Chapter 29: Ghostly Affaires
Chapter 30 of 36
R J Lupins KatGhosts of the past can haunt ever more deeply than any wisp of spirit...
**Reviews are much appreciated**
Chapter 29: Ghostly Affaires
Again? Sirius felt it good to see Petunia Evans Dursley again.
Confused to say the least, Hermione sought any indication that perhaps she'd misheard the brief exchange before her. But a look to Dudley confirmed him just as suddenly off kilter as she. Harry's elder cousin was sitting quite still, struck silent with an odd expression as he stared at his mum. From all Harry had told Hermione over the years, the cold, accusing expression was not exactly what one would expect from Mrs. Dursley. She had been callous toward Harry, of course, and anyone she knew to be 'his kind,' but under no method had either Sirius or herself even suggested they were magic folk.
But wait. She'd referred to him as Sirius; he'd confirmed their previous acquaintance, as well. What was going on? When had Sirius Black ever met Petunia Dursley? Worlds apart they were, and between Azkaban, hiding, the Veil, and Stubby... Well, whenever it was, it obviously had not been a pleasant encounter for her. Face contorted with something akin to loathing, Harry's stoic aunt glared mutely at Sirius, expressing with eyes what lips refused to speak.
Sirius, on the other hand, revealed what was that? Contriteness? On Black? Yes; yes, it was. Sirius Black actually appeared abashed at the glower aimed upon him. Very curious it was, indeed. But more so were words of sincere apology trailing from his lips.
"Look, Petunia, I'm really sorry about "
"Mum! What's he talking 'bout?" Dudley interrupted, gaze traveling incredulously between his mother and his idol. "How you know Stubby, here, eh?"
But Petunia wasn't listening to her son; perhaps for the first time in his life she ignored him completely, otherwise intent upon someone else. And that someone else was a wizard.
But did she know that? Hermione wondered. Surely not; she'd never have let them in the house, much less have been prepared to hob-nob to his ego
"Mum? Mum!" Apparently unused to total exclusion, Dudley's protests swelled in volume and intensity. His beady eyes grew large with shock and dismay at the steady attention Sirius had garnered. "How you know a big rock 'n roll star like Stubby, Mum? Why'n't you tell me, eh? Could've got me a right nice gig there with him without me havin' to drudge the Wim for a quid and bit o' nookie, you know. Not nice to not tell me about "
"Dudley! " his mother broke in, stern in tone yet visual never breaking from Sirius, though the latter had stood up proper, as had she. Lower decibels, she added, "Go mind the kettle."
New developments occurred all the time; Dudley Dursley, however, must never have believed it true of home life. Hermione could see incredulity haggle his face from annoyed to comical to confusion and beyond. The young witch found no speech herself, this spectacle before more surreal than even Sirius' return.
Gaping mouth worked frantically, seeking purchase on commentary that would return his mother back to the spoiling, malleable female of all his days. Such words failed him; only repeats of sloshed, "Mum! Mummy!" and, "What's goin' on?" emitted from his fish-puckered mouth.
"Just do as I say!" Petunia Dursley snapped, a quick turn to her beloved son.
Everything Harry had ever told Hermione about his aunt disappeared in that one sentence. Played up as all mollycoddling, this bite to her only son indicated a whole other realm... one in which Petunia Dursley held some past acquaintance with Sirius Black. And that, if for no other reason, propelled Dudley into a stumble across the floor, casting futile glances back to the woman he obviously did not recognize.
But Petunia noticed none of her precious' alarm. Fixed upon Black, her demeanor bordered on hostility laced with... embarrassment? Closer inspection of pale pallor growing blotchy revealed trembling of jaw, and not by anger was this caused, Hermione was certain.
"Petunia," Sirius tried again, and Hermione could see a rare earnest expression on his beautiful face. "I really am sorry. Things went "
"Don't. " Grit was the single interjection. Dismissive. Another few moments of accusing stare, then she turned. But not to walk out, as was suggested by her disposition. No; arms folded defensively across her lean chest, Petunia strode across the room to the picture window, staring. "Don't apologize. It was long ago. Meant nothing."
Only a heavy, sad sigh escaped Sirius beside her. Finally he seemed to recall Hermione and turned with an odd look, one expressing repentance, a sorrow for something of his doing. He began once more, this time obvious in that within lay explanation for both women; one an apology, one a tale.
"Regardless your assurances, Petunia, I feel I owe you an explanation. First of all, I was only sixteen. I know that doesn't," his voice rose in interruptive clarification before returning to its steady, calming timber, "excuse my behavior. But it is one of several attributes that dictated my life at that point."
No movement betrayed Petunia's reaction, and Sirius cast a glance to Hermione, silently willing her to understand. "It was Marlene McKinnon's Christmas holidays party, and not one that entailed a lot of sobriety on my part. But I do recall distinctly Lily bringing you along. And yes, I do remember a bit of heavy snogging beneath the yew tree in the back garden, after a few more beverages of the intoxicating nature."
Initial shock flashing through, the witch allowed widened eyes to stray from this man of many secrets. Even from across the room Hermione witnessed sudden tensing and new coloring to Mrs. Dursley's pale face, her blonde locks tight against the reddening flesh of a long neck. She felt sympathy for the woman, understanding all too well the counterless attack Sirius Black's charm could pose. But the older woman said nothing, and the wizard in confession continued.
"And, if memory serves, you'd had a few swills yourself. Was why you loosened up enough to give Lily's sort a chance. You and I, we got on well, I thought. Even when "
"When you decided to stand me up," Petunia growled, attention still out her spotless window. "I'd waited in that dreadful London park all night. Hours in the bitter cold. All sorts of riffraff sniffing around. And yet I waited." Catch in her voice. "You never showed." Uncharacteristic and derisive sneer followed, reflection of disgust appearing in the glass.
"Of course, you know that already, don't you? Suppose you were having a grand laugh about it all with your little friends, that Potter boy among them. You'd lied to me that night at the party. Every word was just to have me on for your amusement. I'd dare say my dear sister knew, as well. 'Wouldn't it be just delicious to abandon Petunia in a cold and nasty park on New Year's Eve, waiting like a love-struck fool?' "
Petunia's voice had grown shaky, though by rage or other, lesser known emotion Hermione could not tell. But pieces were collecting in form, and the picture painted was not one the young witch was sure she wished to see. It simply drove all preconceived notions and tidy pigeonholed beliefs into the rubbish bin. Petunia had been heartbroken by a boy a wizard, even and it was beginning to look as though that boy wizard was Sirius.
She swallowed. Hard. Then turned to him for reaction. She wasn't disappointed.
"Look, I know I promised to meet you there. I remember that. But things got... complicated." His heavy sigh and her humph blended in the stale air. A film with overlapping dialogue bereft of actual communication. That's what this was, she thought. Chatter without saying anything a'tall.
"Really, Petunia. They did. New Year's Eve... That's the day I " Sirius cut off abruptly, his whole mien altering to dark, brooding. Voice softened, hollowed. Dulled. "That's when I left. Became disowned, name burned off the family tree like a blight to the tapestry."
Whatever response Petunia Evans Dursley had, Hermione did not notice, nor did she care. Hands found themselves around his lithe frame without conscious consideration, pulling him to her with pressing need to comfort. Honestly, she didn't know what he thought of her actions, either, but once more her concerns lay elsewhere other than others' opinions. Too well understood was bitterness born of his departure from family, but often overlooked was pain of heart, of separation that he rarely admitted... even to himself.
Into the silence of several long heartbeats came Petunia's voice, though not a sound familiar. Attempt obvious at hateful and begrudging, but in its stead came personal pain and inner turmoil.
"Your life doesn't concern me any longer. Nor do your explanations." Single breath. Glare through the window. "What do you want?"
Hermione had pulled back from Sirius, and now sought his eyes for some answer. But to Petunia they were, a certain sadness mourning not the loss of bygone relationship for really, by no stretch of the imagination could have existed such but for the loss of defense, the loss of once more condemnation without trial. And it wasn't anger, but bereavement.
"We needed to know " Hermione began, assuming Sirius' silence to be indefinite. "We were wondering... I know it's a long time back and you'd probably not like to relive it all, but it's extremely important we know what friends would visit your sister over the summer holidays. Most likely from school." Hesitating, she added quietly. "Harry's life depends on it."
Tense, long moments passed. Sure she would not answer, Hermione mentally searched arguments, knowing Petunia knew of Voldemort from Harry's tales. But what words could extinguish sibling rivalry unresolved this many years? Yet without Petunia's assistance... Harry would never be found. Or they would die. He and Ron. And Voldemort would live. Live to bring both worlds to their knees, to
"That awful boy she met at school." Her voice was tight, but Petunia Evans Dursley spoke nonetheless. "Always talking about boiling things or some such nonsense. Sampson... or something."
Foreboding chill washed down Hermione, invoking nausea of deductive reasoning. She didn't like where her mind was going. It was just too...
"At Marli's party," Sirius interrupted her thoughts, "Everyone had a fancy hat on. Colored in their house's fashion. Do you remember what he was wearing?"
Decent question, but Hermione had a deep feeling an unnecessary one.
"Wasn't at the party that night," came the woman's taut reply. "My sis Lily said he didn't get on with you lot. You and Potter and your friends." Nervously she worried pearl strands at her long neck, their dulled scrape nicking into subsequent silence.
Felt rather than seen was the stiffening of Sirius beside her. Same conclusion, apparently.
Not a pleasant one, either.
Madness. Sheer madness, traipsing about ancient filings on Level Eleven. Acquiring a location, however, was paramount. It wasn't as if Hermione could simply waltz up to MacKenzie Wiltshire of the Wizarding Census and Statistical Archives Department and request the personal home address of a known murderer and Enemy of the Crown. Well, Enemy of the Pointy Hat. Whatever.
Just great. She was mentally arguing with herself not only over logic, but in testy form and flippant sarcasm. With herself. Grand example of just how taut her nerves were.
Similar to the Hall of Prophecy, the archive warehousing was cavernous, dank, dark, dusty. And deserted. Hopefully deserted, she corrected herself, ever-anxious eyes darting about half-Giant high post and plank shelves, peering into depths of blackness just beyond wand light. It was quite late; surely all but Security had left for the evening. Hairs rising on the back of her neck suggested otherwise.
Shaking off building fear, Hermione turned back to task at hand. Ultimately, Hogwarts would have been prime choice for locating his home, but that would require more allowance of information than she was willing to give. Instead, files lay in wooden crates, piled atop each other, just out of reach above.
Levitating was risky, as she wasn't sure what if anything was secured. Or, more likely, what was damaged, frail, balanced precariously. Would be all too easy for the charm to backfire and Hermione find herself sprawled upon the cold, biting stone floor, parchment strewn about. But unless levitation was an adept feat of and for herself and it wasn't she was going to have to chance it. Conjuring a ladder was not an option due to heavy wards of the lower levels.
Flicking wand light and all toward the tower of crackling scrolls, Hermione left her wary vigilance to visually follow each advancement of crate targeted. Once down, she would still have to search quickly for the identifying file, memorize the information, return everything as originally set, and depart without anyone the wiser. Tall task to be sure.
"Come on... just a wee bit more. Oh, bollocks," she bit out as the crate's bottom corner snagged against something she couldn't quite make out. Three-quarters the box lay beyond the edge, hovering dangerously just above her head. Hermione stepped sideways, continuing her wand movements, directing the edging to reverse, round the obstacle... caught, again.
"Damn you, you effing mock-up of splinters!" Hissed through grit teeth, patience at a loss under strain and nerves, her words were coarse and terse. "Bloody cock-up of pretentious wankers... bodge up bloody simple filing..."
"Tsk, tsk, Granger. Such filthy language." Hermione whirled left in a blink, wand cast out in defense and illumination. "Black find that attractive, does he?"
And all else followed in a blur as hell broke. Spell forgotten, the over-shifted crate gave way to gravity above her... Bright wand glow suddenly fell on white blond locks, caught arrogant curve of a smirk, reflected the silver of cane trim, was absorbed by obsidian frock coat and cloak hood... Commanding call in familiar pitch from further down the aisle, "Cease and desist this instant!"
Malfoy turned and ducked just in time; red stream shot past, straight toward her; wood and parchment dropped from the heavens in great crashes... Knocked to the ground by stray follow-up crates, Hermione lost grip upon her wand. Darkness flashed; return fire flew...
And Hermione screamed.
"After midnight," the kitchen clock tattled to those apparent. And Sirius Black was quite apparent. Pewter eyes flicked often to refresh the information, taking little consolation in its progression. The two weary men on either side of his patriarchic seat had little concern for timepieces; hot tea and prospects of scalding showers hijacked what little free mind remained. Majority attention was instead given to the Black heir and each other, both parties sharing their own revelations. That which was learned appeased neither side.
"T'was like waking from a dream. I don't recall actual events or figures, but vague recollections and phrases repeat in my head." Raj MacGregor stared unseeingly into steaming tea, both hands clasping delicate china with desperate need. "When my mind cleared, the Grail was gone."
Sirius shifted uneasily, concern increasing as wretched facial lines. He turned right, eyeing Regulus with care and caution. His brother appeared little better than MacGregor, but his weight was borne differently. Arrogant anger tightened his features, leaving an image more predator than scavenger. Might he, Sirius, have been hasty in assuming his brother was exactly as his prior offenses dictated? So much had been said since their reunion, but only now did it occur to Sirius that Regulus truly might not be all of which he'd once been accused. Perhaps as Regulus had stated but a week prior he never had been.
"I did not defy the Dark Lord and death merely to be waylaid his downfall by a damn riddle," Regulus abruptly growled. Eyes brought up from his own cup, they sought MacGregor's, peering intently. "Go on. Tell him the rest. Tell him this grand guidance that blasted cup offered us. You know," he added bitterly, turning to Sirius, "the ancient magical artifact that was to pave the way to our triumph. Risked our fucking necks in order to place it properly on the specified date. Lot of bloody good that did us."
Refraining comment, Sirius turned to MacGregor once more, seeking explanation. "What precisely happened in Sarras?" His companion shook his head with bewilderment.
"It was like I said earlier; Thomas had the accompanying maps, and with his assistance we found the location just in time. I knew it was right when I had stepped through the curtained doorway, the Sacred in hand, and felt all my magical powers dissipate. But I was safe; I didn't need magic. Not there. Not then." Taking a sip of tea, slow swish in his mouth, leisurely swallow, he continued. "What looked an altar was deeper in the tiny structure, and I placed the Grail upon it, stepped back and knelt. Then a glow surrounded me, enveloped me, and next I knew was opening my eyes to see it gone. I do not even know how long I was there."
"At least twenty minutes," Regulus provided, impatience coloring his voice. "After fifteen, I'd tried to follow to see if anything was wrong, but the curtain over the doorway was solid, like a shield. No spell could release it. But that's not the brilliant part, Sirius." Focusing on the Grail guardian, his words nonetheless were directed toward his brother. "Our savior of choice, this goblet of eternal life, only chose to bestow upon Raj the infinite wisdom of yet another damnable riddle. What was it, again?" he asked Raj, but cut off any reply the younger man may have made.
"Ah, yes," his sardonic mood recalled of its own volition. "Learn from the greatest wizard's defeat before the balance of light and dark tips to the night. Right clear that one, I should say." Regulus stood suddenly in disgust, stained robes bristling in the movement, chair feet scraping roughly. With grace of birth, he sauntered about the kitchen, refilling his cup and searching cupboards.
Sirius understood his brother's agitation, and by all means its source. But blatant hostility to the predicament would not help them rectify it, and for once Sirius found himself the calmer, subtler one of the siblings. Such role reversal felt odd.
"Getting in a nark won't remedy the situation, Reg." Calm, collected. At ease. Already Sirius' mind was wrapping about the puzzle, sorting meaning and implications. "We've little time to waste, I'm sure. We've got to get Harry and Ron away, and get a hold on matters before Voldemort catches on. Assuming he hasn't already." Shifting again, his face grew dark, worried. Voice falling between vexation and fear.
Regulus ceased his search immediately, and Raj MacGregor looked up anxiously. "What do you mean?" Regulus carefully queried from behind. "What have you not told us?"
Sighing, Sirius relayed the events of the day: Hermione's lunch leave from work in order to play out the part, gaining entrance to Petunia Evans Dursely's home, visitation of days gone by. Spattered with minor questions by MacGregor and occasional biting remarks from his brother, Sirius concluded his tale with a glance toward the wall clock once more. Unease festered.
"Hermione was determined to slip down into some archives at the Ministry this evening after everyone had left. She's searching for his address. We really have no other source to find him, assuming our deductions are correct. And, after looking over Harry's wording in his letter and Hermione's relating of school stories, I'm afraid they most likely are." Deep, harried breath and fierce rub of his weary face. Hardness entered speculation. "Though how in the bloody hell my godson would voluntarily choose to go with him is beyond all my comprehension."
"Your continuing refusal to admit certain defeat is rather fascinating, Mr. Potter. However," the drawl allowed, "entertaining though it may be, it does grow wearisome. Shall you concede? Or might you forfeit a quick end and choose the path of folly, only to fail in the end? Hmm?"
Harry stared defiantly into obsidian depths, daring further comment. Even from across the tiny room, tension built in tangible flavor. Hair on his neck bristled, his back straightened, chin rose. "Haven't you learned by now? I don't chuck it all in fear, nor do I back down, odds in favor or out. I'm a Gryffindor; Dumbledore's man, through and through."
Quirking an eyebrow in haughty air, arms crossed in superiority, Severus Snape lazily straightened his wrist, flicking his wand toward the seated younger man. "Indeed."
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Valiant Never
55 Reviews | 8.78/10 Average
Harry has the worst timing. Stupid prat. I'm excited to see how this all ends up, I've really enjoyed reading it.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
hahahah... yeah, he really does. But Sirius needed the moment to clear his head. Wouldn't want to do something out of a moment of incomprehension, and then regret it, eh? Thanks! We're nearly to the end, and a question or two will not be answered until that very end.Thanks, again!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
hahahah... yeah, he really does. But Sirius needed the moment to clear his head. Wouldn't want to do something out of a moment of incomprehension, and then regret it, eh? Thanks! We're nearly to the end, and a question or two will not be answered until that very end.Thanks, again!
I can't believe it is already nearing the end. I had a feeling this chapter that Hermione was quite the lucky girl to have so many men recognizing her appeal. Someday when she gets old (and people are calling her Aunt Hermione), she'll look back on it and come to that realization and regale the young girls with tales of rivaling amours.By the way, you never said which painting she chose. I almost thought Zelda would gift her the copy she had admired so much. The dueling wizards were kind of cool too, in a horrific sort of way. No bearing on the story perhaps, but curious nonetheless.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
lol... yes, I can see now that would be something for her to share. I'm envious, now. Um... I don't think she actually chose one. She was too much hit with the information that finally clicked that she left without choosing one. However, you're more than welcome to assume it was the dueling wizards - that one was pretty cool. Yes, we're near the end. I think the next few chapters you'll find interesting. The next is loads of information/tie-ins with a cliffie at the end, the one after that is very attentive, then the final chapter of 'wow, really?' lolIn case I forget to tell you later - thank you for all of your help and support! You've been a gem, really!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
lol... yes, I can see now that would be something for her to share. I'm envious, now. Um... I don't think she actually chose one. She was too much hit with the information that finally clicked that she left without choosing one. However, you're more than welcome to assume it was the dueling wizards - that one was pretty cool. Yes, we're near the end. I think the next few chapters you'll find interesting. The next is loads of information/tie-ins with a cliffie at the end, the one after that is very attentive, then the final chapter of 'wow, really?' lolIn case I forget to tell you later - thank you for all of your help and support! You've been a gem, really!
So... Her 'stalker' all this time has been Draco instead of Lucius? I wonder if that means he's simply been trying to get her on her own long enough to offer to take her to Harry.
Looking forward to the next!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Hahahahaah.... um.... not saying. Will be explained in the next couple of chapters, I promise.I will TRY to get the next chapter into queue this evening, and hope notsosaintly has time to look it over soon. There are only five more chapters... Thank you for the review! Hope you will enjoy the next one.Cheers!
First of all:Yay! For the quick upate!
if things had gone differently that New Year's, Sirius might have not only been Harry's Godfather, but his Uncle to... *shudders* Or at least Aunt Petunia might have not hated him/magic quite so much...
Liked this line: Just great. She was mentally arguing with herself not only over logic, but in testy form and flippant sarcasm. With herself. Grand example of just how taut her nerves were.
Looking forward to the next!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
You are most welcome for the quickness, and hopefully the remaining chapters will be approved as rapidly. hahah - um, no, definitely not his uncle. Sirius wasn't that intoxicated. However, yes, you're right on that aspeact - Petunia wouldn't have hated him so much. Sirius was just a very affectionate teenager (read: ladies' man) and... well... affectionate adult, too.Thank you - I think I've lived that line, actually.
heeheeheeThanks again for the review and loyalty to the story. Cheers!
Petunia knows him?!? Not 'in the biblical sense', I hope. That's just all kinds of icky right there, just thinking it even!Love the fic! Hope to see more soon!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Hahahahha... um... I can see the 'ickiness' factor there, yes. The answer to your unspoken question is in the next chapter.Thank you! I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. Updates will be relatively quick, now, as everything has been written but for the last chapter, which I am currently dabbling on.Thanks for the review!
After so long with no updates, you're certainly whipping them out now! I'm gonna get spoiled.
So love this fic!
Very interesting trip through the pyramid. And Raj finding a parchment of Merlins' in the shop was quite a surprise.
I had wondered, from a few comments here and there, if Regulus had had someone special at one point in time. Will we find out more about this Tia person later on?
I realize Sirius said she never forgave him, but he did turn on Voldemort in the end ('dying' in the process) and is working for the good guys now, so if she's still around somewhere...
Liked the little bit of snuggling at the end too, even if it was 'just' for warmth. Looking forward to the next!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
hahaha... well, sort of. I'd already had a number of chapters done - had been lazy in getting them in queue here, though. But I'm catching up now. I've one more chapter ready to be queue'd, and am currently working on the following chapter (which may take another week or two). There are only about six chapters after this next one left. Then, on to the next story (already begun).*Blushes* I'm glad you are enjoying this story so much. Forewarning - the rating will probably change before the end, but as you're a member, you're old enough to get in to read it.
Ah, yes, the parchment. Recall the reference of McCaine and Thomas' finding of Merlin's letters... I
just 'lurve' Regulus. lol... Good job on catching those comments. The mumbling of 'sure you're not in Ravenclaw?' was a reference to her. More will be shared about that later, but not a great deal, as.... that's the tale of my next story. Thank you for the very lovely review! Hope you continue to enjoy the story. Cheers!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
hahaha... well, sort of. I'd already had a number of chapters done - had been lazy in getting them in queue here, though. But I'm catching up now. I've one more chapter ready to be queue'd, and am currently working on the following chapter (which may take another week or two). There are only about six chapters after this next one left. Then, on to the next story (already begun).*Blushes* I'm glad you are enjoying this story so much. Forewarning - the rating will probably change before the end, but as you're a member, you're old enough to get in to read it.
Ah, yes, the parchment. Recall the reference of McCaine and Thomas' finding of Merlin's letters... I
just 'lurve' Regulus. lol... Good job on catching those comments. The mumbling of 'sure you're not in Ravenclaw?' was a reference to her. More will be shared about that later, but not a great deal, as.... that's the tale of my next story. Thank you for the very lovely review! Hope you continue to enjoy the story. Cheers!
Yay! An update!
I've missed this fic!
Love your OC's and how you've incorporated Arthurian legend with the Harry Potter universe. Adore what you've done with the Black brothers, and their sibling rivalry - especially over Hermione.
Still giggling over the hiding place for the Grail.
I can't wait to see what happens next!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Hey! Thank you! It is good to be missed Love the Arthurian legend, so I thought, what better way to go than incorporate it into this story? From the very beginning, mind you, where I had to very carefully drop hints, such as in Chapter 9 (I think?) where, at the end, Sirius is reading the Quibbler and reads the part about some magical/powerful item being hidden in the Department of Muggle Artifacts. I'm especially proud of that one.
Ah, the Black Brothers... gotta love 'em. I've another two chapters already done, then abot 6 more to go to finish. Thanks for sticking with me - it's wonderful to have one's story loved. (You did read the chapter before this, yes? It was posted very close in time to this one, so just wanted to be sure!
)Thanks, again!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Hey! Thank you! It is good to be missed Love the Arthurian legend, so I thought, what better way to go than incorporate it into this story? From the very beginning, mind you, where I had to very carefully drop hints, such as in Chapter 9 (I think?) where, at the end, Sirius is reading the Quibbler and reads the part about some magical/powerful item being hidden in the Department of Muggle Artifacts. I'm especially proud of that one.
Ah, the Black Brothers... gotta love 'em. I've another two chapters already done, then abot 6 more to go to finish. Thanks for sticking with me - it's wonderful to have one's story loved. (You did read the chapter before this, yes? It was posted very close in time to this one, so just wanted to be sure!
)Thanks, again!
Wow, those two brothers really have no idea what the other is really like, do they. Good chapter, the anticipation is definitely building.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Thank you! Yes, you're right; on one level, they really don't know what the other is truly like. On another... they're very much like the other.I love writing the Black brothers. My next story has already been started upon (we've only about 6 or 7 chapters left from Chp 28 - I'm behind on posting here), and it is Regulus-centric, so more interaction of those two. Thanks, again!
That really had quite a bit in there. But it was fascinating.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Yes; I've realized there is a lot more to happen that hasn't even been approached yet, and thus the info was a bit behind as far as chapters. Things will speed up a bit from here.Thank you!!!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Yes; I've realized there is a lot more to happen that hasn't even been approached yet, and thus the info was a bit behind as far as chapters. Things will speed up a bit from here.Thank you!!!
This keeps getting more and more interesting.
The scene with Sirius giving Hermione a demonstration of just what SHE did to HIM the night before was delish :D
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
*chuckles deeply* Why, thank you! What I'd give to have him educate me that way!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
*chuckles deeply* Why, thank you! What I'd give to have him educate me that way!
I'm really enjoying this!
I like all the OC's and your Regulus a lot.
The story is very original and I like how you've had the characters grow in the time between HBP and this fic's setting.
Looking forward to the next update!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Thank you! I love Regulus, too. Such a complex character.The next chapter is already done; I just have to put it into queue.Hope you continue to enjoy it!
I've always wanted to see Regulus back, and good. I loved that chapter. But now, which Black will Hermione end up with?
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
I'm glad I could accomodate you on both counts! Ah... that is indeed the question. But that is assuming it is all up to her to choose! Poor Hermione... Sirius is just too caught in the past. Even when he sees her as she is, is that enough of what he wants?Ah... the update to come...Thanks for the review!!
I've always wanted to meet Regulus. Thanks!
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Excellent! I'm thinking/hoping he'll actually show up in DH, so I am hoping also that my intended portrayal of him comes off right. We'll see, eh?Thanks for the review!
Good for Hermione. I don't quite know what to think about Sirius, but I'm really enjoying this.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Ah, Sirius.... he's being a typical male with the immaturity spurts of a 23-year-old. Honestly, I think it fits him, as he really is 'wise/serious/mature' mostly, but he's having a bit of time coming back into himself. He's not 'allowed' to be himself to the world, so he's still in hiding in a sense, and a bit resentful about it. Plus, that memory of childhood... he's realizing what he missed there.He also doesn't realize how Hermione feels yet, so he sort of still sees her in the relation of his godson's friend, rather than as a 'potential love interest.' His eyes will soon open. Thanks for the review!!!
... And things begin to coalesce. Wow.
I feel like slapping Sirius though. He lacks sympathy, as do many men. Is there a spell that bestows maturity, I wonder?
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Poor Sirius... hehehehe,,,I so wish there was such a spell. Would come in very handy!Ah, yes. Things are starting to paint a picture. Just wait until the next chapter!Thanks!!
Go, Hermione! And Sirius was being deliberately cruel. It is the part of him I truly dislike. I'm starting to root for Hermione to find someone else. Really.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
hahahah... yes, it was a bit cruel, but he wasn't intending it to be cruel, per se. More like the taunts boys do to girls at school. He knew it would embarrass her, and would get her off his back. He really did want to enjoy a night out. Don't forget, he was locked up for 12 years (as a 20-something), on the run for one, locked up at Grimmauld for another. Then when he comes back, he's clueless. Poor boy needed a night out. But agan, he's also clueless now, as he doesn't realize her feelings. He will soon enough, I promise. And once he does, he's not really a cruel guy, just a bit immature.
Suspense wrings my hands, tatters my lip. This reader bides time, awaiting the next chapter ... awaiting clarity.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Ahhh... you stayed with me on this! Wonderful!!!Tatters your lip, eh? We shall have to remedy that. Answers, milady. Answers, I tell you! They are there, waiting to be read like hieroglyphics to be transcribed... A lot more forthcoming in the next chapter, promise.Thanks!!!
All these twists and turns. I'm glad to see Remus.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
The road will soon start to straighten out... at least, be a bit more clear. It was time for Remus to join in, yes, though his part will be primarily peripheral. At a future date I may perhaps write a story focusing on him! He's a wonderful character.Thanks for the review!
This is just complex enough to be intriguing without being so vague as to be annoying. Looking forward to more, including the Lucius Malfoy puzzle, the 'what was Harry trying to say' question, and the Raj, Sirius, David or Fred decision. I didn't say Ron, because he obviously isn't even in the runnning.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Thank you!Things will begin to clear up as answers trickle in, bit by bit. The next chapter sheds light on a number of things, and the plot begins to come together. Look for information regarding Harry's message, and the return of familiar faces.Thanks for the review! Love to hear from readers.
Oh, that was a cute chapter.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Thank you!
I feel like I have more questions than answers after every chapter, but I'm hooked (and have been for many chapters now).
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
lol... yes, well, it does tend to delve deeper into loose ends. But starting with the next chapter, some of those ends will see some light. Promise!Thank you; it's always wonderful to hear that your little tale has garnered such interest. Hope you continue to enjoy it.Cheers!
Very cool. I hope Hermione figures things out soon. Oh, and lets Ron off the hook.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Thank you! Hermone has a number of things to figure out at this point, with one being how to save her friends (and thus the wizarding world), another on who haunts her dreams (and why), and just what is it that disturbs her so about Sirius. Talk about a busy agenda! ;-)Thanks, again!kat
When I think I'm starting to figure things out, you throw in a new twist. Intriguing and confusing all at once. And I really liked the bit with the real Stubby; didn't see that coming.
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Oh, it's all about the twists, turns, and unexpected events. Wouldn't want any of you lot to become too comfortable, now would I? Oh yes, Stubby has further purpose; you will be seeing him more at a later date.I hope within all of this confusion and intrgue, you are at least enjoying your run-in with all my deceptions!Thanks for the review - they are always much appreciated.Cheers!
I can't believe he shoved her up in the ceiling. *lol* Now that is something I wouldn't have thought of (though I'm way to short and weak for that to be an option).
It seems Sirius and Hermione are living their own nightmares in this chapter. I don't know who to feel sorry for more. I sure as heck wouldn't want to be stuck up in the ceiling, crawling around, trying to avoid security.
And who were those two blokes talking about, I wonder? The girl? Glad to see a mention of Raj. I sort of miss him. (I'm sure Hermione does too at this point.)
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
You know, the ceiling just sort of came to me. I think it was a combination of "The Breakfast Club" and my little mind being bored at work, figuring out how to sneak around should people of ill-intention come a-knockin'.I never thought of it that way, but you're right; they are each living their own nightmare at this point.Not finished with Raj, yet. In fact, he is very important to the story, and will be returning soon. And which two blokes? The ones discussing the girl? Hmmm... good question.
Your e-mail reminded me that I haven't reviewed in a while. (You are so right: I need to quit working so hard.)
Yes, I am still enjoying this story! I am really happy that Hermione realized in this chapter what is wrong with Sirius. The ending had me groaning 'Oh, no' out loud. She didn't splinch them, but she sure landed them in a pickle. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Oh, and I think I need to go back a chapter or two and leave another review....
Response from R J Lupins Kat (Author of The Valiant Never)
Oh, I wasn't hinting for a review (though they are always lovely to receive, particularly yours!); I was just kind of worried that the story had gotten a little wonky, and perhaps you didn't feel it was still interesting enough to follow. And if that was the case, I'd like to know so that I could correct it. It's sometimes difficult to realize how it comes across when you live with the story. But thank you much! I'm actually, at this moment, working on the next chapter. I have a feeling it will surprise everyone - at least the beginning. Cheers!