New Chapter for After the Awakening
After the Awakening
phoenix2 Reviews | 2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Irma Pince has a secret that she didn't know she was keeping. How does she react when Severus removes the charm that reveals that she really is Eileen Snape?
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for After the Awakening
So Dumbledore and Severus made Eileen into Irma? I was facinated by her internal struggle to come to grips with having two seperate lives, and was glad that it was a process for her. Quite realistic, imho.
Response from phoenix (Author of After the Awakening)
I really latched onto this theory after it was revealed that Severus' mom was Eileen Prince. Irma Pince just seemed close enough and her physical description similar enough to Severus's that it might be plausible. I really should go back through Beholden and work on the rest of this story as I had envisioned it. Thanks for reviewing.
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
It was revealed? I don't recall that. Is that canon or fandom?
Response from phoenix (Author of After the Awakening)
I don't know that Eileen Prince as Severus's mother was explicitly revealed, but it was heavily implied that Eileen was the Prince's mother based on her age. Actually checking a few sites, it does seem it is revelaed that Eileen was his mother and Tobias Snape his father. So Eileen as his mother would be canon. The idea that Eileen and Irma are the same is fandom. I saw a few others make that leap so I wasn't alone. :D
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Sorry, you're totally right. I was referring to the leap from Eileen (Prince) Snape to Irma Pince. But in case I didn't express it well, I did really enjoy this one.
I'm glad you finally got this one started, I've enjoyed Eileen/Irma so much in BtNM and I want to see more of her and her relationship with Severus and the others who are coming into her life now.I had wondered about her looks, she had to stay Irma Prince in her physical form to keep things at a status quo. There had already been so much upheaval for the students and staff that they may not have been ready to accept Irma as Eileen, after all she's still confused about it herself. Besides think of what turmoil would be caused once the Minitry and the Board of Governors found out.I've never really seen any personality in Irma Pince. Did Dumbledoor make her blah and colorless so she would be even less noticable?I do like Adrian, he's the perfect replacement for Albus. He has most of Albus's good qualities with out being manipulative, and he's not above indulging in a bit of matchmaking with Eileen/Irma. He is really what/who Severus' father should have been.
Response from phoenix (Author of After the Awakening)
Thank you. It's been a long time coming, and chapter seems to be quite stubborn, too. LOL I had hoped that posting this one would help the muses, but they went on extended vacation.
I think this will be a lot of fun to explore, to see how she accepts the change and to get some more backstory. I really need to read back through everything to figure out how to blend it all together smoothly. And I really do like Adrian. I think he will be different. Of course, he is not a war hero or one of the most powerful wizards in the world, so I think he has a different outlook on life. I think he is a good father figure, especially for poor Severus, who doesn't seem to have had a wonderful home life as a kid.