New Chapter for Animated Night
Animated Night
Anastasia11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )
Surrounded by the falling shards of her world as it is shattered from without and within, Hermione, torn between death and darkness, is forced to consider a third, unthinkable option.
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About Anastasia
Member Since 2006 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 96 | 7 Reviews Written | 208 Review Responses
Reviews for Animated Night
That was a stunning piece of writing. The imagery powerfully vivid, the story intense. Superb. Thank you.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Thank you very much. I'm happy to still find people who enjoy it. :) ~Ana
Dear Anastasia ! I`d like to thank you for fanfic,it is really great! Would you mind my translating this fic into Russian?Be sure that I`ll show your authorship and any other additional information. With best wishes from
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Yes, please. :) Feel free to contact me at about it.Thanks,Ana
This is unbelievably powerful and poetic. The open endedness of the piece allowed my thoughts to race from conclusion to conclusion.Reading your response to a review posted by orm irian gave me a firmer foundation for my own understanding: "As for the return, that piece is set a few weeks later, indicates that Severus is with her and that she knows Dark Magic well enough to possibly control it, and, hopefully, turn it against Voldemort."I also noted in your reply to Southern_Witch_69 that you have an epic called "Of Debts and Debt Collection." That is now on my "to read" list!!! Right after "No Loyalty in the Moonlight" by Ariadne AWS... which is how I found my way to "Animated Night."Well done! Beth
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
I'm touched, thanks. :)I wrote Debts in the fall of '05, and it was my first written work. After completing it on in Feb 06, I worked with Ariadne on the rewrite effort, and we became best friends in real life in the process. We've also written some fics together as Anastadne. Debts has made its way through the fandom over the years. I hope when you find the time, you enjoy it (and let me know). :)Thanks,Ana
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
I'm touched, thanks. :)I wrote Debts in the fall of '05, and it was my first written work. After completing it on in Feb 06, I worked with Ariadne on the rewrite effort, and we became best friends in real life in the process. We've also written some fics together as Anastadne. Debts has made its way through the fandom over the years. I hope when you find the time, you enjoy it (and let me know). :)Thanks,Ana
An intense, vivid, captivating story. Wow.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Thank you so much. I'm happy that you enjoyed it. :)
Incredible imagery. Very powerful, but I found this story difficult to understand. Perhaps I'm just being dense... At first, I thought that she was tempted by the raw power of chaos and that Snape was evil (and encouraging her temptation), then he flies off with her to 'save' her from Malfoy. Then, the last scene reversed my perspective again. Is she hunting DEs? or Order members, or something else such as dementors, ravens... Ah well, I guess I am demostrating my lack of subtlety.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
You're not being dense, it's just a very open-ended story which allows the reader to make their own conclusions.
Some additional info from my perspective may help. Severus is far from innocent, but is not evil. Dark Magic here is not, in itself, good or evil, rather a force that could be controlled by either side (outside of canon, of course, since Rowling doesn't touch on it, it's my own creation here). The reputation of it, however, dictates that anyone drawn to it may fall into allure and move towards the darkness. This is where Severus comes in and lets Hermione know that he is aware of her studies.
I do hint at an attraction between the two, but not much. She is fairly lost at the time and so requires convincing that the best solution is to leave with him.
As for the return, that piece is set a few weeks later, indicates that Severus is with her and that she knows Dark Magic well enough to possibly control it, and, hopefully, turn it against Voldemort.
That's the wordy version and I hope it helped. :)Incrediblely intense. Wow.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Thank you so very much. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
This breathtaking one-shot ranks up there with the classics in the 'ship in terms of sheer force of language, and stands alone for its subtle thematic ambiguity. To achieve both effects simultaneously is an astonishing achievement. Brava. ~ Ari P.S. Read aloud, this fic is music.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Aww. You're too kind. *bows*
Thank you.
Here's hoping that someone gets to read this aloud somewhere. (wink wink nudge nudge)
Great. I've never seen this before, but I am quite happy that you've uploaded it here. The imagery is beautiful. I found myself enjoying this very much and look forward to anything else. Cheers.
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Thank you so much. I have a destructive streak in my work, so this is one long exercise in just how many ways glass can break or fire can burn. I have many grangersnape100 drabbles that may be coming your way as well as an epic called "Of Debts and Debt Collection."
Cheers, Anastasia
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
Excellent. I'm a fan of drabbles and have been trying to dabble myself. I'm a bit long winded, though, so it's hard for me to stop within the limits. :)
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Ooo, the reviewer can respond? Very nice. I found drabbles difficult to get into at first as well considering my first writing effort turned into a 41 chapter monster. It certainly forces you to choose valuable words and tightens your writing elsewhere quite a lot. I'd say it's a very worth-while exercise to try.
My first is in your queue. :)
Parts fo this were very difficult to follow. It is emotionally disturbing (well written in that aspect), but it is also ambiguous to a large degree.
Nicely written, engaging.
impressive piece of writing and very open to interpretation
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Thank you very much. Much appreciated. :)
Simply awesome! Your story contained such a great variety of poetic elements- lyric, dramatic, balletic and operatic, which just swept the reader up along with the action. I usually don't read a lot of descriptive prose, as it tends to bog me down, but this was just wonderfully powerful. Combine that with the openness of interpretation of all the elements in the tale, and I must say, you weave a fine tapestry that is a joy to behold! You must write professionally, if you don't already!
Response from Anastasia (Author of Animated Night)
Thank you so much. :) No, I'm not a professional writer by any means, but thank you for the lovely review!