New Chapter for Family Tendencies
Family Tendencies
dracontia4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Once upon a time, a boy went to his grandfather’s funeral and came home with a magical toy. Four years later, something came of it. Sequel to ‘Our Cousin the Wizard,’ in the ‘A Credit to Their Houses’ universe.
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About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for Family Tendencies
Oh my gosh... this was just perfect. I love stories where Dudley has a magical child :D xx
Response from dracontia (Author of Family Tendencies)
I'm glad you enjoyed it--thanks for reviewing! (incidentally, Sam meets Al for the first time in 'Our Cousin the Wizard' and has a quick cameo in 'Blag, Blatch, Blurt-Snitchnip') Hope you had a Happy Christmas
Vernon Dursley must be rolling over in his grave... I love it! I would also enjoy seeing more adventures of Samford Dursley....
Response from dracontia (Author of Family Tendencies)
Thank you! I have an image of Sam as a Slytherin in the Slughorn mode--making friends and contacts, glad-handing his way into all the best Wizard places. I just haven't figured out how to work it into a story yet.
I bet old Vernon is spinning in his grave.
Response from dracontia (Author of Family Tendencies)
On that you can rely! (Hopefully he isn't causing too large a seismic disturbance near the cemetary!)Fortunately for Sam, he is free to become the social-climbing Slughorn for a new generation without familial disapproval. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
A Vernonquake! only you would think of that.
Response from dracontia (Author of Family Tendencies)
On that you can rely! (Hopefully he isn't causing too large a seismic disturbance near the cemetary!)Fortunately for Sam, he is free to become the social-climbing Slughorn for a new generation without familial disapproval. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
A Vernonquake! only you would think of that.
I love your Sam, and it really tickled me that he was the first Muggleborn in Slytherin. Hope to see more of Sam's and Al's adventures at Hogwarts!Beth
Response from dracontia (Author of Family Tendencies)
I'm glad you enjoyed Sam! He's had a cameo in 'Blag, Blatch, Blurt-Snitchnip,' as I haven't got to know him well enough to tell much besides the fact that he's a huge Quidditch fan. My thought at this point is that he is a specimen of the little-publicized but actually very common 'Social Slytherin--' a character that ranges from the amiable to the oily, but at all times and in all places excels at networking. His adventures may develop from there.