New Chapter for Twins
hp4freek9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
While shopping in Muggle London, Severus makes a multitude of discoveries.
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About hp4freek
Member Since 2006 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 8 | 27 Reviews Written | 57 Review Responses
I'm 24, married, and a university student, studying architecture. My favorite ship is SS/HG, although I do have a DM/HG WIP.
Reviews for Twins
gods I am bawling here!!nasty thing hehe loved this chapter, those memorials were pretty hard to take. I would love to see HG have to face remus and the rest of the surviving order members, just who is left? Did I miss that part?
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Thank you!
Well, let's see. We know what Weasleys are left. We know about Remus and Severus (obviously). I don't think I've gone into any other specifics with the rest, but I shall be shortly.
Thanks again for the review!
Aww, thats sad. But really good. I loved it. Please update soon!~Sarah
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
I'm trying! I'm glad you're enjoying, though. Thanks for the review!
ohh I am completely loving this,ohh poor remus :( I do adore him and poor sev, taking it abit hard when she doesn't even know he loves her :D
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Oh, I adore Remus, too. I think that's why I really see him being that compassionate and hopeful. Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm glad you like it.
Man I almost started crying when she said she glamoured Tonks. And ahhhh cant wait for an update!
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Thanks. I'm not sure when I'm updating yet, though. I have about seven more to write before I send it on to my beta, then post it. I'm trying to keep the pace steady. Anyway, I'm glad you read (and reviewed!), and I'm really glad you're liking it.
Love it! I can't wait to see what comes next!
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Thanks! And thanks for reviewing, too.
I guess I should apologize most to you for the cliffie! I couldn't help it, but more is waiting to be approved.
Yes, how are you alive? O.o
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Does that mean that you like it (which I don't understand how it would mean that)? Or that I should be killed for this fic?
I'm intrigued.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Well, I'm glad. I'm posting more right now, so hopefully it will get approved soon. Thanks for reviewing.
KEEP GOING. please! i beg you! more! *puppy eyes!*
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
There's actually more on the way. I haven't finished it all yet, but I'm trying. I'm 90% sure I know where this is going. I'm glad you like it so much, though. Thanks for the review!!
this is very intense. have you dropped the story?
Response from hp4freek (Author of Twins)
Ah, I don't know. I'd like to think not, but I haven't honestly even thought about this story in a very long time.
I'll think about picking it back up. Thanks for the review none the less!