New Chapter for The Art of Resolution
The Art of Resolution
debjunk4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Severus decides to set some New Year's resolutions. Will he be able to see them through without embarrassing himself?
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for The Art of Resolution
I absolutely loved this. A perfect Christmas story and very well written, thank you so much for writing and sharing.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Art of Resolution)
Aw gee thanks!
Thanks for the great story. Glad you are posting more.
Author's Response: Thank you!! It's kind of an ebb and flow thing. LOL
Good one, Deb!
Good one, Deb!
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it.