet hanky. Your mum deserves medal!