New Chapter for Snippets of Life
Snippets of Life
Juli_Min7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
This is a collection of 100-word drabbles, dedicated to the relationship of Severus and Hermione.
You shouldn?t be drinking or eating while you read this. Laughter can cause food/drink to go down the wrong pipe.
Read at your own risk!
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About Juli_Min
Member Since 2005 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 7 | 21 Reviews Written | 89 Review Responses
I was born in Berlin (Germany) on the 10th of January. I'm happily married to an American. My greatest passions are writing, reading and drawing pictures. I spend a lot of time on the computer (especially in winter) because I want to know everything and the internet is the best way to sate my hunger. I became addicted to Harry Potter when reading it to my young cousins.
Reviews for Snippets of Life
That was so good! HHaha. I especially love the MIrror, Mirror, and the Rage one!! Hahahaha. Keep writing!!
THAT was hilarious! I really enjoyed "Want;" it was absolutely hysterical! All the signs pointed to...You-Know-What and it turned out all she needed was chocolate pudding! I loved when she said, "You think I'm fat, don't you?" I could really imagine Hermione (well, a married and older Hermione, anyway) saying that.
The second one was very nice. Short, but nice...Poor Severus, he needs to go to therapy. :)
Third one...great. Loved it; especially when Sevy was talking to himself in the mirror; "Oh, don't we look good today? Yes, we certainly do all shiny and clean." Cracked me up...made me laugh. A lot.
All in all, I really enjoyed reading this. 4/5 stars. Well done!
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Snippets of Life)
Thank you! I'm really glad people enjoy them. I'm not someone who normally writes humor - so I'm more than happy that people find them funny.
*giggles* Hermione-Gollum was wonderful! I could see her, hunched over the book, caressing it with a maniacal gleam in her eyes and a sappy smile.
Slothy-Sevvy was fun as well. So Slytherin - and so typical male. *nods*
So, five drabbles it was, here are five word-carrots for the plot bunnies. And a cookie for the author. ^-^
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Snippets of Life)
The Hermione-obsessed-with-book one seems to be the favourite of most.The bunnies and the author thank you!
The "my precious" made me think of Gollum from the Lord of the Rings
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Snippets of Life)
That's where it is from. The obsessiveness of Gollum is just perfect for a story like this.Thanks for the review :)
I have much love for Mine!(Greed). I have a fondness for wacky-about-books!Hermione.
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Snippets of Life)
Me too. I love the 'I'm going to look it up in a book' Hermione. lol
ohhh *giggles* "My precioussss!"
Those were very good. I particularily liked Mine! and Rage. Poor Crookshanks, almost hexed into oblivion!
How was your vacation by the way?
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Snippets of Life)
I'm still on holiday, though the weather is quite rough at the moment and so I make full use of internet conection in our suite.I'm really glad that you liked them. They were rather fun to write. Sort of got all the plot bunnies out of my head so that I can concentrate on my WIP.Thanks for leaving the review. (I'll return the favor shortly :D Juli
great stuff! thanks so much
Response from Juli_Min (Author of Snippets of Life)
Thank you. I really enjoyed writing it.